Does it really matter who becomes President?

Interesting question - hope it makes for an interesting discussion.

My two cents: A person's perception of The power of the president seems to be directly related to how much you like the president.

If you LIKE the president, then it's those bastards at SCOTUS or Congress who are screwing things up so bad and your president doesn't seem to have enough power to counteract them.

If you HATE the president, HE's the one screwing everything up.

Just MHO

Haven't liked or disliked a President of my own lifetime (43 years.) But then, I don'tbelieve President are kings with the power we say they have. No President can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and go to war willy-nilly or launch an ICBM because he feels like it. In addition to the many people around him who'd advise against it, there are people with guns who'd shoot him if he tried. At least in my idealistic version of reality that's what'd happen. I'd rather be shot in response than let a President launch nukes somewhere just for the hell of it.

Consequently, every President is bound both by the law, and reality. And consequently aren't responsible for every little thing. If they were then everyone would have to applaud President Obama since the DOW's never been higher. And gas is now cheaper than ever (adjusted for inflation.) So if Presidents are really so powerful, everyone should be on their knees and in line to suck off the current President. But some still say how they hate him. Apparently then they believe Presidents are omnipotent, or they're just stupid and ignorant.

That is just simply nonsensical and juvenile.

The POTUS can launch a Nuclear Strike any time he's in the mood.

He can order a sub-launch. He can order an Aircraft Carrier launch. He could probably order a Medium Range Nuclear Launch -- All without Congressional approval.

The president controls the Military, he controls EVERY SINGLE BRANCH of the US Government. Every one of them.


Am I getting through to you?

The ONLY thing that stands in the way of a criminal President is his honor and commitment to the Constitution and The People it is supposed to protect.

So far, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has shown limited respect for any of those -- At best.

You people just have no clue what you're talking about.


President can TRY and launch a nuke willy-nilly. I have faith there's at least one sensible Secret Service agent who'll prevent it.

Presidents don't decide to go to war. Corporations do. They're the Man Behind The Curtain and who's really in charge of things. It was think tanks who told President Bush junior to invade Iraq. 'W' couldn't decide to bend over and tie his shoes without someone telling him to.
'Does It Really Matter' is the greatest voter suppression tool ever devised for use against Republicans and other Patriots.

Of course it matters. It matters a lot. Really a lot if we have an intelligent Republican or a Cargo Cult bunch of monkeys leading the Republic.

Look at what's happened in Greece? socialist scum DESTROYED that Country....

Socialist Destruction Unleashed in Greece FrontPage Magazine

5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies - John Hawkins - Page full

The Political Dynasties That Destroyed Greece And The Real Reason The Country Is Such A Mess - Business Insider

They have massive unemployment and the people are so incredible stupid (like ALL socialists) that they're about to turn back toward socialism. It might be their only hope..... Commence the starvation, the intellectual flight, the 'brain drain' from what used to be the cradel of Western Civilization.

Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy are doing better, by varying degrees, because they've realized that socialism isn't for civilized humans, it's for scumbags.

So yeah, it matters.

BTW, Conservatives don't like goobermint.

And we don't like Politicians, not even our own.

So if you want to convince a Patriot to stay home, make him or her think "They're all the same"

Whatever lie works for dimocrap scum is all that counts, right?

When do the Democrats practice voting suppression? It's usually the Republicans panicking about vote fraud even though there are very times it's been committed.
absolutely not .. The U.S. is ran by banks & military complex ..

In a way, think we would be better off if we'd lost WWII. Look at our enemies back then, all powerhouse economies now and not going around the world dropping bombs on anyone that disagrees with them. Whereas the victors of WWII are doing exactly what we opposed the AXIS countries for 70 years ago.

Gotta bail on this one.

Germany and Japan benefited tremendously under the Marshal Plan in which we helped them rebuild their industrial base. So they turned out to be more modern and more competitive than we were. (trend continuing .... ?????)

We kicked their ass because we were attack and because they were committing atrocities throughout China and Europe. Thank goodness there was a nation (or nations) strong enough and willing to stand up to them.

If you know anything about where these two societies were trying to take the world - you wouldn't have to question who "the good guys" were.

Just MHO

Historically speaking, at least in the Pacific theatre, we started that fight. Pearl Harbor wasn't the first military operation. We supported China military against Japan, and strictly speaking fired first at Pearl Harbor sinking a midget submarine hours before the naval planes arrived. To say nothing of the oil embargo on Japan even today considered an act of war. Pearl Harbor was in response to this and other US acts against Japan leaving a military solution the only option (as they saw it.)

And we have confirmed that we will go to war to protect our ability to participate in the world oil market as well.

As for the midget sub ... what was he doing there? If we had sunk him sooner, maybe we could have saved more lives. Doesn't matter to me at all. If you think they were the good guys, that's your right.

It's my right to think that notion is full of crap and NOT supported by a couple of snippets of historic data. The phrase: You are missing the forest for the trees" comes to mind.
History repeats not due to ignorance of it (most of the people in charge have degrees in various things so would have had at least some history,) but because human beings are primates and still comparatively primitive. Much of what we do is better thought of as animal behaviour than anything distinguishing humanity apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. We're not apart, we're part of it. And a lot of what we do is motivated by animal passions and instincts, not our more evolved brains. If you used your brain you wouldn't have gone into politics in the first place. :)
Interesting question - hope it makes for an interesting discussion.

