Do Republicans understand how incredibly lucky they were electing Barrack Obama?



Imagine if Hillary Clinton had been elected instead of Obama.

First off, Republicans impeached her husband in an attempt to destroy his presidency.

Then they ignored his warning about al Qaeda. Bill Clinton told Fox news he received landing rights to send in the military to take out Bin Laden after the Cole, but both the FBI and the CIA weren't convinced Bin Laden was behind that and wouldn't certify the police/military action.

Clinton warned the Bush administration and his warnings were ignored and to this day, Republicans try to blame 9/11 on Bill Clinton.

Bush and Cheney lied to the country. They flat out lied about "slam dunk, yellow cake, WMD's and so on". Bush only had to ask his father to know the truth.

Bush and Cheney's friends made billions off Iraq leaving the country a hard, right wing Islamic Theocracy. It's right in their constitution.

Republicans tried their best to smear both Clintons.

I have no doubt if Hillary had become President, Bush and Cheney and possibly Rice and Rumsfeld would have been brought up on charges of "treason" and "lies" that led to the deaths and maimings of tens of thousands of young Americans. And the investigation of the contracts and distribution of money to Bush and Cheney's friends. Especially the disappearance of 9 billion in 100 dollar bills loaded on dozens of pallets.

Obama understood that 8 years of Republican policies had left the country's economy devastated, the military broken, the Justice Department ruined. Our foreign policy was in shambles and the rest of the world saw us as more dangerous than Bin Laden or al Qaeda.

Obama wanted to get past that. He realized how we needed to heal the country. And I don't mean race relations. I mean "heal the country". Republicans had succeeded in redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 5% and had convinced the entire Republican base that a plutocracy was the way to go. All that plus the other damage left the country in dire straights.

One wonders, if Obama knew what the Republicans were going to do to the country after he was elected, would he have followed a different path and pursued charges against Bush?
What is even funnier is that Republicans will try to tie her to Benghazi. She will let them ramble on until it grows boring. Then she will point out Republicans cut embassy security budgets squeezing out every cent from the budget to get even more money into the hands of the rich. Her warning was the SECOND time they ignored a warning from a Clinton. She will leave them sputtering.
If Obama wanted to heal the country then he shouldn't have been so insulting to so many Americans.

And Hillary would also have squashed the idea of charges against Bush because she wouldn't want charges to be filed against her later.
If Obama wanted to heal the country then he shouldn't have been so insulting to so many Americans.

And Hillary would also have squashed the idea of charges against Bush because she wouldn't want charges to be filed against her later.

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

This comes to mind right off the top...
Nutballs elected Barack Hussein Obama all right. No rational person questions that.

But they did it in 2004 by re electing the most completely failed (by every hard measure used to measure presidential success or failure) first term president in US history.

I laugh out loud every time some soft bellied white trash fuckface on radio or television rails against the bitter harvest he or she worked overtime to plant in 2004. How could Obama - or anyone else - insult people that stupid?

The thing is Obama really is a fucking idiot. But he isn't a total moral degenerate like his predecessor however, and so a body politic still in shock from 2008 re elected him over a filthy fucking corporatist parasite who sent more jobs to Asia than he created in the USA. There is a message in that somewhere.
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If Obama wanted to heal the country then he shouldn't have been so insulting to so many Americans.

And Hillary would also have squashed the idea of charges against Bush because she wouldn't want charges to be filed against her later.

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

This comes to mind right off the top...

I think that's one of the reasons the right wing lost. Changing Obama's speeches to say something else. It made them look both desperate and liars. Listening to the entire speech, clearly Obama was saying, "You didn't build that alone. You use the roads built by others. You hired workers educated by others. You use electricity supplied by others".

In fact, Mitt Romney gave a nearly identical speech at the Olympics saying the Olympians didn't get there alone. They had coaches, parents and government funding.

Yet there go dumb ass Republicans. Making themselves look like fucking fools. Repeating the same edited lies over and over again until the propaganda "takes" and they believe it themselves.
Nutballs elected Barack Hussein Obama all right. No rational person questions that.

But they did it in 2004 by re electing the most completely failed (by every hard measure used to measure presidential success or failure) first term president in US history.

I laugh out loud every time some soft bellied white trash fuckface on radio or television rails against the bitter harvest he or she worked overtime to plant in 2004. How could Obama - or anyone else - insult people that stupid?

The thing is Obama really is a fucking idiot. But he isn't a total moral degenerate like his predecessor however, and so a body politic still in shock from 2008 re elected him over a filthy fucking corporatist parasite who sent more jobs to Asia than he created in the USA. There is a message in that somewhere.

You're awfully bitter. You might find this site interesting.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?
If Obama wanted to heal the country then he shouldn't have been so insulting to so many Americans.

And Hillary would also have squashed the idea of charges against Bush because she wouldn't want charges to be filed against her later.

Obama is only insulting to Republicans because he is black. We know it. The party that has delegates that will throw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman and say to her, "This is how we feed the animals", clearly has race problems. Being 90% white makes it even worse.
Obama has proven himself to be a moderate in his 1st- term. Thats for sure. I'm a progressive so I'm somewhat disappointed in him.
Do Republicans understand how incredibly lucky they were electing Barrack Obama?

