Do YOU believe there was fraud in this election?

Do you believe there was voter fraud in this election?

  • No

  • Maybe

  • Minimal/isolated

  • A fair amount, yes

  • Widespread, yes

  • Only in dem controlled areas

  • Only in Republican controlled areas

  • Mac is a dipshit who always makes his polls about himself

Results are only viewable after voting.
2016 Democrats - challenged the 2016 election results, filed suit, demanded recounts, and their candidate Hillary publicly declared Trump an illegitimate president.

2020 Democrats - claim Trump doing anything they did in 2016 a threat to democracy.

It's pretty clear Democrats are assholes.

What recounts were demanded? I'm legitimately unaware of what states had recounts.
Poll below/above. Feel free to elaborate.

I haven't seen any evidence of the widespread voter fraud that Trump has claimed.

Nor did the international observers that he invited to watch the election.

Nor has his own Cyber security teams.

Nor has any judge.

Of course not.......
The poll watchers were sent home early to be nice to them......
And Biden was immensely popular, his massive rallies were an early indication he would get more votes than any other President in US history.....

Nothing to see....move along
They are getting closer to discovering how really violet the Right can be when they are pushed too far.

We've already seen examples.

Trump supporters crave violence. It's their strong suit.

No, we don't. If we did you would already have been bitch slapped.
2016 Democrats - challenged the 2016 election results, filed suit, demanded recounts, and their candidate Hillary publicly declared Trump an illegitimate president.

2020 Democrats - claim Trump doing anything they did in 2016 a threat to democracy.

It's pretty clear Democrats are assholes. When you have documented cases of the DEAD casting ballots that's election fraud.

I think it was actually Jill Stein who pushed the recounts in 2016, although Clinton supported them.
2016 Democrats - challenged the 2016 election results, filed suit, demanded recounts, and their candidate Hillary publicly declared Trump an illegitimate president.

2020 Democrats - claim Trump doing anything they did in 2016 a threat to democracy.

It's pretty clear Democrats are assholes. When you have documented cases of the DEAD casting ballots that's election fraud.

I think it was actually Jill Stein who pushed the recounts in 2016, although Clinton supported them.

Correct and Hillary is on video claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, the Dems have zero credibility.
2016 Democrats - challenged the 2016 election results, filed suit, demanded recounts, and their candidate Hillary publicly declared Trump an illegitimate president.

2020 Democrats - claim Trump doing anything they did in 2016 a threat to democracy.

It's pretty clear Democrats are assholes. When you have documented cases of the DEAD casting ballots that's election fraud.

I think it was actually Jill Stein who pushed the recounts in 2016, although Clinton supported them.

Correct and Hillary is on video claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, the Dems have zero credibility.

Um, Jill Stein is not a Democrat...
2016 Democrats - challenged the 2016 election results, filed suit, demanded recounts, and their candidate Hillary publicly declared Trump an illegitimate president.

2020 Democrats - claim Trump doing anything they did in 2016 a threat to democracy.

It's pretty clear Democrats are assholes. When you have documented cases of the DEAD casting ballots that's election fraud.

I think it was actually Jill Stein who pushed the recounts in 2016, although Clinton supported them.

Correct and Hillary is on video claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, the Dems have zero credibility.

Um, Jill Stein is not a Democrat...

At a level never seen before...

My only question is if Trump can get it before the SCOTUS in time, and considering the fact that FEDAERAL voter fraud charges are being brought in record numbers, bring the entire election into question and get it settled by the House of Representatives (as mandated by the US Constitution)...

If they can, then we could possibly see a political party born of butthurt in 1824 see their demise in the fact that they pissed off 2/3 of the voters in 2020 in the greatest election fraud in history....
First, we need to remove the head of the snake. Unfortunately, communists startups tend to confuse the people with chaos. The sooner we deal with deep state commies, the better. Otherwise, they will use their paramilitary forces to the demise of the united states.
When the vote counts suddenly stop in the middle of the night, then next morning Biden is ahead. Also, the number of votes for Biden is very suspicious. I just can't accept that over 79 million Americans voted for an old washed up demented political hack.
One has to be a special kind of "stupid" to believe pedo Joe, the gaffe machine that hid himself from the public sector for the good part of 2020 ACTUALLY inspired people (even from the grave as we have learned) to rally behind him. The vast majority of ballots were in the form of demcrat operatives furiously filling out ballots at a furious pace in key states where oversight was next to nothing.
The most pathetic part of this fraud was not even that was enough to push "slow pedo Joe" over the edge, they had to use software glitches that just so happened to favor slow Joe. In one instance, the polls showed that 19,800 plus votes that belonged to Trump suddenly vanished like a fart in the wind and that exact number showed up on Biden's side. The entire election is a joke.......

Voter fraud happen every election cycle and voting irregularities and mistakes also happen.

Now is there enough fraud or mistakes to give Trump the election?

In my opinion no...

Then you are either not paying attention, or lying.

Wow, being called a liar and now the recount or audit is over in Georgia and did not find massive voter fraud mean I am not lying but some of you are just not willing to accept that Trump is not going to be President!

Fact is voter fraud happen every election cycle like I wrote and yet I am lying according to some anonymous poster because I am not proclaiming Trump was cheated because he was not cheated.

The fact is when all the recounts are done it will not change the fact very little voter fraud was done ( again I am not denying that it happens but not on the scale you believe it has happened ) and Biden won!

Now call me a damn liar all you want and live in denial!
One has to be a special kind of "stupid" to believe pedo Joe, the gaffe machine that hid himself from the public sector for the good part of 2020 ACTUALLY inspired people (even from the grave as we have learned) to rally behind him. The vast majority of ballots were in the form of demcrat operatives furiously filling out ballots at a furious pace in key states where oversight was next to nothing.
The most pathetic part of this fraud was not even that was enough to push "slow pedo Joe" over the edge, they had to use software glitches that just so happened to favor slow Joe. In one instance, the polls showed that 19,800 plus votes that belonged to Trump suddenly vanished like a fart in the wind and that exact number showed up on Biden's side. The entire election is a joke.......

The election isn't a joke, it's a crime.
Voter fraud happen every election cycle and voting irregularities and mistakes also happen.

Now is there enough fraud or mistakes to give Trump the election?

In my opinion no...

Then you are either not paying attention, or lying.

Wow, being called a liar and now the recount or audit is over in Georgia and did not find massive voter fraud mean I am not lying but some of you are just not willing to accept that Trump is not going to be President!

Fact is voter fraud happen every election cycle like I wrote and yet I am lying according to some anonymous poster because I am not proclaiming Trump was cheated because he was not cheated.

The fact is when all the recounts are done it will not change the fact very little voter fraud was done ( again I am not denying that it happens but not on the scale you believe it has happened ) and Biden won!

Now call me a damn liar all you want and live in denial!

Wait till they do the real recount. Complete with audit.
Of course, there was fraud.

We just do not know much & how it was done.

Common sense tells us that election workers in certain areas "disliked" President Trump VERY much and were determined that some votes for him not be counted.

"Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence"
Of course, there was fraud.

We just do not know much & how it was done.

Common sense tells us that election workers in certain areas "disliked" President Trump VERY much and were determined that some votes for him not be counted.

"Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence"
Absence of evidence means..absence of evidence. Your appeal to 'common sense' is a bit silly. The last part of your sentence is just an assumption you throw out there casually--as though you can speak cogently as to some people's determination to commit an illegal act--one that benefits your political candidate's current last-ditch attempt to steal the election.

If you don't know how much..or how it was done..essentially you are left with an assumption that you wish everyone to buy into--without evidence.

that's not how we do in the US.

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