Does any religion understand astronomy?


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2009
I love looking at the stars. Planets. Galaxies. Hubbles website amazes me. I also believe in a higher power. Why can't you have both? I've been told over the years, many times, that all that stuff I read is BS. All the pictures that Hubble takes aren't real. Scientist keep this scam going so they can get funding and get money. I have a close friend who laughs at the FACT that there is more than 9 planets in the universe. (and he's an educated man!)

This, to me, goes back to when people were killed for thinking the earth revolved around the sun, not the other way around. People killed others for wanting to discover something new. The stuff I'm talking about is the hard facts. Some things still aren't proven or understood, but some of it is COLD, HARD, FACTS. I showed my friend pics of different galaxies, he says, without hesitation "not real". What?! Can you be any more closed minded than that?

I think the universe goes hand in hand with creation. How could you not? It's out there for us to see at look at! Yeah, yeah, it's all open for debate, and we will all find out after we die. I can't wait till my buddy and I both die, and I then I can tell him "told you so". hahaha
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What religion did the Mayan's practice? They seemed to be all about Astronomy.
What the heck are you talking about? What kind of moron doesnt believe there are other galaxies out there? What religion teaches that bullcrap? You can see other galaxies with your naked eye on the right now. Your whole premise makes absolutely no sense.
Billions of galaxies with billions of stars in each. And that is all we can see so far.

And if we are the best there is out of all that what a disappointing Universe we live in.

Yeah if we are the best that is out there I might have to believe in Gawd.
However we are a piss poor product to be designed and made by a perfect all powerful being. Perhaps he has a sense of humor?
mine does $padeswood 064.jpg
Any being advanced enough to cross ther intersteller distances involved would have no reason to stop at earth unless we were tasty to them.
Billions of galaxies with billions of stars in each. And that is all we can see so far.

And if we are the best there is out of all that what a disappointing Universe we live in.

Yeah if we are the best that is out there I might have to believe in Gawd.
However we are a piss poor product to be designed and made by a perfect all powerful being. Perhaps he has a sense of humor?

Having gone through puberty, I'm convinced he does.
Yeah if we are the best that is out there I might have to believe in Gawd.
However we are a piss poor product to be designed and made by a perfect all powerful being. Perhaps he has a sense of humor?

If you ever seen the Platypus, then you know God has a sense of humor. :lol:
Or if our resources (labor included) were valuable to them.

:lol: If we were to turn blue, you're halfway to the script to Avatar. You want to be the hero Art? I'm sure we can find you a love interest. Maybe Jessica Alba or Scarlett. :lol:
Billions of galaxies with billions of stars in each. And that is all we can see so far.

And if we are the best there is out of all that what a disappointing Universe we live in.

Yeah if we are the best that is out there I might have to believe in Gawd.
However we are a piss poor product to be designed and made by a perfect all powerful being. Perhaps he has a sense of humor?

Nothing looks good in the production and refining stage. When you see the final product, you will be amazed at what you see. If you saw even the most vilest, crassest people here in their final state, you would want to fall down and worship them. Your only problem is you presume that this life is the final product.
And if we are the best there is out of all that what a disappointing Universe we live in.

Yeah if we are the best that is out there I might have to believe in Gawd.
However we are a piss poor product to be designed and made by a perfect all powerful being. Perhaps he has a sense of humor?

Nothing looks good in the production and refining stage. When you see the final product, you will be amazed at what you see. If you saw even the most vilest, crassest people here in their final state, you would want to fall down and worship them. Your only problem is you presume that this life is the final product.

Well this model has been made for how many thousands of years now?
I have no evidence of any final products.

And we do not even get heavenly recalls for defective units.

We would be viewed as more barbaric for having all these religions.
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Or if our resources (labor included) were valuable to them.

:lol: If we were to turn blue, you're halfway to the script to Avatar. You want to be the hero Art? I'm sure we can find you a love interest. Maybe Jessica Alba or Scarlett. :lol:

lol ... really?

I feel like I'm the only person not caught up in Avatar hype. I couldn't even tell you what the movie is about.

But since you asked ... Scarlett will do. You don't mind taking care of Jessica for me, do you?
Any being advanced enough to cross ther intersteller distances involved would have no reason to stop at earth unless we were tasty to them.

So the Europeans, who were advanced enough to travel the oceans, only stopped in America because the Natives were tasty to them?

What ever happened to wanting to learn about something simply because its there? I mean look at human beings, sure, we cant travel through space, but we are fascinating creatures. Look at this message board for example. You have people with thousands of different ideas and experiences talking with one another. Some are brilliant, some are dumb. Some are young, some are old. Some are civilized and some are just plain unpleasant to be around.

We are all the same speciaes, the same family, yet we are so complex and unique that no two people are the same, even if they look it.

Does an anthropologist study human tribal communities because he is hungry and they look tasty? Or is it because no matter what is in the universe, there is always something new to learn and discover. No matter how long we live, we can always grow and learn something more?

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