Does WH Leak Classified Info?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Is it possible that the Obama White House leaks classified information to make the President appear competent, even 'tough'?

1. "Mr Obama yesterday labelled the allegations "offensive"."
Obama blasts top secret leaks |

2. "Insiders are denouncing reports in the U.S. press about military strategy on Iran—and pointing the finger at Washington. ...claiming that Israel had been granted secret access to airbases in Azerbaijan near Iran’s northern border. The piece was sourced to senior U.S. diplomats and military-intelligence officers." Israel Blames U.S. for Media Reports About Iran Strategy - The Daily Beast

Fits the agenda of keeping Israel from attacking Iran...

3. "Scott Shane and Eric Schmitt in The New York Times dig deeper into yesterday's news of a new would-be Al Qaeda underwear bomber, "dispatched by the Yemen branch of Al Qaeda last month to blow up a United States-bound airliner." He was a double agent for the CIA who infiltrated Al Qaeda, and "volunteered for the suicide mission." He also provided intelligence that led to Sunday's drone strike killing a USS Cole bombing suspect. "
Underwear Bomber 2.0 was CIA double agent - Boing Boing

a. BTW...Obama had nothing to do with the success: "Latest underwear bomber had nothing to do with CIA, no US double agent, invented for Obama PR-UK Guardian

"Mustafa Alani of the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai told CNN that the bomber had been recruited by the Saudis to penetrate al-Qaida about a year ago, in part because the group would be attracted by the fact that his UK passport meant he could travel to the US without a visa."
Doing Advance Work: Latest underwear bomber had nothing to do with CIA, no US double agent, invented for Obama PR-UK Guardian

4. "GOP Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, expressed concern Wednesday about the extent of the Obama administration’s efforts to protect the Pakistan doctor who was sent to prison in Pakistan for treason after helping to find Usama bin Laden....what, if anything, the administration may have done to get the doctor out of Pakistan or otherwise protect him. "I'm focused on that they disclosed his identity."
GOP Rep. King says Obama officials disclosed identity of jailed Pakistani doctor | Fox News

Ya' think Obama would throw the Doc under the bus???

5."... the Obama administration’s manipulative game-playing with its secrecy the very same time they insist to federal courts that these programs are too secret even to confirm or deny their existence (thereby shielding them from judicial review or basic disclosure), they run around publicly boasting about their actions. Just over the past month alone, they have done precisely this by leaking key details about Obama’s commanding role in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, drone attacks that have killed allegedly key Al Qaeda figures, sophisticated cyber-attacks on Iran’s nuclear program, and the selection of targets for Obama “kill list”: all programs that are classified and which the White House has insisted cannot be subjected to judicial review or any form of public scrutiny."
Glenn Greenwald -

6. "The Obama administration arranged for Hollywood filmmakers to have special access to government officials involved in the commando operation that killed Osama bin Laden, it has been revealed....The film project, titled Zero Dark Thirty about the May 2011 raid on bin Laden's compound in Pakistan, became a focus of controversy last year when it was reported that its release date was weeks before the November 6 election - timed to boost President Obama's image to voters."
Obama administration leaked classified information to filmmakers on Osama bin Laden raid | Mail Online

Telling that all the leaks seem to work toward Obama's benefit...puff up his creds....just happen to occur during his re-election campaign.

Obama is offended by the suggestion that he is behind the leaks.

And I'm Claude-Rains-shocked!
Wish the Republicans would push for a Special Prosecutor... this what you Obama voters thought we'd get?

I'm sure there are some having a "What have I done?" moment.
We don't know who is leaking this stuff so I won't accuse the Whitehouse that said this is major stuff getting leaked that only high ranking people would or should know about so it does make you wonder.
Is it possible that the Obama White House leaks classified information to make the President appear competent, even 'tough'?

1. "Mr Obama yesterday labelled the allegations "offensive"."
Obama blasts top secret leaks |

2. "Insiders are denouncing reports in the U.S. press about military strategy on Iran—and pointing the finger at Washington. ...claiming that Israel had been granted secret access to airbases in Azerbaijan near Iran’s northern border. The piece was sourced to senior U.S. diplomats and military-intelligence officers." Israel Blames U.S. for Media Reports About Iran Strategy - The Daily Beast

Fits the agenda of keeping Israel from attacking Iran...

