Does Obama Want ISIS to succeed? He helped create them.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. They would not have gotten this far if not for Obama's foreign policy, or lack of it. It seems like Obama's policies are always friendly to the radical Muslims. He isn't doing much to stop ISIS. In a few days, Jordanians did more to stop them than all of our airstrikes. They are serious about stopping ISIS. We have 300 marines who are in danger of being overrun by ISIS and yet we do nothing. I often wonder whose side Obama is on in all this. Either let our people get the job done or get them out. We are quite capable of ending the reign of terror by ISIS, yet we go forth with a half-ass effort. The Obama administration has done poorly when it comes to having the backs of our troops.

Liberals tend to do this in wars. They send a few people and allow limited actions against the enemy. We should either retreat altogether or send in enough people to do the job quickly and efficiently. ISIS is like a raging fire and instead of turning a powerful hose on them, Obama throws little buckets of water on one end and fans the flames on the other. The radicals are more emboldened than ever, thanks to Obama's friendly approach to dealing with most of them. Obama is asking congress to proceed, but only with limited personnel and only enough boots on the ground to do rescue operations. He doesn't want U.S. forces to just kick the ass of the radical Muslims. Why is that? Does he want this to continue? It doesn't have to and he just needs to give military the go ahead or bring them home and let others fight. We can't keep up this chicken shit strategy where our troops are just hung out to dry.

I'm sure some liberals will come in with their usual talking points that aren't worth camel shit. The radical Muslims have Obama to thank for their amazing progress.

" There are several other self-defeating U.S. policies that have nurtured the rise of the Islamic State, directly and indirectly. They go beyond Syria; indeed, they span the entire Mideast:

1. The "little and late" character of the current air strikes in Iraq.

The U.S. for months ignored Iraq’s requests for help. It just let the Islamic State keep growing. The belated help has been minimalist, and it is given a false, self-limiting rationale. Militarily, the refusal to put boots on the ground means that we lack the guidance needed for fully effective air strikes. Politically, Obama has relied on Iraq’s democratic parliamentary process to make essential changes, and the most it has been capable of delivering is another leader from within Maliki’s Shi’a party, hardly a good beginning for winning back Sunni trust. What was plainly needed was a figure from Ayad Allawi’s mixed Shia-Sunni party instead.

2. The prior complete withdrawal from Iraq.

This compounded the mistake of the Bush administration in destabilizing Iraq, while undoing Bush’s self-corrective measure, the surge. Obama argues that he had to withdraw, after failing to get a new status-of-forces agreement, but that failure was far from a mere objective fact. Obama did not keep pushing by the usual methods that have gotten America status-of-forces agreements and allowed us to keep adequate long-term residual forces on the ground elsewhere. He was too interested in satisfying his domestic base with a total withdrawal.

3. Promoting "democracy" through demanding free participation of religious and sectarian parties in elections.

As I wrote earlier this week about our actions in Gaza, America regularly calls for "democratic" elections, open to all parties, including religious ones. This policy began under Bush, but he retreated when he saw that it worked badly; under Obama it became America’s fixed ideology, applied without regard for consequences throughout the Mideast. Uncritical democracy promotion is a very dangerous ideology. The elections we demanded brought Iraq to the edge of civil war. Elections have kept it there pretty much ever since. "

You’re never going to kill the whole idea of what ISIS is about unless the rest of the Arab and Islamic word rail against. We can at least stop the carnage on the battlefield and the villages and towns that they’re over running.

Unless Obama gives the military the ability to get the job done, we aren’t going to make any progress. He lets politics obscure what needs to be done on the ground. People may have called George Bush a cowboy because of his attitude, but that’s the way you have to go about it.

The King of Jordan had the same attitude when his pilot was burned alive. But people around the world and in America respected him because he showed ISIS that he wasn’t going to back down, but instead double down on crushing them. That’s the kind of leadership and strategy we need.
The Bushes created ISIS. You can't whitewash that fact - even though NaziCons will be working feverishly to do so.
The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. /

Excuse me Vernon.

ISIS is a foreign policy blowback.

There is no evidence that Obama and his advisers knew that helping the Syrian "resistance" was going to have a blowback - they should have known it.

But it was the SAME situation when Reagan and Rumfilled helped Osama Ben Laden in order to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

The morale of the story is that the Washington DC motherfuckers should cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations.

The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. /

Excuse me Vernon.

