Do you support circumcision for male babies?

Ms. Turquoise

Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2021
I was involved in a debate recently about male circumcision. Some people are strictly against it, saying it is a form of multilation. Others are for it, saying it has health and hygiene benefits for males and their female sex partners.
What do you folks think about it? Is circumcision a good thing? Did you circumcise your male children?
For the record, I think this procedure is a good thing. My male child was circumcised at 2 weeks old.
I am Jewish. Banning Judaism and Islam was a practice of the Spanish Inquisition. It is absolutely wrong.

Atheists would happily ban Christianity as well -- Dawkins considers teaching children about Afterlife a form of abuse.
Not only Herpes being spread to babies, but reports of other STD's transmitted to babies through the practice of Jews using their mouths to suck off the small amount of blood.

Circumcision can be performed cleanly and safely if religious acts aren't performed!
I was involved in a debate recently about male circumcision. Some people are strictly against it, saying it is a form of multilation. Others are for it, saying it has health and hygiene benefits for males and their female sex partners.
What do you folks think about it? Is circumcision a good thing? Did you circumcise your male children?
For the record, I think this procedure is a good thing. My male child was circumcised at 2 weeks old.
It's up to the parents. End of story.
I was involved in a debate recently about male circumcision. Some people are strictly against it, saying it is a form of multilation. Others are for it, saying it has health and hygiene benefits for males and their female sex partners.
What do you folks think about it? Is circumcision a good thing? Did you circumcise your male children?
For the record, I think this procedure is a good thing. My male child was circumcised at 2 weeks old.
As an American of British descent, I believe we are one of the Tribes of Israel (Joseph).

For me, it is the eternal sign of our (American) relationship with the God of Israel. I am thankful my parents had me circumcised, whatever the reason
Not only Herpes being spread to babies, but reports of other STD's transmitted to babies through the practice of Jews using their mouths to suck off the small amount of blood.

Circumcision can be performed cleanly and safely if religious acts aren't performed!
Blood shouldn't be sucked off adults, let alone babies. I'm thinking of the kind of circumcision done by a doctor in a sterile setting.
I fully support the practice of circumcision, at the very minimum it greatly aids with hygiene, and no babies I know have lodged a single complaint....

Babies do not understand the event, but do remember the pain and it causes unconscious trauma.
There is no hygiene aid at all, since people these days normally bath anyway.
It is instead a huge hygiene risk since it draws blood and allows infection.
I was circumcised when I was a baby. It was not my choice to make, and I do not hold my mother accountable. While I do believe it is a valid health concern. Although I do believe religion plays a big part in this act.
All I have left to say is-- Thanks Mom :)-
Babies do not understand the event, but do remember the pain and it causes unconscious trauma.
There is no hygiene aid at all, since people these days normally bath anyway.
It is instead a huge hygiene risk since it draws blood and allows infection.
:auiqs.jpg: Sure shithead, anything you say.... Now, go sue your mommy & daddy.
What do you folks think about it?
well think about it

we're born, welcome to the world and.....







Babies do not understand the event, but do remember the pain and it causes unconscious trauma.
There is no hygiene aid at all, since people these days normally bath anyway.
It is instead a huge hygiene risk since it draws blood and allows infection.
I worked in the healthcare field for many years and I never heard of a baby getting an infection from a circumcision procedure. The tiny area that is cut is protected and ointment is applied for a few days. I know it hurts them, but I doubt they remember it.
The long term benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort.

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