Do YOU believe there was fraud in this election?

Do you believe there was voter fraud in this election?

  • No

  • Maybe

  • Minimal/isolated

  • A fair amount, yes

  • Widespread, yes

  • Only in dem controlled areas

  • Only in Republican controlled areas

  • Mac is a dipshit who always makes his polls about himself

Results are only viewable after voting.
Poll below/above. Feel free to elaborate.
The only one attempting to perpetrate fraud is tRump.

Notice the change in liberal narrative here....They are shifting to ‘Trump stole the election’...They must know the jig is up....
Apparently you don't read so well?

The word, "attempting" was used--and the only jig that is Trump's Presidency.

Doesn‘t matter...still, the shift shows you’re nervous
Probably rather there was enough to swing the election I can't say. No matter who is President for the next four years we need to take a serious look about how all the stuff in this election was handled unless we want 2020 to become the norm for all future elections and I for one don't want to see the shit show that was 2020 repeated.

To what end? Lets say we did a recount, in a state like say....Georgia.

Would conservatives accept the result if it predictably showed a Biden victory?

Of course not. Even now, they're making up a NEW conspiracy to explain the failure of their OLD conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence. And investigations don't stop conspiracy fantasies.

C'mon MAN !!

NOBODY wants a senile old pedophile hairsniffing child chasing communist who can't remember he wasn't running for the Senate, in a presidential race!

Just say NO to Pedoblobs !! get your wish..Biden is not in a Presidential race..he the over.
2016 Democrats - challenged the 2016 election results, filed suit, demanded recounts, and their candidate Hillary publicly declared Trump an illegitimate president.

2020 Democrats - claim Trump doing anything they did in 2016 a threat to democracy.

It's pretty clear Democrats are assholes. When you have documented cases of the DEAD casting ballots that's election fraud.

I think it was actually Jill Stein who pushed the recounts in 2016, although Clinton supported them.

Correct and Hillary is on video claiming Trump is an illegitimate president, the Dems have zero credibility.
I think almost all that is being called fraud are procedural errors and human incompetence. I also think that collectively it does not rise to the level necessary to warrant relief.

If one were to look for fraud..I'd start with the Right-wing led attempt to nullify a lawful election by slander, misrepresentation and outright lying. I'd be pissed if i didn't know that all their efforts are in vain.
You need to listen to the Sean Hannity program for Nov. 19, 2020. I'm sorry that you choose only feel good far leftists. The truth is there..... You can find the show at through their search engine.
When the vote counts suddenly stop in the middle of the night, then next morning Biden is ahead. Also, the number of votes for Biden is very suspicious. I just can't accept that over 79 million Americans voted for an old washed up demented political hack.
They didn't just up and suddenly vote for Biden. The Demonrats thought their computer mischief would never get any notice at all. It's all over but the donkey braying and a-whining. God has answered my prayers for doing right in this nation. He wants all of you Demmies to repent and never steal another vote for the rest of your lives. You also need to brush up on the spirit of the law which means you have to live a steller life according to the principles set forth by Moses and Jesus. I hope you all renew your family,'s faith. It's for your own good to learn the doing of rightness and never any wrongness. And I pity you if you ever steal another vote again or associate with those who do. That is all. I thank God for listening to my prayer for all of you.
I think almost all that is being called fraud are procedural errors and human incompetence. I also think that collectively it does not rise to the level necessary to warrant relief.

If one were to look for fraud..I'd start with the Right-wing led attempt to nullify a lawful election by slander, misrepresentation and outright lying. I'd be pissed if i didn't know that all their efforts are in vain.
Procedural errors and human incompetence led to voter numbers that are unbelievable? Come on can do better than that! You've got more votes for a candidate that nobody on the left would even show up to watch when he campaigned than any other candidate in history? You've got States like Wisconsin that had like a 96% voter turnout when they've never come anywhere close to that EVER? Something is off with this election.
I think almost all that is being called fraud are procedural errors and human incompetence. I also think that collectively it does not rise to the level necessary to warrant relief.

If one were to look for fraud..I'd start with the Right-wing led attempt to nullify a lawful election by slander, misrepresentation and outright lying. I'd be pissed if i didn't know that all their efforts are in vain.
Procedural errors and human incompetence led to voter numbers that are unbelievable? Come on can do better than that! You've got more votes for a candidate that nobody on the left would even show up to watch when he campaigned than any other candidate in history? You've got States like Wisconsin that had like a 96% voter turnout when they've never come anywhere close to that EVER? Something is off with this election.
Jesus fucking Christ on a raft. Where do you people get your "facts"?

As of November 16, 2020, 66.6 percent of the eligible voting population in the United States voted in the 2020 presidential election. As of this date, voter turnout was highest in Minnesota, at 79.9 percent.
Voter fraud happen every election cycle and voting irregularities and mistakes also happen.