ISIS is a foreign policy blowback.

There is no evidence that Obama and his advisers knew that helping the Syrian "resistance" was going to have a blowback - they should have known it.

But it was the SAME situation when Reagan and Rumfilled helped Osama Ben Laden in order to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

The morale of the story is that the Washington DC motherfuckers should cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations.

Yes, the current administration's foreign policy team is either the most clueless the US has had since the War of 1812 with the possible exception of the Carter administration.
The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. /

Excuse me Vernon.

ISIS is a foreign policy blowback.

There is no evidence that Obama and his advisers knew that helping the Syrian "resistance" was going to have a blowback - they should have known it.

But it was the SAME situation when Reagan and Rumfilled helped Osama Ben Laden in order to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

The morale of the story is that the Washington DC motherfuckers should cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations.


We can't. We need their oil, even if that means engaging in wars to get it. Wars over natural resources will supplant ideological wars in less than a decade. They already do in many locales -Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and other hot spots in Asia where guerillas are fighting governments for control of offshore oil deposits. Most wars in Africa are over natural resources. There are USMB posters who will witness the planet when it has 10+ billion people. Our Soylent Green future.

The Coming Anarchy - The Atlantic
The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. /

Excuse me Vernon.

ISIS is a foreign policy blowback.

There is no evidence that Obama and his advisers knew that helping the Syrian "resistance" was going to have a blowback - they should have known it.

But it was the SAME situation when Reagan and Rumfilled helped Osama Ben Laden in order to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

The morale of the story is that the Washington DC motherfuckers should cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations.

Yes, the current administration's foreign policy team is either the most clueless the US has had since the War of 1812 with the possible exception of the Carter administration.

"clueless" well a mere six years ago he was a community organizer,

But the Joint Chiefs of Staff knew, or should have known that the Syrian Resistance was affiliated with AlQaeda and ISIS.

But Obama wanted to help "our" friends the Israelis and Saudi Arabians. They both want Assad removed from power.


Isis threatens to behead Barack Obama and 'transform America into a Muslim province
I think ISIS woke up and decided that being a media whore is a lot more fun than the whole terrorist thing. Moreover, isn't Obama a Muslim Kenyan? I guess ISIS doesn't know.
The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. /

Excuse me Vernon.

ISIS is a foreign policy blowback.

There is no evidence that Obama and his advisers knew that helping the Syrian "resistance" was going to have a blowback - they should have known it.

But it was the SAME situation when Reagan and Rumfilled helped Osama Ben Laden in order to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

The morale of the story is that the Washington DC motherfuckers should cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations.


We can't. We need their oil, even if that means engaging in wars to get it. Wars over natural resources will supplant ideological wars in less than a decade. They already do in many locales -Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and other hot spots in Asia where guerillas are fighting governments for control of offshore oil deposits. Most wars in Africa are over natural resources. There are USMB posters who will witness the planet when it has 10+ billion people. Our Soylent Green future.

The Coming Anarchy - The Atlantic

Not true.

How can alienating oil producers help oil imports?

If the enemy blows up Iraqi and/or Iranian oil wells it will take years to restore the flow.

ISIS is an idea, buried deep within Islam. It was created by man but attributed to God. Obama had no part in the process and as long as you blame him you are ignoring the reality, the reality that is perfectly willing to bite you on the ass.
The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. /

Excuse me Vernon.

ISIS is a foreign policy blowback.

There is no evidence that Obama and his advisers knew that helping the Syrian "resistance" was going to have a blowback - they should have known it.

But it was the SAME situation when Reagan and Rumfilled helped Osama Ben Laden in order to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

The morale of the story is that the Washington DC motherfuckers should cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations.


We can't. We need their oil, even if that means engaging in wars to get it. Wars over natural resources will supplant ideological wars in less than a decade. They already do in many locales -Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and other hot spots in Asia where guerillas are fighting governments for control of offshore oil deposits. Most wars in Africa are over natural resources. There are USMB posters who will witness the planet when it has 10+ billion people. Our Soylent Green future.

The Coming Anarchy - The Atlantic

Not true.

How can alienating oil producers help oil imports?

If the enemy blows up Iraqi and/or Iranian oil wells it will take years to restore the flow.


