Does Jack Smith Have a Personal Vendetta Against President Trump?


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Well, Jack Smith had many failures as a prosecutor, with one notable exception.

And President Trump pardoned that exception, former Congressman Rick Renzi.

Smith’s unit did successfully prosecute Renzi, who was convicted in 2013 for extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering, and racketeering. The DOJ said the evidence at trial showed the congressman “promised in 2005 to use his legislative influence to profit from a federal land exchange that involved property” owned by real estate investor James Sandlin. Renzi was convicted on 17 counts and sentenced to 36 months in prison in 2013.

Trump pardoned Renzi on his final full day in office, before President Joe Biden’s inauguration, with the former congressman saying he had been “wrongly convicted by a Department of Justice that engaged in witness tampering, illegal wiretapping, and gross prosecutorial misconduct.”

“He will evaluate the evidence and understand what type of case should be charged or not. He has the type of experience to make those judgments,” said Andres.

“He understands the courtroom. He understands how to try a case. He knows how to prove a case,” he added. “Particularly in these circumstances it will be critical to understand what types of evidence is required to prove the case in court.”

In a statement following his announcement, Smith pledged to conduct the investigations “independently and in the best traditions of the Department of Justice.”

“The pace of the investigations will not pause or flag under my watch. I will exercise independent judgment and will move the investigations forward expeditiously and thoroughly to whatever outcome the facts and the law dictate,” Smith said.

One former colleague highlighted that Smith has prosecuted members of both parties.

“He’s going to be really aggressive,” the person said, adding that “things are going to speed up.” Smith, they said, “operates very quickly” and has a unique ability to quickly determine the things that are important to a case and doesn’t waste time “hand-wringing over things that are real sideshows.”

In court, Smith comes off as very down-to-earth and relatable, this person said, characterizing that as a good attribute to have as a prosecutor.

Smith also will not care about the politics surrounding the case, they said, adding he has very thick skin and will “do what he’s going to do.”
Well, Jack Smith had many failures as a prosecutor, with one notable exception.

And President Trump pardoned that exception, former Congressman Rick Renzi.

Smith’s unit did successfully prosecute Renzi, who was convicted in 2013 for extortion, bribery, insurance fraud, money laundering, and racketeering. The DOJ said the evidence at trial showed the congressman “promised in 2005 to use his legislative influence to profit from a federal land exchange that involved property” owned by real estate investor James Sandlin. Renzi was convicted on 17 counts and sentenced to 36 months in prison in 2013.​
Trump pardoned Renzi on his final full day in office, before President Joe Biden’s inauguration, with the former congressman saying he had been “wrongly convicted by a Department of Justice that engaged in witness tampering, illegal wiretapping, and gross prosecutorial misconduct.”

Why would he?

He's a professional. He wasn't self-appointed, so not sure how an imaginary vendetta would get him the ability pursue Trump.

"Smith’s experience ranges from prosecuting a sitting US senator to bringing cases against gang members who were ultimately convicted of murdering New York City police officers. In recent years, Smith has prosecuted war crimes at The Hague. His career in multiple parts of the Justice Department, as well as in international courts, has allowed him to keep a relatively low-profile in the oftentimes brassy legal industry."
I've said it before, the sad thing is the Trump Humpers, racist, right wingers, conservatives, etc. don't care if he broke the Law or not. As long as, there savior gets reelected.

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“He will evaluate the evidence and understand what type of case should be charged or not. He has the type of experience to make those judgments,” said Andres.

“He understands the courtroom. He understands how to try a case. He knows how to prove a case,” he added. “Particularly in these circumstances it will be critical to understand what types of evidence is required to prove the case in court.”

In a statement following his announcement, Smith pledged to conduct the investigations “independently and in the best traditions of the Department of Justice.”

“The pace of the investigations will not pause or flag under my watch. I will exercise independent judgment and will move the investigations forward expeditiously and thoroughly to whatever outcome the facts and the law dictate,” Smith said.

One former colleague highlighted that Smith has prosecuted members of both parties.

“He’s going to be really aggressive,” the person said, adding that “things are going to speed up.” Smith, they said, “operates very quickly” and has a unique ability to quickly determine the things that are important to a case and doesn’t waste time “hand-wringing over things that are real sideshows.”

In court, Smith comes off as very down-to-earth and relatable, this person said, characterizing that as a good attribute to have as a prosecutor.

Smith also will not care about the politics surrounding the case, they said, adding he has very thick skin and will “do what he’s going to do.”

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