Donald Trump is a racist

I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.
I don't know if he is actually a racist but he is trying to gather the support of racists in a calculated strategy to be president. Being a racist is bad, trying to make it a legitimate national political position is far worse.

Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.

If in a very twisted left wing world a white man who is disparaging of illegal alien caucasian CRIMINALS is now labelled a racist, it shows how really fucked up the left is.

What's fucked up is your shitty rationalization for being a hateful xenophobic jackass. What Trump is doing is a timeworn political strategy called "the enemy within" that has served to empower some of the worst leaders in history. It's not going to be successful but it is shameful that it is getting this much traction in the United states of America.

Let me put this as nicely as I can this morning.

Are you fucking out of your mind? You have an illegal alien issue of epic proportions.

It has to be discussed and discussed honestly. No more pussy footing around.
Fine, discuss all you want, but when you start using the language of fascism then expect to be called bad names.

Holy toledo!

To point out that illegal aliens commit crimes or are criminals is now fascist?
I don't know if he is actually a racist but he is trying to gather the support of racists in a calculated strategy to be president. Being a racist is bad, trying to make it a legitimate national political position is far worse.

Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.

If in a very twisted left wing world a white man who is disparaging of illegal alien caucasian CRIMINALS is now labelled a racist, it shows how really fucked up the left is.

What's fucked up is your shitty rationalization for being a hateful xenophobic jackass. What Trump is doing is a timeworn political strategy called "the enemy within" that has served to empower some of the worst leaders in history. It's not going to be successful but it is shameful that it is getting this much traction in the United states of America.

Let me put this as nicely as I can this morning.

Are you fucking out of your mind? You have an illegal alien issue of epic proportions.

It has to be discussed and discussed honestly. No more pussy footing around.
Fine, discuss all you want, but when you start using the language of fascism then expect to be called bad names.

Holy toledo!

To point out that illegal aliens commit crimes or are criminals is now fascist?

that spew came from an Occupier (Ows) who went and took over other people's properties and turned our parks into Garbage dumps. then goes around saying Trump is trying to appeal to Racist in the country. They have some nerve
I don't know if he is actually a racist but he is trying to gather the support of racists in a calculated strategy to be president. Being a racist is bad, trying to make it a legitimate national political position is far worse.

Hispanics and Latinos are caucasian. Most identify as caucasian.

If in a very twisted left wing world a white man who is disparaging of illegal alien caucasian CRIMINALS is now labelled a racist, it shows how really fucked up the left is.

What's fucked up is your shitty rationalization for being a hateful xenophobic jackass. What Trump is doing is a timeworn political strategy called "the enemy within" that has served to empower some of the worst leaders in history. It's not going to be successful but it is shameful that it is getting this much traction in the United states of America.

Let me put this as nicely as I can this morning.

Are you fucking out of your mind? You have an illegal alien issue of epic proportions.

It has to be discussed and discussed honestly. No more pussy footing around.
Fine, discuss all you want, but when you start using the language of fascism then expect to be called bad names.

Holy toledo!

To point out that illegal aliens commit crimes or are criminals is now fascist?
Perhaps you are unaware of the history of the "enemy within" tactic. That's understandable since it is meant to gather the support of uneducated, unsophisticated, fearful people full of unfocused rage. Nothing good ever came of it yet power seekers keep using it because it's easy and it is usually a lie to get people like you to line up to trade their freedom for an illusory safety. You people would gladly allow any number of American doors kicked in just to get rid of the guy who cuts your grass.
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.

What he is is a demagogue. I'm not even sure that applies because it implies he actually is seeking political office.


It seems to me that in raising the issue of illegal immigration he is standing up to the demagogues, ie those that you the Race Card to stop US from honestly and rationally discussing the problem.

NOw, the political firestorm this speaking truth to power has set off is certainly getting him a lot of attention.

But as political tactics go, this is far healthier than the normal debate on the issue.
You people would gladly allow any number of American doors kicked in just to get rid of the guy who cuts your grass.
And there it is: "You're a racist".

Hopefully we'll see the end of this nasty and dishonest PC tactic before long.

More of a fascist, all this talk of militarizing the border and making immigration enforcement far more strict and brutal is fraught with unintended consequences. They didn't learn in the aftermath of 9/11 that the government treating anything like a state of emergency is dangerous. How do you like our domestic spy network?
You people would gladly allow any number of American doors kicked in just to get rid of the guy who cuts your grass.
And there it is: "You're a racist".

Hopefully we'll see the end of this nasty and dishonest PC tactic before long.

More of a fascist, all this talk of militarizing the border and making immigration enforcement far more strict and brutal is fraught with unintended consequences. They didn't learn in the aftermath of 9/11 that the government treating anything like a state of emergency is dangerous. How do you like our domestic spy network?
Another great example, thanks, keep 'em coming.

