Vanderburgh Democratic activist Reed faces felony election fraud charge


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Prosecutors have filed a felony election fraud charge against Vanderburgh County Democratic Party activist Jan Reed, who was accused last month of illegally sending hundreds of absentee ballot applications with instructions leaving voters no choice but to participate in her party's June 2 primary election.
Elections officials said Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
Reed apparently did not cooperate with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office investigation that yielded Monday's probable cause affidavit. The document states, "Janet Reed was contacted and refused to provide an interview regarding her involvement in this case."
Reed, 68, is charged with one count of Unauthorized Absentee Ballot, a Level 6 felony punishable by six months to two-and-a-half years in prison. If a defendant is convicted, it can result in a probationary sentence as well.

Reed did not return a telephone message for this story. Prosecutor Nick Hermann, a former local Republican Party chairman, declined to comment.
More:Vanderburgh Democratic activist accused of hundreds of illegal mailings
The Vanderburgh County Election Board sent a four-page letter to Hermann on May 14 outlining the allegations against Reed.
The letter included samples of absentee ballot applications Reed allegedly sent to voters pre-marking for Democrats the section that allows them to choose a party. A copy of Reed's instructions to voters stated that section "needs no input."

This HAS to be fake news, Dems are pure as the driven snow.
EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Prosecutors have filed a felony election fraud charge against Vanderburgh County Democratic Party activist Jan Reed, who was accused last month of illegally sending hundreds of absentee ballot applications with instructions leaving voters no choice but to participate in her party's June 2 primary election.
Elections officials said Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
Reed apparently did not cooperate with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office investigation that yielded Monday's probable cause affidavit. The document states, "Janet Reed was contacted and refused to provide an interview regarding her involvement in this case."
Reed, 68, is charged with one count of Unauthorized Absentee Ballot, a Level 6 felony punishable by six months to two-and-a-half years in prison. If a defendant is convicted, it can result in a probationary sentence as well.

Reed did not return a telephone message for this story. Prosecutor Nick Hermann, a former local Republican Party chairman, declined to comment.
More:Vanderburgh Democratic activist accused of hundreds of illegal mailings
The Vanderburgh County Election Board sent a four-page letter to Hermann on May 14 outlining the allegations against Reed.
The letter included samples of absentee ballot applications Reed allegedly sent to voters pre-marking for Democrats the section that allows them to choose a party. A copy of Reed's instructions to voters stated that section "needs no input."

This HAS to be fake news, Dems are pure as the driven snow.
Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
So how is this the fault of the Dems?
EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Prosecutors have filed a felony election fraud charge against Vanderburgh County Democratic Party activist Jan Reed, who was accused last month of illegally sending hundreds of absentee ballot applications with instructions leaving voters no choice but to participate in her party's June 2 primary election.
Elections officials said Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
Reed apparently did not cooperate with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office investigation that yielded Monday's probable cause affidavit. The document states, "Janet Reed was contacted and refused to provide an interview regarding her involvement in this case."
Reed, 68, is charged with one count of Unauthorized Absentee Ballot, a Level 6 felony punishable by six months to two-and-a-half years in prison. If a defendant is convicted, it can result in a probationary sentence as well.

Reed did not return a telephone message for this story. Prosecutor Nick Hermann, a former local Republican Party chairman, declined to comment.
More:Vanderburgh Democratic activist accused of hundreds of illegal mailings
The Vanderburgh County Election Board sent a four-page letter to Hermann on May 14 outlining the allegations against Reed.
The letter included samples of absentee ballot applications Reed allegedly sent to voters pre-marking for Democrats the section that allows them to choose a party. A copy of Reed's instructions to voters stated that section "needs no input."

This HAS to be fake news, Dems are pure as the driven snow.
Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
So how is this the fault of the Dems?

She's a Dem, by extension it's a Dem problem.
EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Prosecutors have filed a felony election fraud charge against Vanderburgh County Democratic Party activist Jan Reed, who was accused last month of illegally sending hundreds of absentee ballot applications with instructions leaving voters no choice but to participate in her party's June 2 primary election.
Elections officials said Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
Reed apparently did not cooperate with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office investigation that yielded Monday's probable cause affidavit. The document states, "Janet Reed was contacted and refused to provide an interview regarding her involvement in this case."
Reed, 68, is charged with one count of Unauthorized Absentee Ballot, a Level 6 felony punishable by six months to two-and-a-half years in prison. If a defendant is convicted, it can result in a probationary sentence as well.

Reed did not return a telephone message for this story. Prosecutor Nick Hermann, a former local Republican Party chairman, declined to comment.
More:Vanderburgh Democratic activist accused of hundreds of illegal mailings
The Vanderburgh County Election Board sent a four-page letter to Hermann on May 14 outlining the allegations against Reed.
The letter included samples of absentee ballot applications Reed allegedly sent to voters pre-marking for Democrats the section that allows them to choose a party. A copy of Reed's instructions to voters stated that section "needs no input."

This HAS to be fake news, Dems are pure as the driven snow.
Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
So how is this the fault of the Dems?

She's a Dem, by extension it's a Dem problem.
Oh ok. Election Redo in NC Tests Republican Support Ahead of 2020
This a Republican problem then?
This a Republican problem since it is help for the Republican candidate?
You want guilt by association be sure it goes both ways.
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The thing is, she probably won't be prosecuted to the fullest, because some democrook along the way, be it the DA, an investigator, or even a judge will not allow her to suffer the full consequences. Democrooks always cover for each other, republicrats either abandon their own or help the prosecution as a matter of ethics.

Democrooks don't struggle with ethics. Many of them can't even fuckin spell it.

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Prosecutors have filed a felony election fraud charge against Vanderburgh County Democratic Party activist Jan Reed, who was accused last month of illegally sending hundreds of absentee ballot applications with instructions leaving voters no choice but to participate in her party's June 2 primary election.
Elections officials said Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
Reed apparently did not cooperate with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office investigation that yielded Monday's probable cause affidavit. The document states, "Janet Reed was contacted and refused to provide an interview regarding her involvement in this case."
Reed, 68, is charged with one count of Unauthorized Absentee Ballot, a Level 6 felony punishable by six months to two-and-a-half years in prison. If a defendant is convicted, it can result in a probationary sentence as well.

Reed did not return a telephone message for this story. Prosecutor Nick Hermann, a former local Republican Party chairman, declined to comment.
More:Vanderburgh Democratic activist accused of hundreds of illegal mailings
The Vanderburgh County Election Board sent a four-page letter to Hermann on May 14 outlining the allegations against Reed.
The letter included samples of absentee ballot applications Reed allegedly sent to voters pre-marking for Democrats the section that allows them to choose a party. A copy of Reed's instructions to voters stated that section "needs no input."

This HAS to be fake news, Dems are pure as the driven snow.
Reed didn't stop sending the illegal mailings even after being warned by them and by the local Democratic Party to stop.
So how is this the fault of the Dems?

She's a Dem, by extension it's a Dem problem.
Oh ok. Election Redo in NC Tests Republican Support Ahead of 2020
This a Republican problem then?
This a Republican problem since it is help for the Republican candidate?
You want guilt by association be sure it goes both ways.
Are the Russians sending out ballots by mail? Are they stealing votes on election night? Ballot stuffing? Haven’t seen any evidence of Russian “interference” or “rigging” any election.

Russia has no more “meddled” in our elections than Obama did with Brexit in the UK.

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