Donald Trump is a racist

I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.
I'll just keep hoping that more and more lefties admit this has gone too far. There are plenty of honest lefties out there, like the long time, committed Democrat in my sig.
boy, it makes one wonder. it's awful and they are horrible people in my book
I was very pleasantly surprised when people like Bill Maher, Don Lemon, Jonathan Chait, Jonathan Turley and Jerry Seinfeld showed some guts and said something.

Just hoping for the momentum to continue now.

Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.

they follow this Leftwing Medias and their party of Snakes lead in passing around their lies of how Trump was talking about all Mexicans, Hispanics, etc. and NOT the truth of the matter he was talking about: Illegal immigrants. it's shameful but it's for their PARTY so anything goes. they're out to DESTROY another person running for President, like they did with a woman candidate Sarah Palin and as we see, it's nasty as hell already
I think it's doing the opposite of what they want. Anyone who gangs up on Trump is looking like a mean-spirited jackass looking to ingratiate themselves with the public.
Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.

they follow this Leftwing Medias and their party of Snakes lead in passing around their lies of how Trump was talking about all Mexicans, Hispanics, etc. and NOT the truth of the matter he was talking about: Illegal immigrants. it's shameful but it's for their PARTY so anything goes. they're out to DESTROY another person running for President, like they did with a woman candidate Sarah Palin and as we see, it's nasty as hell already
I think it's doing the opposite of what they want. Anyone who gangs up on Trump is looking like a mean-spirited jackass looking to ingratiate themselves with the public.

Lets hope so. they kicked them out of Control of congress partly because they were sick of all their nastiness. let's hope it goes onto kicking that party out of Control over us all together in 2016
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

ok; what PART of that is "flat untrue"???

1. are there not murderers and rapists coming in illegally across our border AND
2. Are there not some good people also coming across our border (although they too are breaking our laws)????

so which part is "flatly untrue"???
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

Tell that to Katie Steinle's family.

Doesn't matter if most are 'good people'. They are entering this country illegally, pouring in, obama is doing (and will do) nothing to stop them. Spare me the 'but obama has deported more illegals' crap too, another obama lie, another obama fudging of numbers. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and neither R or D pols are serious about doing anything about it. Good for Trump for shouting about the problem.

I don't believe that Trump will get the nod or win or would even make a good president, but I am very glad he is speaking his mind, doesn't give a crap what the media says about him, that he calls the media out on their bullshit, that he is getting tongues wagging, that more people are paying attention, and that more people are also speaking their minds. I'm sick and tired of the 'quiet conservative' stance. No more.
Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.
The PC Police have very effectively run with this, though. When is the last time you heard the word "illegal" from them? They have completely combined illegals with legals in the national conversation, including (and especially) the press.

Yes, that's as nasty & dishonest as it gets, but look at the results.


Oh changing the verbiage has been a the left's MO and it has been effective. Of that there is no doubt.

What is pitiful is that so many on the right of center buy into the bullshit and end up getting caught saying "illegal immigrants" or "pro choice" instead of "illegal aliens" and "pro abortion".

When we do that they win.

How dare you call an undocumented worker an illegal alien. (snicker)

they are becoming more insane, shrill and desperate day by day. it's almost Scary. sheeesh
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

Tell that to Katie Steinle's family.

Doesn't matter if most are 'good people'. They are entering this country illegally, pouring in, obama is doing (and will do) nothing to stop them. Spare me the 'but obama has deported more illegals' crap too, another obama lie, another obama fudging of numbers. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and neither R or D pols are serious about doing anything about it. Good for Trump for shouting about the problem.

I don't believe that Trump will get the nod or win or would even make a good president, but I am very glad he is speaking his mind, doesn't give a crap what the media says about him, that he calls the media out on their bullshit, that he is getting tongues wagging, that more people are paying attention, and that more people are also speaking their minds. I'm sick and tired of the 'quiet conservative' stance. No more.

yep, they don't like Trump is bringing up something they want TO HIDE from the people. Time everyone opens their eyes to these SNAKE politicians who is SELLING US OUT
The Left's attitude; what they are saying about innocent Americans being killed in the street by illegals is "SO WHAT??? AMERICANS MURDER PEOPLE TOO!!"

I sure hope, or wish, you "good and tolerant" people would remind the families of loved ones murdered by illegals that there are many good illegals too; if they didnt already know that. I'm sure they find some comfort in that.

so just how MANY innocent Americans butchered by people not even supposed to be here in the first place is acceptable to you left-wing idiots, so you can still feed your desperate need to feel "inclusive" and "compassionate"?????

(ooops i forgot; it never really was and still isnt about being compassionate for the Party leaders in the Jackass Party. it's about VOTES) INNOCENT AMERICANS CAN GO STRAIGHT TO HELL as far as the Pandercrat Party is concerned
Go Trump. America is behind you


Trump to Anderson Cooper During Interview: "The People Don't Trust You And The Media"

In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper that was broadcasted tonight Republican candidate for president Donald Trump berated the reporter for continuing to address polls that shed him in a negative light instead of polls showing his upper-tier status.

