Does any organization oppose the BLM?

Porter Rockwell

Gold Member
Dec 14, 2018
I accidentally posed this question - actually it wasn't worded the same way on a leftist site and got some strange responses.

I'm not going to debate the right or wrong of the BLM position. I just want to know if there are any organizations that oppose the BLM? YouTube is full of black people that disagree with the BLM; I can Google white supremacist organizations all day long, but having a website and conning folks out of money is not a real organization IMO. For instance, Richard Spencer has been most conspicuous by his absence in light of all these protests. He dares not host a counter protest. So, all I want to know, is there any organization actively working against the BLM?
I accidentally posed this question - actually it wasn't worded the same way on a leftist site and got some strange responses.

I'm not going to debate the right or wrong of the BLM position. I just want to know if there are any organizations that oppose the BLM? YouTube is full of black people that disagree with the BLM; I can Google white supremacist organizations all day long, but having a website and conning folks out of money is not a real organization IMO. For instance, Richard Spencer has been most conspicuous by his absence in light of all these protests. He dares not host a counter protest. So, all I want to know, is there any organization actively working against the BLM?
Logical people are us.
I accidentally posed this question - actually it wasn't worded the same way on a leftist site and got some strange responses.

I'm not going to debate the right or wrong of the BLM position. I just want to know if there are any organizations that oppose the BLM? YouTube is full of black people that disagree with the BLM; I can Google white supremacist organizations all day long, but having a website and conning folks out of money is not a real organization IMO. For instance, Richard Spencer has been most conspicuous by his absence in light of all these protests. He dares not host a counter protest. So, all I want to know, is there any organization actively working against the BLM?
The Klan and Comm To Reelect the President, no doubt

btw, there is no "the" BLM.
I accidentally posed this question - actually it wasn't worded the same way on a leftist site and got some strange responses.

I'm not going to debate the right or wrong of the BLM position. I just want to know if there are any organizations that oppose the BLM? YouTube is full of black people that disagree with the BLM; I can Google white supremacist organizations all day long, but having a website and conning folks out of money is not a real organization IMO. For instance, Richard Spencer has been most conspicuous by his absence in light of all these protests. He dares not host a counter protest. So, all I want to know, is there any organization actively working against the BLM?

It's protection money... Democrats let mafia and terrorists run the town.
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I accidentally posed this question - actually it wasn't worded the same way on a leftist site and got some strange responses.

I'm not going to debate the right or wrong of the BLM position. I just want to know if there are any organizations that oppose the BLM? YouTube is full of black people that disagree with the BLM; I can Google white supremacist organizations all day long, but having a website and conning folks out of money is not a real organization IMO. For instance, Richard Spencer has been most conspicuous by his absence in light of all these protests. He dares not host a counter protest. So, all I want to know, is there any organization actively working against the BLM?
The Klan and Comm To Reelect the President, no doubt

btw, there is no "the" BLM.

Semantics. We know who is backing "BLM" - Who is not?
I accidentally posed this question - actually it wasn't worded the same way on a leftist site and got some strange responses.

I'm not going to debate the right or wrong of the BLM position. I just want to know if there are any organizations that oppose the BLM? YouTube is full of black people that disagree with the BLM; I can Google white supremacist organizations all day long, but having a website and conning folks out of money is not a real organization IMO. For instance, Richard Spencer has been most conspicuous by his absence in light of all these protests. He dares not host a counter protest. So, all I want to know, is there any organization actively working against the BLM?

It's protection money... Democrats let mafia and terrorists run the town.

You're probably right. In another thread here I posted links where corporations gave to BLM and the links to sites where BLM sites urging a boycott of those corporations that donated to them.
BLM was launched after a St Louis cop righteously evicted an 18 year old 6 4" 280 lb black thug, described by lying family and friends as a gentle giant, from planet earth, after said gentle giant perpetrated the strong armed robbery of a local stop & rob which included the felony assault of the clerk on top of the felony robbery and whilst said gentle giant was assaulting cop as he was trying to take cops gun, all while cop attempted to take gentle giant into custody!

You might have heard this, "Hands up, don't shoot!" Such was, and is, a naked lie told by most of the blacks in the immediate aftermath of the departed thugs eviction notice as they were interviewed by various Marxist reporters. Unfortunately for thugs family which of course was excited by opportunity to shake down municipality for several million dollars, over two dozen genuine witnesses came forward and told truth! Gentle giant was actually seen by all attempting to kill cop, and thus he was sent packing from the sacred earth mother post haste!

Like everything democrats are involved with, its all a fucking lie!
BLM was launched after a St Louis cop righteously evicted an 18 year old 6 4" 280 lb black thug, described by lying family and friends as a gentle giant, from planet earth, after said gentle giant perpetrated the strong armed robbery of a local stop & rob which included the felony assault of the clerk on top of the felony robbery and whilst said gentle giant was assaulting cop as he was trying to take cops gun, all while cop attempted to take gentle giant into custody!

You might have heard this, "Hands up, don't shoot!" Such was, and is, a naked lie told by most of the blacks in the immediate aftermath of the departed thugs eviction notice as they were interviewed by various Marxist reporters. Unfortunately for thugs family which of course was excited by opportunity to shake down municipality for several million dollars, over two dozen genuine witnesses came forward and told truth! Gentle giant was actually seen by all attempting to kill cop, and thus he was sent packing from the sacred earth mother post haste!

Like everything democrats are involved with, its all a fucking lie!

While I appreciate the sentiment, it's not the answer I'm looking for.

In Atlanta, a black protester is arrested by the police. As he's being handcuffed, he breaks and runs AND takes a police taser gun with him. According to the law, that taser gun meets the definition of a "deadly weapon." The suspect turns, points the taser gun, and is fleeing when he is shot down. The cop is arrested. Why?

The suspect resists arrest, flees, steals a taser gun, shoots a legally definable "deadly weapon" at the police whereupon the cops are arrested and at least one is charged with murder. I guess because the suspect is black, they will change the law to fit his circumstances to make examples out of cops. Wonder how it would turn out if the cop hadn't shot back and the suspect shot officers and maybe racked up some collateral damage among the civilians?

That's not all. The Atlanta City Council has a black to white advantage of more than 2 to 1 and the mayor is black. If something were wrong with the law or the training protocol, how come those who sign off on the laws are not being held accountable? Instead they go after a white woman and throw her under the bus in order to blame someone for the incident.

Adding insult to injury, an 8 year old girl is killed in that same spot by protesters this weekend:

If black lives matter so much, how come they are killing each other? And, if you're unhappy about what's going on, instead of bitching about it, somebody tell me of an organization that is countering the BLM with actual activism.
May GOD BLESS THEM!:clap2:



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