Do we have a Justice Department or not?


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Sorry to say this, because Jeff Sessions is a good man....but the article below provides a good argument for the fact that he is not the man to clean up the corrupt mess that Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and James Comey left behind in in the Justice Dept. and the F. B. I.

Exerpt below, a conclusion, after providing compelling reasons why the Attorney General is failing, and it does not even mention the failure to prosecute Lois Lerner and other hoodlums at the IRS:

"If Sessions does not wish to do his sworn duties, he should resign, or appoint a special prosecutor who will follow the law. Either we have a nation of laws or we do not".

Blog: Do we have a Justice Department or not?
Sessions needs to resign. When all this "we need an investigation" and "special prosecutor" nonsense started Sessions should have asked "what is EXACTLY is being alleged".

If he decided that a special prosecutor is needed then get one with very defined boundaries. Mueller is nothing more than a Democrat hired gun looking for dirt.
Because Sessions believes in the rule of law he should resign. That is a novel approach to being a AG. Sessions would be clearly violating Justice Department guidelines if he investigated Clinton. This is not about the rule of law. This is about getting even with your political enemies.
Sorry to say this, because Jeff Sessions is a good man....but the article below provides a good argument for the fact that he is not the man to clean up the corrupt mess that Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and James Comey left behind in in the Justice Dept. and the F. B. I.

Exerpt below, a conclusion, after providing compelling reasons why the Attorney General is failing, and it does not even mention the failure to prosecute Lois Lerner and other hoodlums at the IRS:

"If Sessions does not wish to do his sworn duties, he should resign, or appoint a special prosecutor who will follow the law. Either we have a nation of laws or we do not".

Blog: Do we have a Justice Department or not?
We do not. The Justice Department is being run by Rosenstein (Obama Appointee) & Mueller.

Sessions is a figure head who in my opinion is a Deep State Plant who will NEVER seek the truth about what THE OBAMA Administration did.

The FBI is being run by McCabe & Mueller.

The IRS is being run by Koskinen.

So much for the peaceful transition of power.
Sorry to say this, because Jeff Sessions is a good man....but the article below provides a good argument for the fact that he is not the man to clean up the corrupt mess that Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and James Comey left behind in in the Justice Dept. and the F. B. I.

Exerpt below, a conclusion, after providing compelling reasons why the Attorney General is failing, and it does not even mention the failure to prosecute Lois Lerner and other hoodlums at the IRS:

"If Sessions does not wish to do his sworn duties, he should resign, or appoint a special prosecutor who will follow the law. Either we have a nation of laws or we do not".

Blog: Do we have a Justice Department or not?
We do not. The Justice Department is being run by Rosenstein (Obama Appointee) & Mueller.

Sessions is a figure head who in my opinion is a Deep State Plant who will NEVER seek the truth about what THE OBAMA Administration did.

The FBI is being run by McCabe & Mueller.

The IRS is being run by Koskinen.

So much for the peaceful transition of power.

We do. Sessions recused himself from any investigation involving the election because he was a surrogate for Trump. Other than that, he can investigate anything. The reason he has not done so is because there is no evidence of a crime. This is not a banana republic. You do not get to invent crimes and jail people. That is what Hitler did.


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