"I am leading across the board," Trump said in the interview. "And then you hit me with this poll that I didn't see before, where oh, gee, it's not even that kind of a poll. All i know is I have a very big group of support. And I think one of the reasons."

"Let me tell you. The people don't trust you and the people don't trust the media. And I understand why," Trump lectured Cooper.

Trump also said the American dream is "dead," but he will revive it and "make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before."

"You know I tell the story, the American dream -- I talk about the American dream in speeches," Ttump said. "The American dream is dead but I'm going to make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before. The American dream is dead. But i'm going to make it bigger, stronger. Right. And I go 'boom!' and I do it with great bravado and the audience goes crazy. "

Trump to Anderson Cooper During Interview The People Don t Trust You And The Media Video RealClearPolitics

Anderson Cooper is evil incarnate. He is a shill for the CFR, run by the political and corporate elites. He used to brain wash young kids in High Schools and Junior High on Channel One news, so of course they lap up the shit they see him do. Disgusting. It's propaganda of the corporatocracy.

I saw that interview that Trump did in that same location with their other journalist that he tore apart. The MSM corporate shills didn't even dignify him with a real reporter, and they are now sorry about that. Now they gave him Anderson Cooper, who, to be fair, is one of the most trusted TV news journalists in the nation. Why? Because he has brainwashed so many since they have been in school.

So I had to go to the full interview and SEE the comments and likes. I wanted to know how a head to head interview was viewed by the population. This is a pretty good bell weather of how the debates will be. TRUMP VS. THE ESTABLISHMENT.

Though, to be fair, don't expect them to give him as much time and leeway to let him explain himself and his positions.

But, given the reaction of YouTube viewers, he did well with America. The real question is, where is Hillary? Where is Jeb? Would they ever get so critical of an interview? Fat chance. IOW, your corporate masters have an agenda. Can you think for yourselves?

(This video has cut out Cooper's propaganda clips and commentary. It's just Trump's answers.)

As far as the interview goes, I found the religious part VERY telling. His arrogance was scary. He just doesn't believe that he has any flaws or sins. These are classic signs of a megalomaniac. OTH, I think ALL of the people that get to the point that they are running for president feel the same way. So what is the difference? Trump is so frigging honest. I've noticed that about him. He has a very hard time censoring his thoughts. He just doesn't lie. All the other politicians, well, they tell the voters what they want to hear.

Any person that gets up there and says. . . "I don't sin." Well shit, that takes some serious balls. Apparently he doesn't know that pride is one of the deadly sins. lol Arrogant prick. But then, I suppose that is the type of guy you need to go mano a mano with the likes of Putin and Xi Jinping.

I will say one thing, Anderson got off looking like much less of a fool than that last shill Katy Tur.
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

ok; what PART of that is "flat untrue"???

1. are there not murderers and rapists coming in illegally across our border AND
2. Are there not some good people also coming across our border (although they too are breaking our laws)????

so which part is "flatly untrue"???

That they are murderers and rapists. That is flatly untrue.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data

There is no hard evidence (just lots of blogger opinions) that illegal aliens have any higher rate of violent crime than any other group.
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

Tell that to Katie Steinle's family.

Doesn't matter if most are 'good people'. They are entering this country illegally, pouring in, obama is doing (and will do) nothing to stop them. Spare me the 'but obama has deported more illegals' crap too, another obama lie, another obama fudging of numbers. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and neither R or D pols are serious about doing anything about it. Good for Trump for shouting about the problem.

I don't believe that Trump will get the nod or win or would even make a good president, but I am very glad he is speaking his mind, doesn't give a crap what the media says about him, that he calls the media out on their bullshit, that he is getting tongues wagging, that more people are paying attention, and that more people are also speaking their minds. I'm sick and tired of the 'quiet conservative' stance. No more.
Hey....Obama wouldn't lie.....he said that veterans only have to wait a few days for treatment now.....yak...yak...yak.

We can trust him.
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

Tell that to Katie Steinle's family.

Doesn't matter if most are 'good people'. They are entering this country illegally, pouring in, obama is doing (and will do) nothing to stop them. Spare me the 'but obama has deported more illegals' crap too, another obama lie, another obama fudging of numbers. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and neither R or D pols are serious about doing anything about it. Good for Trump for shouting about the problem.

I don't believe that Trump will get the nod or win or would even make a good president, but I am very glad he is speaking his mind, doesn't give a crap what the media says about him, that he calls the media out on their bullshit, that he is getting tongues wagging, that more people are paying attention, and that more people are also speaking their minds. I'm sick and tired of the 'quiet conservative' stance. No more.

As I said, he is appealing to the emotions without reference to actual facts. You are aware that the vast majority of murderers are male? That then must mean all men are murderers (though some may be good people).
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

Tell that to Katie Steinle's family.

Doesn't matter if most are 'good people'. They are entering this country illegally, pouring in, obama is doing (and will do) nothing to stop them. Spare me the 'but obama has deported more illegals' crap too, another obama lie, another obama fudging of numbers. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and neither R or D pols are serious about doing anything about it. Good for Trump for shouting about the problem.

