Do the math: Vaccines alone won’t get us out of this pandemic


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2017

By the numbers:

From the article:

"I’m sorry to be writing the words that follow, but here they are: We can’t vaccinate our way out of this pandemic. And the myopic focus on achieving herd immunity through mass vaccination may even make it tougher for America — and the world — to defeat Covid-19."

Good article that discusses why herd immunity is a left wing wet dream.

A key point in the article is that they don't know how long the vaccines will be effective.

By the numbers:

From the article:

"I’m sorry to be writing the words that follow, but here they are: We can’t vaccinate our way out of this pandemic. And the myopic focus on achieving herd immunity through mass vaccination may even make it tougher for America — and the world — to defeat Covid-19."

Good article that discusses why herd immunity is a left wing wet dream.

A key point in the article is that they don't know how long the vaccines will be effective.
Healthy people -no comorbidities- getting infected will get us out....That's how natural herd immunity is achieved.

By the numbers:

From the article:

"I’m sorry to be writing the words that follow, but here they are: We can’t vaccinate our way out of this pandemic. And the myopic focus on achieving herd immunity through mass vaccination may even make it tougher for America — and the world — to defeat Covid-19."

Good article that discusses why herd immunity is a left wing wet dream.

A key point in the article is that they don't know how long the vaccines will be effective.

The purpose of vaccines is neither to eradicate the virus nor to create herd immunity. It is to keep medical services from being overwhelmed with critical cases. There is no way big pharma was going to give away something they have invested billions in if it was a once in a lifetime shot. They are going to milk people for vaccine money from now to eternity.

By the numbers:

From the article:

"I’m sorry to be writing the words that follow, but here they are: We can’t vaccinate our way out of this pandemic. And the myopic focus on achieving herd immunity through mass vaccination may even make it tougher for America — and the world — to defeat Covid-19."

Good article that discusses why herd immunity is a left wing wet dream.

A key point in the article is that they don't know how long the vaccines will be effective.
Healthy people -no comorbidities- getting infected will get us out....That's how natural herd immunity is achieved.
Yup - after enough of them die off.

By the numbers:

From the article:

"I’m sorry to be writing the words that follow, but here they are: We can’t vaccinate our way out of this pandemic. And the myopic focus on achieving herd immunity through mass vaccination may even make it tougher for America — and the world — to defeat Covid-19."

Good article that discusses why herd immunity is a left wing wet dream.

A key point in the article is that they don't know how long the vaccines will be effective.
Healthy people -no comorbidities- getting infected will get us out....That's how natural herd immunity is achieved.
Yup - after enough of them die off.
^^ another moron who thinks young healthy people are dying from WuFlu.
The only thing that is going to stop the DEMPANIC is for the media to tell the sheep they can take the fuckin mask off.
The only thing that is going to stop the DEMPANIC is for the media to tell the sheep they can take the fuckin mask off.

Not sure how that applies to the OP....but O.K.

I believe his point is that there are actually 3 ways to achieve herd immunity and end the epidemic.
One is vaccine, but there is also natural inherent immunity, and acquired immunity from recovery.
The quicker we get enough people sick and recovered, the sooner the epidemic is over, and the sooner you get it over with, the fewer deaths.

By the numbers:

From the article:

"I’m sorry to be writing the words that follow, but here they are: We can’t vaccinate our way out of this pandemic. And the myopic focus on achieving herd immunity through mass vaccination may even make it tougher for America — and the world — to defeat Covid-19."

Good article that discusses why herd immunity is a left wing wet dream.

A key point in the article is that they don't know how long the vaccines will be effective.
Take the vaccine and you line up for the slaughter house.

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