My two cents: A person's perception of The power of the president seems to be directly related to how much you like the president.

If you LIKE the president, then it's those bastards at SCOTUS or Congress who are screwing things up so bad and your president doesn't seem to have enough power to counteract them.

If you HATE the president, HE's the one screwing everything up.

Just MHO

Haven't liked or disliked a President of my own lifetime (43 years.) But then, I don'tbelieve President are kings with the power we say they have. No President can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and go to war willy-nilly or launch an ICBM because he feels like it. In addition to the many people around him who'd advise against it, there are people with guns who'd shoot him if he tried. At least in my idealistic version of reality that's what'd happen. I'd rather be shot in response than let a President launch nukes somewhere just for the hell of it.

Consequently, every President is bound both by the law, and reality. And consequently aren't responsible for every little thing. If they were then everyone would have to applaud President Obama since the DOW's never been higher. And gas is now cheaper than ever (adjusted for inflation.) So if Presidents are really so powerful, everyone should be on their knees and in line to suck off the current President. But some still say how they hate him. Apparently then they believe Presidents are omnipotent, or they're just stupid and ignorant.

That is just simply nonsensical and juvenile.

The POTUS can launch a Nuclear Strike any time he's in the mood.

He can order a sub-launch. He can order an Aircraft Carrier launch. He could probably order a Medium Range Nuclear Launch -- All without Congressional approval.

The president controls the Military, he controls EVERY SINGLE BRANCH of the US Government. Every one of them.


Am I getting through to you?

The ONLY thing that stands in the way of a criminal President is his honor and commitment to the Constitution and The People it is supposed to protect.

So far, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has shown limited respect for any of those -- At best.

You people just have no clue what you're talking about.


President can TRY and launch a nuke willy-nilly. I have faith there's at least one sensible Secret Service agent who'll prevent it.

Presidents don't decide to go to war. Corporations do. They're the Man Behind The Curtain and who's really in charge of things. It was think tanks who told President Bush junior to invade Iraq. 'W' couldn't decide to bend over and tie his shoes without someone telling him to.

I think bush jr. bent over more than once to tie his shoelaces when his saudi boyfriends were visiting the ranch. Link below.

Interesting question - hope it makes for an interesting discussion.

My two cents: A person's perception of The power of the president seems to be directly related to how much you like the president.

If you LIKE the president, then it's those bastards at SCOTUS or Congress who are screwing things up so bad and your president doesn't seem to have enough power to counteract them.

If you HATE the president, HE's the one screwing everything up.

Just MHO

Haven't liked or disliked a President of my own lifetime (43 years.) But then, I don'tbelieve President are kings with the power we say they have. No President can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and go to war willy-nilly or launch an ICBM because he feels like it. In addition to the many people around him who'd advise against it, there are people with guns who'd shoot him if he tried. At least in my idealistic version of reality that's what'd happen. I'd rather be shot in response than let a President launch nukes somewhere just for the hell of it.

Consequently, every President is bound both by the law, and reality. And consequently aren't responsible for every little thing. If they were then everyone would have to applaud President Obama since the DOW's never been higher. And gas is now cheaper than ever (adjusted for inflation.) So if Presidents are really so powerful, everyone should be on their knees and in line to suck off the current President. But some still say how they hate him. Apparently then they believe Presidents are omnipotent, or they're just stupid and ignorant.

That is just simply nonsensical and juvenile.

The POTUS can launch a Nuclear Strike any time he's in the mood.

He can order a sub-launch. He can order an Aircraft Carrier launch. He could probably order a Medium Range Nuclear Launch -- All without Congressional approval.

The president controls the Military, he controls EVERY SINGLE BRANCH of the US Government. Every one of them.


Am I getting through to you?

The ONLY thing that stands in the way of a criminal President is his honor and commitment to the Constitution and The People it is supposed to protect.

So far, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has shown limited respect for any of those -- At best.

You people just have no clue what you're talking about.


President can TRY and launch a nuke willy-nilly. I have faith there's at least one sensible Secret Service agent who'll prevent it.

Presidents don't decide to go to war. Corporations do. They're the Man Behind The Curtain and who's really in charge of things. It was think tanks who told President Bush junior to invade Iraq. 'W' couldn't decide to bend over and tie his shoes without someone telling him to.

Should have known....... Another looney-toon on the loose

This place is FULL of them.....

A Secret Service Agent is gonna interfere with a President exercising his discretion as POTUS?


You need to move to Hollywood.
absolutely not .. The U.S. is ran by banks & military complex ..

In a way, think we would be better off if we'd lost WWII. Look at our enemies back then, all powerhouse economies now and not going around the world dropping bombs on anyone that disagrees with them. Whereas the victors of WWII are doing exactly what we opposed the AXIS countries for 70 years ago.
Please tell me this post is nothing but a joke.
"Does it really matter who becomes President?"

If you want more war, more corporate take over, and more welfare for the rich, vote republican.

If you want Social Security and Medicare for the elderly, less money for the military industrial complex, and healthcare for everyone, vote liberal.

Like Bruce Hornsby said, "That's just the way it is. Some things will never change."

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