Brave Brave Sir Lindsey Graham seeks a life boat off the USS Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

During an interview with Fox News Radio, Graham said it "made perfect sense" that Wallace was concerned about a noose found in his garage stall. He also argued that by banning the Confederate flag at its events, NASCAR was trying to "grow" its fan base.

Even James Carvill wasn't predicting the vermin jumping ship until labor day
Meanwhile, Kyle Larson continues to rack up victories- what has Bubba (or NASCAR) done?
Lindsey seems to jump on and off the Trump Train at will
Bubba Wallace had nothing to do with that noose

He didn’t find it, he didn’t report it
Trump is acting like an A hole again
Something about one has to walk lockstep like the Dems and their group think.
Blackmail is the way of life in Washington. The lawyers call it "leverage."

It's blackmail.

If you have made it past two terms in office at any level in government, you are "playing ball." If not, you are gerrymandered out of office or by other means.

Which is why Trump is such an epic threat to the entire globalist corrupt apparatus.

That includes the worldwide media etc. Draining the swamp is exercise in futility. Try sweeping sand off the beach. May have better luck.
To a Dimwinger Simpleton like the OP, if you don't agree 100% with someone you have "jumped ship".

Illustrates what non-thinking sheep they are.
I am sure our No/Low Information extremist friends on the Left will not have a clue what you are referring to.

CNN didn't tell them about that lil' tidbit.
A picture says a thousand words.



Is that Amy Klobuchar ?
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Meanwhile, Kyle Larson continues to rack up victories- what has Bubba (or NASCAR) done?
I'm not sure what winning a race might have to do with the acceptance of racial equality, but I'm sure you do. Don't bother explaining. I'm not interested anyway.

During an interview with Fox News Radio, Graham said it "made perfect sense" that Wallace was concerned about a noose found in his garage stall. He also argued that by banning the Confederate flag at its events, NASCAR was trying to "grow" its fan base.

Even James Carvill wasn't predicting the vermin jumping ship until labor day
oh for fk sake. the noose had been there for years. it wasn't even his most likely when that was first set up in that garage. wow the nuts have really fallen off the wheels of your brains.

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