3. "Scott Shane and Eric Schmitt in The New York Times dig deeper into yesterday's news of a new would-be Al Qaeda underwear bomber, "dispatched by the Yemen branch of Al Qaeda last month to blow up a United States-bound airliner." He was a double agent for the CIA who infiltrated Al Qaeda, and "volunteered for the suicide mission." He also provided intelligence that led to Sunday's drone strike killing a USS Cole bombing suspect. "
Underwear Bomber 2.0 was CIA double agent - Boing Boing

a. BTW...Obama had nothing to do with the success: "Latest underwear bomber had nothing to do with CIA, no US double agent, invented for Obama PR-UK Guardian

"Mustafa Alani of the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai told CNN that the bomber had been recruited by the Saudis to penetrate al-Qaida about a year ago, in part because the group would be attracted by the fact that his UK passport meant he could travel to the US without a visa."
Doing Advance Work: Latest underwear bomber had nothing to do with CIA, no US double agent, invented for Obama PR-UK Guardian

4. "GOP Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, expressed concern Wednesday about the extent of the Obama administration’s efforts to protect the Pakistan doctor who was sent to prison in Pakistan for treason after helping to find Usama bin Laden....what, if anything, the administration may have done to get the doctor out of Pakistan or otherwise protect him. "I'm focused on that they disclosed his identity."
GOP Rep. King says Obama officials disclosed identity of jailed Pakistani doctor | Fox News

Ya' think Obama would throw the Doc under the bus???

5."... the Obama administration’s manipulative game-playing with its secrecy the very same time they insist to federal courts that these programs are too secret even to confirm or deny their existence (thereby shielding them from judicial review or basic disclosure), they run around publicly boasting about their actions. Just over the past month alone, they have done precisely this by leaking key details about Obama’s commanding role in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, drone attacks that have killed allegedly key Al Qaeda figures, sophisticated cyber-attacks on Iran’s nuclear program, and the selection of targets for Obama “kill list”: all programs that are classified and which the White House has insisted cannot be subjected to judicial review or any form of public scrutiny."
Glenn Greenwald -

6. "The Obama administration arranged for Hollywood filmmakers to have special access to government officials involved in the commando operation that killed Osama bin Laden, it has been revealed....The film project, titled Zero Dark Thirty about the May 2011 raid on bin Laden's compound in Pakistan, became a focus of controversy last year when it was reported that its release date was weeks before the November 6 election - timed to boost President Obama's image to voters."
Obama administration leaked classified information to filmmakers on Osama bin Laden raid | Mail Online

Telling that all the leaks seem to work toward Obama's benefit...puff up his creds....just happen to occur during his re-election campaign.

Obama is offended by the suggestion that he is behind the leaks.

And I'm Claude-Rains-shocked!
Wish the Republicans would push for a Special Prosecutor... this what you Obama voters thought we'd get?

I'm sure there are some having a "What have I done?" moment.

I thought I had Mr.Shaman on ignore?
The white house is leaking the information. Most likely obama himself. When he said the words "MY white house" with his own emphasis on the "MY" it was like coming out and saying "I did it". This information could not have come from any other place but the white house. The New York Times described events occurring in the situation room itself, quoted conversations that occurred in the situation room. There is only one place this kind of information could have come from, that's someone in that room.
Is it possible that the Obama White House leaks classified information to make the President appear competent, even 'tough'?

1. "Mr Obama yesterday labelled the allegations "offensive"."
Obama blasts top secret leaks |

2. "Insiders are denouncing reports in the U.S. press about military strategy on Iran—and pointing the finger at Washington. ...claiming that Israel had been granted secret access to airbases in Azerbaijan near Iran’s northern border. The piece was sourced to senior U.S. diplomats and military-intelligence officers." Israel Blames U.S. for Media Reports About Iran Strategy - The Daily Beast

Fits the agenda of keeping Israel from attacking Iran...

