Donald Trump is a racist


Jul 14, 2015
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.
I don't know if he is actually a racist but he is trying to gather the support of racists in a calculated strategy to be president. Being a racist is bad, trying to make it a legitimate national political position is far worse.
Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.
The PC Police have very effectively run with this, though. When is the last time you heard the word "illegal" from them? They have completely combined illegals with legals in the national conversation, including (and especially) the press.

Yes, that's as nasty & dishonest as it gets, but look at the results.

I don't know if he is actually a racist but he is trying to gather the support of racists in a calculated strategy to be president. Being a racist is bad, trying to make it a legitimate national political position is far worse.

Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.

If in a very twisted left wing world a white man who is disparaging of illegal alien caucasian CRIMINALS is now labelled a racist, it shows how really fucked up the left is.

well why don't you call your Government to have him locked up FOR expressing his first Amendment rights? Here we go again with Everyone and everything said: IS RACIST racist racist.
wow these people are getting damn scary
In the "mind" of a leftist....anyone who criticizes the invasion from the south, is a racist.

Their way of trying to silence dissent and limit freedom of speech.
Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.
The PC Police have very effectively run with this, though. When is the last time you heard the word "illegal" from them? They have completely combined illegals with legals in the national conversation, including (and especially) the press.

Yes, that's as nasty & dishonest as it gets, but look at the results.


Oh changing the verbiage has been a the left's MO and it has been effective. Of that there is no doubt.

What is pitiful is that so many on the right of center buy into the bullshit and end up getting caught saying "illegal immigrants" or "pro choice" instead of "illegal aliens" and "pro abortion".

When we do that they win.
Go Trump. America is behind you


Trump to Anderson Cooper During Interview: "The People Don't Trust You And The Media"

In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper that was broadcasted tonight Republican candidate for president Donald Trump berated the reporter for continuing to address polls that shed him in a negative light instead of polls showing his upper-tier status.

"I am leading across the board," Trump said in the interview. "And then you hit me with this poll that I didn't see before, where oh, gee, it's not even that kind of a poll. All i know is I have a very big group of support. And I think one of the reasons."

"Let me tell you. The people don't trust you and the people don't trust the media. And I understand why," Trump lectured Cooper.

Trump also said the American dream is "dead," but he will revive it and "make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before."

"You know I tell the story, the American dream -- I talk about the American dream in speeches," Ttump said. "The American dream is dead but I'm going to make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before. The American dream is dead. But i'm going to make it bigger, stronger. Right. And I go 'boom!' and I do it with great bravado and the audience goes crazy. "

Trump to Anderson Cooper During Interview The People Don t Trust You And The Media Video RealClearPolitics
Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.

Of course it is. The threads bullshit and the op knows it.

Anyone who isn't a PC POS is a racist.

Thought you knew that. LMAO.
I don't know if he is actually a racist but he is trying to gather the support of racists in a calculated strategy to be president. Being a racist is bad, trying to make it a legitimate national political position is far worse.

Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.

If in a very twisted left wing world a white man who is disparaging of illegal alien caucasian CRIMINALS is now labelled a racist, it shows how really fucked up the left is.

What's fucked up is your shitty rationalization for being a hateful xenophobic jackass. What Trump is doing is a timeworn political strategy called "the enemy within" that has served to empower some of the worst leaders in history. It's not going to be successful but it is shameful that it is getting this much traction in the United states of America.
Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.
I'm half Hispanic and I "identify" as A Dad.



I was reading this one OP at CNN and the author of the piece was in a full metal jacket meltdown that most Latinos and Hispanics identify as white.

The poor man was just having a complete breakdown over it. Literally bemoaning the fact that if they continue to identify as white they couldn't be considered a race.

Too funny.
Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.
I'm half Hispanic and I "identify" as A Dad.



I was reading this one OP at CNN and the author of the piece was in a full metal jacket meltdown that most Latinos and Hispanics identify as white.

The poor man was just having a complete breakdown over it. Literally bemoaning the fact that if they continue to identify as white they couldn't be considered a race.

Too funny.
Identity Politics. What a shame.

In the "mind" of a leftist....anyone who criticizes the invasion from the south, is a racist.

Their way of trying to silence dissent and limit freedom of speech.

yep, they have that down to a science. It's time people Stood up to them
I don't know if he is actually a racist but he is trying to gather the support of racists in a calculated strategy to be president. Being a racist is bad, trying to make it a legitimate national political position is far worse.

Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.

If in a very twisted left wing world a white man who is disparaging of illegal alien caucasian CRIMINALS is now labelled a racist, it shows how really fucked up the left is.

What's fucked up is your shitty rationalization for being a hateful xenophobic jackass. What Trump is doing is a timeworn political strategy called "the enemy within" that has served to empower some of the worst leaders in history. It's not going to be successful but it is shameful that it is getting this much traction in the United states of America.

Let me put this as nicely as I can this morning.

Are you fucking out of your mind? You have an illegal alien issue of epic proportions.

It has to be discussed and discussed honestly. No more pussy footing around.
I don't know if he is actually a racist but he is trying to gather the support of racists in a calculated strategy to be president. Being a racist is bad, trying to make it a legitimate national political position is far worse.

Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.

If in a very twisted left wing world a white man who is disparaging of illegal alien caucasian CRIMINALS is now labelled a racist, it shows how really fucked up the left is.

What's fucked up is your shitty rationalization for being a hateful xenophobic jackass. What Trump is doing is a timeworn political strategy called "the enemy within" that has served to empower some of the worst leaders in history. It's not going to be successful but it is shameful that it is getting this much traction in the United states of America.

Let me put this as nicely as I can this morning.

Are you fucking out of your mind? You have an illegal alien issue of epic proportions.

It has to be discussed and discussed honestly. No more pussy footing around.
Fine, discuss all you want, but when you start using the language of fascism then expect to be called bad names.
Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.
The PC Police have very effectively run with this, though. When is the last time you heard the word "illegal" from them? They have completely combined illegals with legals in the national conversation, including (and especially) the press.

Yes, that's as nasty & dishonest as it gets, but look at the results.


Oh changing the verbiage has been a the left's MO and it has been effective. Of that there is no doubt.

What is pitiful is that so many on the right of center buy into the bullshit and end up getting caught saying "illegal immigrants" or "pro choice" instead of "illegal aliens" and "pro abortion".

When we do that they win.

How dare you call an undocumented worker an illegal alien. (snicker)

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