Does it matter to you if your pork chops were treated humanely before they ended up next to the mashed potatoes?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Unless you are an avowed Vegetarian or a Vegan I can see no upside to this insane legislative overreach but then again we are talking about California right? I am not advocating for purposeful torture of livestock but the idea that they must be made happy and comfortable to some prescribed levels of acceptance before they get carted off to the meat processing factory is ludicrous and unnecessarily expensive. Soon the time tested go to meal <> porkchops with spanish rice<> which is a good, cheap staple for a large percentage of the Latino population...prolly served more in Cali than anywhere else simply because there are so many Latinos there....will start to become a bothersome tally on the grocery bill.....
wanna lose votes? Screw with people's food....

Yes, it matters. To me, anyway. A happy pig tastes better and is more healthy than one that is ill treated, I'm guessing.
Not a fan of pork chops. I really have no problem with requiring animals enough room to at least turn around in their cages. It really is a matter of best practices. Maybe making them a little more expensive will help close the price divide between the corporate farmer and the farmer who lets their pigs wallow in the mudhole and lay in the sun.
Unless you are an avowed Vegetarian or a Vegan I can see no upside to this insane legislative overreach but then again we are talking about California right? I am not advocating for purposeful torture of livestock but the idea that they must be made happy and comfortable to some prescribed levels of acceptance before they get carted off to the meat processing factory is ludicrous and unnecessarily expensive. Soon the time tested go to meal <> porkchops with spanish rice<> which is a good, cheap staple for a large percentage of the Latino population...prolly served more in Cali than anywhere else simply because there are so many Latinos there....will start to become a bothersome tally on the grocery bill.....
wanna lose votes? Screw with people's food....

Yes it does.

I went vegan for my health then I realized I liked not causing the suffering and death of countless animals just to eat something that I didn't actually need to eat to be healthy.
Unless you are an avowed Vegetarian or a Vegan I can see no upside to this insane legislative overreach but then again we are talking about California right? I am not advocating for purposeful torture of livestock but the idea that they must be made happy and comfortable to some prescribed levels of acceptance before they get carted off to the meat processing factory is ludicrous and unnecessarily expensive. Soon the time tested go to meal <> porkchops with spanish rice<> which is a good, cheap staple for a large percentage of the Latino population...prolly served more in Cali than anywhere else simply because there are so many Latinos there....will start to become a bothersome tally on the grocery bill.....
wanna lose votes? Screw with people's food....

democrats are attacking the food supply. This war the democrats are waging is real, and serious. democrats intend to end America, utterly destroy us.

Creating food shortages is a primary goal of the democrats. They have attacked water supplies to destroy the agricultural sector in the state, which was once the breadbasket of the nation. Now they turn their eye on meat.

Pork is the most affordable meat. Attacking pork with triple the cost or more, cutting off the protein rich food from the most populous state in the union, and also damaging out of state suppliers.

Now this is clearly an attack on interstate commerce and a violation of the Constitution, but the courts in America are so corrupt it may not matter.
democrats are attacking the food supply. This war the democrats are waging is real, and serious. democrats intend to end America, utterly destroy us.

Creating food shortages is a primary goal of the democrats. They have attacked water supplies to destroy the agricultural sector in the state, which was once the breadbasket of the nation. Now they turn their eye on meat.

Pork is the most affordable meat. Attacking pork with triple the cost or more, cutting off the protein rich food from the most populous state in the union, and also damaging out of state suppliers.

Now this is clearly an attack on interstate commerce and a violation of the Constitution, but the courts in America are so corrupt it may not matter.
You said nothing when Illinois told Ben and Jerrys they had to sell their ice cream in Israel or face divestment.
Unless you are an avowed Vegetarian or a Vegan I can see no upside to this insane legislative overreach but then again we are talking about California right? I am not advocating for purposeful torture of livestock but the idea that they must be made happy and comfortable to some prescribed levels of acceptance before they get carted off to the meat processing factory is ludicrous and unnecessarily expensive. Soon the time tested go to meal <> porkchops with spanish rice<> which is a good, cheap staple for a large percentage of the Latino population...prolly served more in Cali than anywhere else simply because there are so many Latinos there....will start to become a bothersome tally on the grocery bill.....
wanna lose votes? Screw with people's food....

yes it does,,
Not a big pork chop fan.