You people would gladly allow any number of American doors kicked in just to get rid of the guy who cuts your grass.
And there it is: "You're a racist".

Hopefully we'll see the end of this nasty and dishonest PC tactic before long.

More of a fascist, all this talk of militarizing the border and making immigration enforcement far more strict and brutal is fraught with unintended consequences. They didn't learn in the aftermath of 9/11 that the government treating anything like a state of emergency is dangerous. How do you like our domestic spy network?

You are one funny motherfucker.

We are overrun with illegals and all you can talk about is facism and PC bullshit.

Mayby you should go occupy Wall Street again.
You people would gladly allow any number of American doors kicked in just to get rid of the guy who cuts your grass.
And there it is: "You're a racist".

Hopefully we'll see the end of this nasty and dishonest PC tactic before long.

More of a fascist, all this talk of militarizing the border and making immigration enforcement far more strict and brutal is fraught with unintended consequences. They didn't learn in the aftermath of 9/11 that the government treating anything like a state of emergency is dangerous. How do you like our domestic spy network?

You are one funny motherfucker.

We are overrun with illegals and all you can talk about is facism and bullshit.

Mayby you should go occupy Wall Street again.
So now, in their minds, if you are against illegal immigration you are a racist AND a fascist.

Seriously, I think they can't help themselves at this point. It's like breathing for them.

More of a fascist, all this talk of militarizing the border and making immigration enforcement far more strict and brutal is fraught with unintended consequences. They didn't learn in the aftermath of 9/11 that the government treating anything like a state of emergency is dangerous. How do you like our domestic spy network?

That, combined with ending sanctuary cities, jailing AND fining the crap out of those who employ illegals, will have illegals fleeing here and also stop them from coming in the first place.

And the problem with is . . . . ?
You people would gladly allow any number of American doors kicked in just to get rid of the guy who cuts your grass.
And there it is: "You're a racist".

Hopefully we'll see the end of this nasty and dishonest PC tactic before long.

More of a fascist, all this talk of militarizing the border and making immigration enforcement far more strict and brutal is fraught with unintended consequences. They didn't learn in the aftermath of 9/11 that the government treating anything like a state of emergency is dangerous. How do you like our domestic spy network?

You are one funny motherfucker.

We are overrun with illegals and all you can talk about is facism and bullshit.

Mayby you should go occupy Wall Street again.
So now, in their minds, if you are against illegal immigration you are a racist AND a fascist.

Seriously, I think they can't help themselves at this point.


Yup. You can't fix stupid.
I'm no fan of Trump, but I have to admit he's the GOP candidate most likely to get back in the face of the PC Police and tell them to shove their bullshit, nice and loud.

That would be fun to watch, big time.

Like your p.c. bullshit you gave HIM for his McCain comments?

Hypocrisy should be your actual user handle.
I think he's not just a populist, he's a racist. You can not say these things about hispanics or Mexicans, that is discriminatory.
Obama is a racist.

He seems to hate Jews and white people all the while he smiles in their face and tells them things he thinks they want to hear. But behind their backs he was thinking this:

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets....." - Barack Obama from Dreams of my Father
Dreams from My Father A Story of Race and Inheritance - Barack Obama - Google Books

Obama later spoke of feeling alienated by society....and how he and his friends would stand in the hallways smoking and grounding out their cigarettes in the carpet while blasting their music so loudly that the halls shook.

He was a hateful SOB back then and is a hateful SOB today, using his power as president to exact revenge on white America.
Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.

they follow this Leftwing Medias and their party of Snakes lead in passing around their lies of how Trump was talking about all Mexicans, Hispanics, etc. and NOT the truth of the matter he was talking about: Illegal immigrants. it's shameful but it's for their PARTY so anything goes. they're out to DESTROY another person running for President, like they did with a woman candidate Sarah Palin and as we see, it's nasty as hell already
Trump has been discussing the issue of illegal aliens who commit crimes in America.

Get a grip. Your OP is a flat out lie.

they follow this Leftwing Medias and their party of Snakes lead in passing around their lies of how Trump was talking about all Mexicans, Hispanics, etc. and NOT the truth of the matter he was talking about: Illegal immigrants. it's shameful but it's for their PARTY so anything goes. they're out to DESTROY another person running for President, like they did with a woman candidate Sarah Palin and as we see, it's nasty as hell already

sniff, sniff . . . . smells like leftist desperation.
I'll just keep hoping that more and more lefties admit this has gone too far.

There are plenty of honest lefties out there, like the long time, committed Democrat in my sig.


boy, it makes one wonder. it's awful and they are horrible people in my book

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