Now is there enough fraud or mistakes to give Trump the election?

In my opinion no...

Then you are either not paying attention, or lying.

Wow, being called a liar and now the recount or audit is over in Georgia and did not find massive voter fraud mean I am not lying but some of you are just not willing to accept that Trump is not going to be President!

Fact is voter fraud happen every election cycle like I wrote and yet I am lying according to some anonymous poster because I am not proclaiming Trump was cheated because he was not cheated.

The fact is when all the recounts are done it will not change the fact very little voter fraud was done ( again I am not denying that it happens but not on the scale you believe it has happened ) and Biden won!

Now call me a damn liar all you want and live in denial!

Wait till they do the real recount. Complete with audit.
And Biden will still be President...

In court, Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani alleged widespread fraud
in "Democrat machine" cities of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

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As I have stated, only a stupid fuck that hasn't followed the events of the last year could even attempt to say with a straight face that pedo Joe, the basement dwelling leftard candidate inspired 70 plus million people to assemble on his senile, gaffe-ridden ass's behalf and declare him as "the people's choice".

Watching you leftard clowns try and claim that this utter joke of an "election" was legit is lamer AND sadder than watching a three-legged dog trying to take a piss on a frozen pond. What is even sadder is the attitude of leftards that want to reconcile our differences and pretend that the last four years of witch hunts and lamestream media bias against Trump never took place....that innocent Americans were never attacked just because they exercised their first amendment right by wearing a MAGA hat.

The leftard clown posse of butthurt, sniveling commies that want to "make nice" now? They can go fuck themselves. 71 MILLION anti-commies don't want a fucking thing to do with those of your ilk. We will not cower nor will we be silenced. Just remember that when the feces hits the oscillating blades that you asked for begged for you will reap it. Camel Harris wants to go after those that don't support that c--n's commie views? Bring it on, bitch.....bring body bags.
Poll below/above. Feel free to elaborate.
@ GMU; I believe that the polls have always suffered from @ LEAST a small amount of dishonest intentions. It's sad but true, but we are dealing with frail human nature, & people without security(Maker) spook easy. I knew something was wrong when prez Trumps huge lead vanished overnight. This may seem difficult to comprehend but the statist left(global communalists) appear to be absolutely terrified of prez Trump. The statist left seem to me to be viewing prez Trump like he is Jehovah Of Armies Himself coming to give them the Red Sea treatment. The statist left in my opinion have become so frightened(no security) that they globally are trying to rig the election system in an attempt to save themselves from prez Trump??? This unreasonable fear of prez Trump is absolutely ridiculous on the statist left's part.'ve gobbled yet another pile of conspiracy batshit.
There's a reason why Trump's lawyers aren't even ALLEGING fraud in court.

So you're gonna ignore those two GLARING facts that are virtually impossible?


I'm not the one ignoring the fact that Gulliani, just 48 hours ago in court, admitted he's not even alleging fraud occurred.

You've been played.
Yet you lefties would be swinging the same sob story were you to have lost under the same circumstances.'ve gobbled yet another pile of conspiracy batshit.
There's a reason why Trump's lawyers aren't even ALLEGING fraud in court.

So you're gonna ignore those two GLARING facts that are virtually impossible?


I'm not the one ignoring the fact that Gulliani, just 48 hours ago in court, admitted he's not even alleging fraud occurred.

You've been played.
Yet you lefties would be swinging the same sob story were you to have lost under the same circumstances.

No, America would be a pile of smoldering ashes by now. The left doesn't play. That's the rights forte
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Poll below/above. Feel free to elaborate.

I haven't seen any evidence of the widespread voter fraud that Trump has claimed.

Nor did the international observers that he invited to watch the election.

Nor has his own Cyber security teams.

Nor has any judge.
I would add that recounts and audits have found no fraud either.

Election fraud is a lie and a hoax.
plain recounts don't find fraud, moron. You need to validate signatures and addresses. You douchebags are trying to perpetrate fraud with your bullshit about recounts.
Think about the premise.... America-hating, shit-eating rodents with a marxist agenda were trusted with voting machines that could be programmed in 7 minutes with a flash drive and a screw driver....

nuff said?

But as long as the result favors them, they will claim the machines are the Pinnacle of trust and integrity.

Let's just say the machines did exactly what the Left wanted them to do.
Snap shots of voting across the country Blue counties obvious irregular stuffing votes


What 'obvious irregular stuffing votes'?

You're making vague, general, essentially unverifiable accusations. Get specific.
Trucks full of Biden ballots showing up at the counting center at 4:30 AM.
Snap shots of voting across the country Blue counties obvious irregular stuffing votes

Stop embarrassing yourself.
Trump lost.
The only embarrassment I see here is the embarrassment you libbers are causing yourselves by putting a POS like Biden in the WH. Not even smart enough to see what the end results of that may be.

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