Yes, yes it is true. And it doesn't take that long to get wells back online. Look at the First Gulf War in Kuwait when the Iraqi Army blew up all those oil wells during their retreat. It took American specialists less than 8 months to extinguish all the fires and to get the wells back into production mode. I do agree with you that it's not a good thing for America to alienate the world's major petroleum producers. It serves no one's purposes in the long run. I just finished reading this New York Times best seller:

The Colder War How the Global Energy Trade Slipped from America s Grasp Marin Katusa 9781118799949 Books

Professor Katusa's grasp of world energy markets and the politics that drives them is exceptional.
Perhaps another Crusade, maybe this time it will be done to the full extent of prosecution!

US Army Veterans, Westerners Join Christian Militia to Fight ISIS

reuters ^ | Feb. 15, 2015
Saint Michael, the archangel of battle, is tattooed across the back of a U.S. army veteran who recently returned to Iraq and joined a Christian militia fighting Islamic State in what he sees as a biblical war between good and evil. Brett, 28, carries the same thumb-worn pocket Bible he did whilst deployed to Iraq in 2006 - a picture of the Virgin Mary tucked inside its pages and his favourite verses highlighted. "It's very different," he said, asked how the experiences compared. "Here I'm fighting for a people and for a faith, and the enemy is much bigger and...
Perhaps another Crusade, maybe this time it will be done to the full extent of prosecution!

US Army Veterans, Westerners Join Christian Militia to Fight ISIS

reuters ^ | Feb. 15, 2015
Saint Michael, the archangel of battle, is tattooed across the back of a U.S. army veteran who recently returned to Iraq and joined a Christian militia fighting Islamic State in what he sees as a biblical war between good and evil. Brett, 28, carries the same thumb-worn pocket Bible he did whilst deployed to Iraq in 2006 - a picture of the Virgin Mary tucked inside its pages and his favourite verses highlighted. "It's very different," he said, asked how the experiences compared. "Here I'm fighting for a people and for a faith, and the enemy is much bigger and...
Godspeed, little dead Christian.

"Everyone dies," said Brett, asked about the prospect of being killed. "One of my favourite verses in the Bible says: be faithful unto death, and I shall give you the crown of life."

Say hello to Jesus for me, and enjoy your dark-eyed virgins.
Does Obama want ISIS to succeed, I think it does not even enter his mind, Obama wants America to fail. Obama wants Freedom and Liberty to fail. Obama is showing that the United States of America's government does not work, that the President has too much power, that the people have zero control. Obama illustrates everything wrong with our government. It is Obama's goal to be an example in history as to why the USA is bad.

Everything people like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky said about the USA is now true, under Obama's rule. Obama's rule shows the World that our Republic has failed.

Obama wants anything but the USA to succeed.
He will not allow his legacy to include getting into another war. It's not on his agenda. Besides, he's too busy taking selfies to be bothered with people being burned alive and beheaded.
The Bushes created ISIS. You can't whitewash that fact - even though NaziCons will be working feverishly to do so.

Bull freaking shit there Lakota. Doesn't matter how many times you say it, no matter how many times you beat this drum ISIS BECAME in Syria.

They were chump change in Iraq.

Because Obama and other western leaders in cahoots with Saudia Arabia and Qatar sought to overthrow Assad, they turned a blind eye to ISIS becoming.

And therein lies the "whoopsies". ISIS became way bigger than expected and invaded Iraq; now holding great swathes of territory in both Syria and Iraq and they have been spreading like wildfire.
The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. /

Excuse me Vernon.

ISIS is a foreign policy blowback.

There is no evidence that Obama and his advisers knew that helping the Syrian "resistance" was going to have a blowback - they should have known it.

But it was the SAME situation when Reagan and Rumfilled helped Osama Ben Laden in order to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

The morale of the story is that the Washington DC motherfuckers should cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations.

Yes, the current administration's foreign policy team is either the most clueless the US has had since the War of 1812 with the possible exception of the Carter administration.

"clueless" well a mere six years ago he was a community organizer,

But the Joint Chiefs of Staff knew, or should have known that the Syrian Resistance was affiliated with AlQaeda and ISIS.

But Obama wanted to help "our" friends the Israelis and Saudi Arabians. They both want Assad removed from power.

Aren't nearly all CINCs and COSs his appointees now?
"Does Obama Want ISIS to succeed? He helped create them."

Your unwarranted hatred of the president has clearly rendered you mentally ill, you're a compulsive liar incapable of recognizing the truth.

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