Do you have several names you call your beloved pet?


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2019
Valparaiso, Indiana USA
My sister and I have two cats in our household, Henry and Emily. I have only a few "pet" names for Emily, but I have probably over 20 for Henry. His OFFICIAL, full adopted name is Oh, Henry! I, of course, call him Henry. But also Hank, Hanky, Boo-Boo, Winky, Wink Laddie, Winkins, Hanky Boo, and MANY others. My sister calls him Henry, that's it. As you can probably tell, I LOVE the little guy. I DO love Emily, as well, just not as much as Henry. I told myself I would never get attached to or fall in love with another pet after my last cat died. I loved him dearly, and his death broke my heart, temporarily. I just can't help falling in love with a pet that I care for deeply. So, do you have several "pet" names for any of your beloved pets?
My sister and I have two cats in our household, Henry and Emily. I have only a few "pet" names for Emily, but I have probably over 20 for Henry. His OFFICIAL, full adopted name is Oh, Henry! I, of course, call him Henry. But also Hank, Hanky, Boo-Boo, Winky, Wink Laddie, Winkins, Hanky Boo, and MANY others. My sister calls him Henry, that's it. As you can probably tell, I LOVE the little guy. I DO love Emily, as well, just not as much as Henry. I told myself I would never get attached to or fall in love with another pet after my last cat died. I loved him dearly, and his death broke my heart, temporarily. I just can't help falling in love with a pet that I care for deeply. So, do you have several "pet" names for any of your beloved pets?
You live with your sister? What a fucking loser you are. :laughing0301:
What a fag you are. :laughing0301:
There is something DEEPLY wrong with you, this is QUITE apparent. I would bet you're NOT capable of loving another being. I don't know whether this was because you weren't raised correctly as a child, or perhaps abused when you were young. It is SO sad to see your hatred and anger on these threads. May God help you with your problems. You definitely NEED some kind of help. I am done responding to you on ANY thread on this site. I now have you on Ignore. Good luck.
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What a fag you are. :laughing0301:
There is something DEEPLY wrong with you, Asslips. I would bet you're NOT capable of loving another being. I don't know whether this was because you weren't raised correctly as a child, or perhaps abused when you were young. It is SO sad to see your hatred and anger on these threads. May God help you with your problems. You definitely NEED some kind of help. I am done responding to you on ANY thread on this site. I now have you on Ignore. Good luck.
Its going to be ok Boo-Boo. :laughing0301:
My tuxedo cat's official name is "Scamper" but he is also known as "Mr. Defiant" and "The Kitty Of Mass Destruction."

An aside, today is the six year anniversary of when I first met him. He was about two or three weeks old.
You live with your sister? What a fucking loser you are. :laughing0301:

He has mentioned this before.
He is the Queen of giving dislikes, and gets annoyed/triggered when those dislikes are given back.
Living with your sister, living in your mothers basement.
Nobody actually does this, do they? And IF they do, they SHOULD NEVER admit it.

bluzman61 has admitted to 'living with his sister' now the question is, do they live in their mothers basement?
You live with your sister? What a fucking loser you are. :laughing0301:

He has mentioned this before.
He is the Queen of giving dislikes, and gets annoyed/triggered when those dislikes are given back.
Living with your sister, living in your mothers basement.
Nobody actually does this, do they? And IF they do, they SHOULD NEVER admit it.

bluzman61 has admitted to 'living with his sister' now the question is, do they live in their mothers basement?
There is something DEEPLY wrong with you, this is quite apparent. Maybe you weren't raised correctly as a kid, or perhaps were abused by your parents or others when you were young. Your anger and hatred on these threads is SO sad to see. You need help, professional help, to deal with your obvious problems. I am done responding to you on ANY threads on this site, and now have you on Ignore. Good luck, and PLEASE get some psychological help. Thank you.
I wish I could have a pet. I'm allergic to most animals, and three of our four family members are too. People recommend hypo-allergenic dogs but after much pondering, we just couldn't do that to the dog, or to ourselves. Really the only way to see if the dog is REALLY hypo-allergenic is to bring him/her into the home. And then dog gets attached and so do we...and then maybe we have to get rid of dog. No thanks. To complicate things, our son and myself have very mild asthma (usually only brought on by allergies).
I wish I could have a pet. I'm allergic to most animals, and three of our four family members are too. People recommend hypo-allergenic dogs but after much pondering, we just couldn't do that to the dog, or to ourselves. Really the only way to see if the dog is REALLY hypo-allergenic is to bring him/her into the home. And then dog gets attached and so do we...and then maybe we have to get rid of dog. No thanks. To complicate things, our son and myself have very mild asthma (usually only brought on by allergies).
Sorry to hear that, Sue. From your posts, you would make a very loving and caring "parent" of a pet. It's sad to see when people like you, who would obviously be great with pets, unfortunately can't have them. Conversely, some people who have pets shouldn't have them because they are cruel and unloving towards them.
this morning....assholes is what they are ...and that is what i am calling them....its raining here but hell we all got to go the rain.....we call loki the youngest.....sponge bob cause of his feet..they are huge and leave mud tracks like a bigfoot....semba is goog boi for the most part....ernest t. is just a fucking mess...he barks at you when you get up to go to the bathroom...those are the dogs....

clark is my elder cat going on 20..he is just the old man or sweet clark....yoda is the 17 lb black cat ....he is the house panther.....tift the small female cat moved out to the shed years ago...where she lives and is feed and vetted....she is of course the shed cat
Thank you bluzman61 for putting me on IGNORE. Your post #12.
If you are reading this and actually respond or give 100's of dislikes, then we know
you are a proven LIAR.

Thank you bluzman61 for putting me on ignore.
Thank you very much, see post #12.

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