I don't believe that Trump will get the nod or win or would even make a good president, but I am very glad he is speaking his mind, doesn't give a crap what the media says about him, that he calls the media out on their bullshit, that he is getting tongues wagging, that more people are paying attention, and that more people are also speaking their minds. I'm sick and tired of the 'quiet conservative' stance. No more.
The attraction to Trump, even though he is a progressive, is he is talking about the problem of open borders...of course the establishment loves open borders, so naturally they are attacking him. Many non-progressives are welling to overlook Trump's progressive views, because he is hitting on issues they are concerned about.

Progressives, being the hypocrites they are, hate Trump merely because he is an R.
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

Tell that to Katie Steinle's family.

Doesn't matter if most are 'good people'. They are entering this country illegally, pouring in, obama is doing (and will do) nothing to stop them. Spare me the 'but obama has deported more illegals' crap too, another obama lie, another obama fudging of numbers. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and neither R or D pols are serious about doing anything about it. Good for Trump for shouting about the problem.

I don't believe that Trump will get the nod or win or would even make a good president, but I am very glad he is speaking his mind, doesn't give a crap what the media says about him, that he calls the media out on their bullshit, that he is getting tongues wagging, that more people are paying attention, and that more people are also speaking their minds. I'm sick and tired of the 'quiet conservative' stance. No more.

As I said, he is appealing to the emotions without reference to actual facts. You are aware that the vast majority of murderers are male? That then must mean all men are murderers (though some may be good people).
When did Trump say ALL Mexicans are murderers?
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

ok; what PART of that is "flat untrue"???

1. are there not murderers and rapists coming in illegally across our border AND
2. Are there not some good people also coming across our border (although they too are breaking our laws)????

so which part is "flatly untrue"???

That they are murderers and rapists. That is flatly untrue.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data

There is no hard evidence (just lots of blogger opinions) that illegal aliens have any higher rate of violent crime than any other group.

trumps comments didnt compare illegals to legals you idiot
he said there are murderers and rapists coming here illegally and there are

try again
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

Tell that to Katie Steinle's family.

Doesn't matter if most are 'good people'. They are entering this country illegally, pouring in, obama is doing (and will do) nothing to stop them. Spare me the 'but obama has deported more illegals' crap too, another obama lie, another obama fudging of numbers. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and neither R or D pols are serious about doing anything about it. Good for Trump for shouting about the problem.

I don't believe that Trump will get the nod or win or would even make a good president, but I am very glad he is speaking his mind, doesn't give a crap what the media says about him, that he calls the media out on their bullshit, that he is getting tongues wagging, that more people are paying attention, and that more people are also speaking their minds. I'm sick and tired of the 'quiet conservative' stance. No more.
The attraction to Trump, even though he is a progressive, is he is talking about the problem of open borders...of course the establishment loves open borders, so naturally they are attacking him. Many non-progressives are welling to overlook Trump's progressive views, because he is hitting on issues they are concerned about.

Progressives, being the hypocrites they are, hate Trump merely because he is an R.

yep, and he must be Destroyed because of it. they don't want the people to see they are SELLING US OUT right in front of our eyes and using our monies to do at the same time.

it's time to wake up and quick. If it's not too late already

go Trump
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.

Yes. Really. It is easy enough to bring up the issue of illegals coming across the border without the statement that they are murderers and rapists and maybe some of them are good people. That claim is flat untrue, and I doubt he is not aware of it. Instead, he went for the emotional appeal to get the attention. He isn't putting attention on the issue, he is putting the attention on him. He has no solutions and doesn't even try to begin a conversation of dealing with the actual problem.

This is not a political tactic. This is just about getting the lights on him. Nothing more than that.

Tell that to Katie Steinle's family.

Doesn't matter if most are 'good people'. They are entering this country illegally, pouring in, obama is doing (and will do) nothing to stop them. Spare me the 'but obama has deported more illegals' crap too, another obama lie, another obama fudging of numbers. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and neither R or D pols are serious about doing anything about it. Good for Trump for shouting about the problem.

I don't believe that Trump will get the nod or win or would even make a good president, but I am very glad he is speaking his mind, doesn't give a crap what the media says about him, that he calls the media out on their bullshit, that he is getting tongues wagging, that more people are paying attention, and that more people are also speaking their minds. I'm sick and tired of the 'quiet conservative' stance. No more.

As I said, he is appealing to the emotions without reference to actual facts. You are aware that the vast majority of murderers are male? That then must mean all men are murderers (though some may be good people).

trump didnt say "all" anybodyy or anything. you did

the trouble with you smug, arrogant idiots is that your arguments fall apart upon scrutiny, and left-wingers talking points and demonization of others falls apart if they cant dictate the narrative FALSELY
A Border Patrol union in Laredo, Texas, will no longer meet with Donald Trump during his Thursday visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a statement from the union released on Thursday morning. "After careful consideration of all the factors ... (TPM)

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