3. "Scott Shane and Eric Schmitt in The New York Times dig deeper into yesterday's news of a new would-be Al Qaeda underwear bomber, "dispatched by the Yemen branch of Al Qaeda last month to blow up a United States-bound airliner." He was a double agent for the CIA who infiltrated Al Qaeda, and "volunteered for the suicide mission." He also provided intelligence that led to Sunday's drone strike killing a USS Cole bombing suspect. "
Underwear Bomber 2.0 was CIA double agent - Boing Boing

a. BTW...Obama had nothing to do with the success: "Latest underwear bomber had nothing to do with CIA, no US double agent, invented for Obama PR-UK Guardian

"Mustafa Alani of the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai told CNN that the bomber had been recruited by the Saudis to penetrate al-Qaida about a year ago, in part because the group would be attracted by the fact that his UK passport meant he could travel to the US without a visa."
Doing Advance Work: Latest underwear bomber had nothing to do with CIA, no US double agent, invented for Obama PR-UK Guardian

4. "GOP Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, expressed concern Wednesday about the extent of the Obama administration’s efforts to protect the Pakistan doctor who was sent to prison in Pakistan for treason after helping to find Usama bin Laden....what, if anything, the administration may have done to get the doctor out of Pakistan or otherwise protect him. "I'm focused on that they disclosed his identity."
GOP Rep. King says Obama officials disclosed identity of jailed Pakistani doctor | Fox News

Ya' think Obama would throw the Doc under the bus???

5."... the Obama administration’s manipulative game-playing with its secrecy the very same time they insist to federal courts that these programs are too secret even to confirm or deny their existence (thereby shielding them from judicial review or basic disclosure), they run around publicly boasting about their actions. Just over the past month alone, they have done precisely this by leaking key details about Obama’s commanding role in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, drone attacks that have killed allegedly key Al Qaeda figures, sophisticated cyber-attacks on Iran’s nuclear program, and the selection of targets for Obama “kill list”: all programs that are classified and which the White House has insisted cannot be subjected to judicial review or any form of public scrutiny."
Glenn Greenwald -

6. "The Obama administration arranged for Hollywood filmmakers to have special access to government officials involved in the commando operation that killed Osama bin Laden, it has been revealed....The film project, titled Zero Dark Thirty about the May 2011 raid on bin Laden's compound in Pakistan, became a focus of controversy last year when it was reported that its release date was weeks before the November 6 election - timed to boost President Obama's image to voters."
Obama administration leaked classified information to filmmakers on Osama bin Laden raid | Mail Online

Telling that all the leaks seem to work toward Obama's benefit...puff up his creds....just happen to occur during his re-election campaign.

Obama is offended by the suggestion that he is behind the leaks.

And I'm Claude-Rains-shocked!
Wish the Republicans would push for a Special Prosecutor... this what you Obama voters thought we'd get?

I'm sure there are some having a "What have I done?" moment.

I thought I had Mr.Shaman on ignore?

Why would you make it so clear that you have neither a brain in your head, nor any response to any of the six items posted?

Could it be that said documentation of your incapacity entitles you to some federal welfare program???

Didn't you realize that the Obama administration will give you hand-outs for just about any reason you can think of?

Ooops.....I used 'think' with a bad.
Eric Holder appointed two US Attorneys to investigate. Like they are going to find anything other than no responsibility.
You can't trust the NY Times can you? .... Hehehe, a liberal pub, the King (or Queen, the Washington Post being the other) of liberal pubs, outing a democrat pres

I have to admit, didn't see that coming
Last edited:
"(CNN) -
The United States offers millions for information leading to the capture of the world's most wanted terrorists.

A Somali militant group has purportedly countered with an offer of camels for U.S. officials.

Al-Shabaab has placed a bounty of 10 camels for President Barack Obama and two camels for information on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."

Somali Islamists offer 10 camels as bounty for Obama | Technology - Home
CNN .... Oh how the mighty has fallen .... I would expect to see a story like that on 'The Onion'
Yeah they do leak, what I find funny is the press is in the tank with Obama and is "upset" over the leaks, but boy they couldnt get enough of em when Bush was around. Heck the NY Times even said they recieved leaks, now they dont? What?????????

Hypocrisy, but I like to know Obama is personally picking the targets on the kill list, just another thing to rub in liberals faces as they would have called Bush a war criminal for that. Gotta love those "non" Vioolent doves, maybe he got the thirst to kill from Bill Ayers?
I think they deliberately leaked them for political gain. It only shows the inexperience this administration has. They left the "informant" of Osama bin Laden in the Mid East to fend for himself, they let guns walk and a federal agent was killed.