This is an episode from the show "Portlandia" in which the two main characters show an overwhelming concern for the chicken which is destined to be their dinner. I used to go to this restaurant when I lived in Portland (The Gilt Club; it's closed now) and used to see people like this all the time:

Actually, they taste just a little bit sweeter if I know the pig suffered a little.

Yes, it matters. To me, anyway. A happy pig tastes better and is more healthy than one that is ill treated, I'm guessing.
You gotta' figure, though, that it's kinda' fucked up that you've got this pig, which is all healthy and happy and diggin' bein' a pig, and then you whack him...
You said nothing when Illinois told Ben and Jerrys they had to sell their ice cream in Israel or face divestment.

I don't think you have the brains to comprehend this.

To Bolsheviks are free to not invest in Iowa farms (like they ever would in the first place.)

They are NOT constitutionally able to block trade with Iowa. What Kim Jong Newsom and the Marxists are doing is blocking trade of legal goods. That violates the interstate commerce clause of the document you democrats seek to destroy.
It is and it makes a world if difference in how the meat taste and the texture..
We are in the early stages of forcing the peasants to not eat meats. So the propaganda has been ramped up and within a couple of decades or so, we will be eating fake meats. The elites and the real privileged of course will still be eating meats. The ones who force us to one thing while they do another.
I grew up in a family that still had farms I’ve eaten the cows, chickens, pigs, rabbits, etc… that I’d seen alive and well two weeks earlier. I was taught very early in life never to humanize your dinner. They’re animals, nothing more.

unless these regulations increase the quality of the product or reduce the cost (which they don’t) I am totally against them.
We are in the early stages of forcing the peasants to not eat meats. So the propaganda has been ramped up and within a couple of decades or so, we will be eating fake meats. The elites and the real privileged of course will still be eating meats. The ones who force us to one thing while they do another.
I doubt that will ever happen.
Treating animals humanely is not about the taste of the food. It is about basic human decency.
That too.

Not much of a pork eater..except bacon. Maybe sausage. But there is no reason to treat animal badly. I once worked at a chicken farm. They had so many crammed in one cage, they couldn't move. I felt so bad for the chickens, I quit. Couldn't handle it.

Does it matter to you if your pork chops were treated humanely before they ended up next to the mashed potatoes?​

Yeah, I've raised pigs. They are smarter than dogs, you know. It's sad to maltreat them. There are some serious problems in raising pigs that call for confinement to some degree, especially the breeding sows (you don't want to know), but the less cruel restraint the better, I'd say.
Unless you are an avowed Vegetarian or a Vegan I can see no upside to this insane legislative overreach but then again we are talking about California right? I am not advocating for purposeful torture of livestock but the idea that they must be made happy and comfortable to some prescribed levels of acceptance before they get carted off to the meat processing factory is ludicrous and unnecessarily expensive. Soon the time tested go to meal <> porkchops with spanish rice<> which is a good, cheap staple for a large percentage of the Latino population...prolly served more in Cali than anywhere else simply because there are so many Latinos there....will start to become a bothersome tally on the grocery bill.....
wanna lose votes? Screw with people's food....

Nothing wrong with humane treatment of food animals if for no other reason than our own humanity, not to mention it is probably better that an animal for food not be living or killed under stress releasing large amounts of adrenaline into the meat. I have no desire to see animals even for food live cruel lives of fear, suffering and misery.

That said, if CA were reasonable, they would simply allow for an orderly transfer to better raising methods giving pig farmers a year or something to convert over to the new restrictions while continuing to meet the needs of the market.

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