Donald lies again...Says he did not ask McGahn to fire Mueller


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans

So McGahn goes before Mueller and answered truthfully that Donald asked him to fire Mueller.

That's called obstruction of justice.

Donald is cherry-picking from the report, like it's some sort of buffet where he can say what's true and what's not.

Trump Says He Never Asked McGahn to Fire Mueller
President’s tweet directly contradicts account in special counsel report

Trump Says He Never Asked McGahn to Fire Mueller


He probably did ask him but how do you know for sure?
You are just as pathetic as he is.

So McGahn goes before Mueller and answered truthfully that Donald asked him to fire Mueller.

That's called obstruction of justice.

Donald is cherry-picking from the report, like it's some sort of buffet where he can say what's true and what's not.

Trump Says He Never Asked McGahn to Fire Mueller
President’s tweet directly contradicts account in special counsel report

Trump Says He Never Asked McGahn to Fire Mueller


Trump asked if he could fire Mueller not would he...big difference dummy...and Mueller finished his witch hunt so nothing was obstructed...
He probably did ask him but how do you know for sure?
You are just as pathetic as he is.

It's in the Mueller report & McGahn testified under oath.

So, either McGahn is lying, or Trump is lying; can't be both telling the truth.

Considering McGahn's history & considering Trump's history Vegas odds are Trump is lying his ass off. :21:

If you believe a goddamn word oozing outta Trump's BigMac pie hole then you are just as pathetic as Trump is.
Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 158)

"The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests.

"Comey did not end the investigation of Flynn, which ultimately resulted in Flynn’s prosecution and conviction for lying to the FBI. McGahn did not tell the Acting Attorney General that the Special Counsel must be removed, but was instead prepared to resign over the President’s order.

"Lewandowski and Dearborn did not deliver the President’s message to Sessions that he should confine the Russia investigation to future election meddling only.

"And McGahn refused to recede from his recollections about events surrounding the President’s direction to have the Special Counsel removed, despite the President’s multiple demands that he do so.

"Consistent with that pattern, the evidence we obtained would not support potential obstruction charges against the President’s aides and associates beyond those already filed."
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He probably did ask him but how do you know for sure?
You are just as pathetic as he is.

Sorry you are so affronted by objective information.

It's not about what I think, it's about what McGahn told Mueller under fucking oath, you stupid dolt.
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So McGahn goes before Mueller and answered truthfully that Donald asked him to fire Mueller.

That's called obstruction of justice.

Donald is cherry-picking from the report, like it's some sort of buffet where he can say what's true and what's not.

Trump Says He Never Asked McGahn to Fire Mueller
President’s tweet directly contradicts account in special counsel report

Trump Says He Never Asked McGahn to Fire Mueller


Trump asked if he could fire Mueller not would he...big difference dummy...and Mueller finished his witch hunt so nothing was obstructed...

BUT Mueller would not exonerate Trump.

Let's keep to the obvious facts.

Don McGahn protected Trump by purposefully not following his orders.

If McGahn had done as Trump wished, then Mueller would have found obstruction.

Are you gettin' it yet?
Sorry you are so affronted by objective information.

It's not about what I think, it's about what McGahn told Mueller under fucking oath, you stupid dolt.
And what did he tell Mueller?????????

Directly from the report:

""""The President's reaction to the continuing Russia investigation. In February 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions began to assess whether he had to recuse himself from campaign related investigations because of his role in the Trump Campaign . In early March, the President told White House Counsel Donald McGahn to stop Sessions from recusing. And after Sessions announced his recusal on March 2, the President expressed anger at the decision and told advisors that he should have an Attorney General who would protect him. """

Page 4

"""On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction , however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre. """"

Any other questions, idiot??????
Run, boy, run!!! LOL
Sorry you are so affronted by objective information.

It's not about what I think, it's about what McGahn told Mueller under fucking oath, you stupid dolt.
And what did he tell Mueller?????????

Directly from the report:

""""The President's reaction to the continuing Russia investigation. In February 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions began to assess whether he had to recuse himself from campaign related investigations because of his role in the Trump Campaign . In early March, the President told White House Counsel Donald McGahn to stop Sessions from recusing. And after Sessions announced his recusal on March 2, the President expressed anger at the decision and told advisors that he should have an Attorney General who would protect him. """

Page 4

"""On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction , however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre. """"

Any other questions, idiot??????
Run, boy, run!!! LOL
did Mueller finish his investigation?....yes he did so nothing was obstructed besides your education....
If McGahn had done as Trump wished, then Mueller would have found obstruction
It was McGahn's job to advise the president...he did...and Mueller was not fired and Sessions never have a big nothing burger again....don't you miss meat?.....
Yep, lawyers disobey their clients all the time....especially since SUVs turned Mars into a global warming zone. Mueller's hacks can claim anything they privilege is even more in play here than executive privilege.....either will suffice to see that Nadler never gets McGahn in front of him....nothing but harassment of a President they can't defeat at the ballot box.

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