I don't know how many times I have to say this but Obama doesn't give a crap about America or it's citizens, he only wants to be the King. No one is supposed to question his authority. He's offended only because he didn't see anything wrong with the leaks, anything to get re-elected.

I'm thinking Holder's guys won't find "anything" that ties Obama to this. They are in the process of locating the "fall guy" now.
Is it possible that the Obama White House leaks classified information to make the President appear competent, even 'tough'?

1. "Mr Obama yesterday labelled the allegations "offensive"."
Obama blasts top secret leaks |

2. "Insiders are denouncing reports in the U.S. press about military strategy on Iran—and pointing the finger at Washington. ...claiming that Israel had been granted secret access to airbases in Azerbaijan near Iran’s northern border. The piece was sourced to senior U.S. diplomats and military-intelligence officers." Israel Blames U.S. for Media Reports About Iran Strategy - The Daily Beast

Fits the agenda of keeping Israel from attacking Iran...

3. "Scott Shane and Eric Schmitt in The New York Times dig deeper into yesterday's news of a new would-be Al Qaeda underwear bomber, "dispatched by the Yemen branch of Al Qaeda last month to blow up a United States-bound airliner." He was a double agent for the CIA who infiltrated Al Qaeda, and "volunteered for the suicide mission." He also provided intelligence that led to Sunday's drone strike killing a USS Cole bombing suspect. "
Underwear Bomber 2.0 was CIA double agent - Boing Boing

a. BTW...Obama had nothing to do with the success: "Latest underwear bomber had nothing to do with CIA, no US double agent, invented for Obama PR-UK Guardian

"Mustafa Alani of the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai told CNN that the bomber had been recruited by the Saudis to penetrate al-Qaida about a year ago, in part because the group would be attracted by the fact that his UK passport meant he could travel to the US without a visa."
Doing Advance Work: Latest underwear bomber had nothing to do with CIA, no US double agent, invented for Obama PR-UK Guardian

4. "GOP Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, expressed concern Wednesday about the extent of the Obama administration’s efforts to protect the Pakistan doctor who was sent to prison in Pakistan for treason after helping to find Usama bin Laden....what, if anything, the administration may have done to get the doctor out of Pakistan or otherwise protect him. "I'm focused on that they disclosed his identity."
GOP Rep. King says Obama officials disclosed identity of jailed Pakistani doctor | Fox News

Ya' think Obama would throw the Doc under the bus???

5."... the Obama administration’s manipulative game-playing with its secrecy the very same time they insist to federal courts that these programs are too secret even to confirm or deny their existence (thereby shielding them from judicial review or basic disclosure), they run around publicly boasting about their actions. Just over the past month alone, they have done precisely this by leaking key details about Obama’s commanding role in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, drone attacks that have killed allegedly key Al Qaeda figures, sophisticated cyber-attacks on Iran’s nuclear program, and the selection of targets for Obama “kill list”: all programs that are classified and which the White House has insisted cannot be subjected to judicial review or any form of public scrutiny."
Glenn Greenwald -

6. "The Obama administration arranged for Hollywood filmmakers to have special access to government officials involved in the commando operation that killed Osama bin Laden, it has been revealed....The film project, titled Zero Dark Thirty about the May 2011 raid on bin Laden's compound in Pakistan, became a focus of controversy last year when it was reported that its release date was weeks before the November 6 election - timed to boost President Obama's image to voters."
Obama administration leaked classified information to filmmakers on Osama bin Laden raid | Mail Online

Telling that all the leaks seem to work toward Obama's benefit...puff up his creds....just happen to occur during his re-election campaign.

Obama is offended by the suggestion that he is behind the leaks.

And I'm Claude-Rains-shocked!
Wish the Republicans would push for a Special Prosecutor... this what you Obama voters thought we'd get?

I'm sure there are some having a "What have I done?" moment.

I thought I had Mr.Shaman on ignore?

Why would you make it so clear that you have neither a brain in your head, nor any response to any of the six items posted?

Could it be that said documentation of your incapacity entitles you to some federal welfare program???

Didn't you realize that the Obama administration will give you hand-outs for just about any reason you can think of?

Ooops.....I used 'think' with a bad.

How come some days you use color and center everything and other days it's just a black and white wall of text?

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