I don't think Republicans voted for Obama...

But I get your meaning....
You are in love.

I'm pretty sure you would be surprised. There are a lot of Republicans angry that extremist Teanut baggers have taken over their party. Voting against what 90% of the country wants?



Imagine if Hillary Clinton had been elected instead of Obama.

First off, Republicans impeached her husband in an attempt to destroy his presidency. b/c he committed a crime.

Then they ignored his warning about al Qaeda. he ignored them himself. Bill Clinton told Fox news he received landing rights to send in the military to take out Bin Laden after the Cole, but both the FBI and the CIA weren't convinced Bin Laden was behind that and wouldn't certify the police/military action. sure thing skippy.

Clinton warned the Bush administration and his warnings were ignored and to this day, Republicans try to blame 9/11 on Bill Clinton. ya huh. He did nothing and to this day, liberals try to blame Bush for everything.

Bush and Cheney lied to the country. They flat out lied about "slam dunk, yellow cake, WMD's and so on". Bush only had to ask his father to know the truth.

Bush and Cheney's friends made billions off Iraq leaving the country a hard, right wing Islamic Theocracy. It's right in their constitution. yeah. Would you prefer they had someone that tortured and killed them for kicks?

Republicans tried their best to smear both Clintons. they did it to themselves.

I have no doubt if Hillary had become President, Bush and Cheney and possibly Rice and Rumsfeld would have been brought up on charges of "treason" and "lies" that led to the deaths and maimings of tens of thousands of young Americans. put the crack pipe down. And the investigation of the contracts and distribution of money to Bush and Cheney's friends. EXHALE Especially the disappearance of 9 billion in 100 dollar bills loaded on dozens of pallets.

Obama understood that 8 years of Republican policies had left the country's economy devastated, the military broken, the Justice Department ruined. :lol: oh the IRONY Our foreign policy was in shambles and the rest of the world saw us as more dangerous than Bin Laden or al Qaeda. :link:

Obama wanted to get past that. He realized how we needed to heal the country. and then failed time and time again. And I don't mean race relations. I mean "heal the country". Republicans had succeeded in redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 5% and had convinced the entire Republican base that a plutocracy was the way to go. All that plus the other damage left the country in dire straights.

One wonders, if Obama knew what the Republicans were going to do to the country after he was elected, would he have followed a different path and pursued charges against Bush?

You have GOT to be the dumbest hack here.

TM sounds insane, but you pull of lucid, therefore your ignorance and lies are intentional.

The fact that you think hillary ever gave a damn is funny, the idea that you still think obama does is :cuckoo:
If Obama wanted to heal the country then he shouldn't have been so insulting to so many Americans.

And Hillary would also have squashed the idea of charges against Bush because she wouldn't want charges to be filed against her later.

Obama is only insulting to Republicans because he is black. We know it. The party that has delegates that will throw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman and say to her, "This is how we feed the animals", clearly has race problems. Being 90% white makes it even worse.

Sad that you are so hung up on race.

Imagine if Hillary Clinton had been elected instead of Obama.

First off, Republicans impeached her husband in an attempt to destroy his presidency. b/c he committed a crime.

Then they ignored his warning about al Qaeda. he ignored them himself. Bill Clinton told Fox news he received landing rights to send in the military to take out Bin Laden after the Cole, but both the FBI and the CIA weren't convinced Bin Laden was behind that and wouldn't certify the police/military action. sure thing skippy.

Clinton warned the Bush administration and his warnings were ignored and to this day, Republicans try to blame 9/11 on Bill Clinton. ya huh. He did nothing and to this day, liberals try to blame Bush for everything.

Bush and Cheney lied to the country. They flat out lied about "slam dunk, yellow cake, WMD's and so on". Bush only had to ask his father to know the truth.

Bush and Cheney's friends made billions off Iraq leaving the country a hard, right wing Islamic Theocracy. It's right in their constitution. yeah. Would you prefer they had someone that tortured and killed them for kicks?

Republicans tried their best to smear both Clintons. they did it to themselves.

I have no doubt if Hillary had become President, Bush and Cheney and possibly Rice and Rumsfeld would have been brought up on charges of "treason" and "lies" that led to the deaths and maimings of tens of thousands of young Americans. put the crack pipe down. And the investigation of the contracts and distribution of money to Bush and Cheney's friends. EXHALE Especially the disappearance of 9 billion in 100 dollar bills loaded on dozens of pallets.

Obama understood that 8 years of Republican policies had left the country's economy devastated, the military broken, the Justice Department ruined. :lol: oh the IRONY Our foreign policy was in shambles and the rest of the world saw us as more dangerous than Bin Laden or al Qaeda. :link:

Obama wanted to get past that. He realized how we needed to heal the country. and then failed time and time again. And I don't mean race relations. I mean "heal the country". Republicans had succeeded in redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 5% and had convinced the entire Republican base that a plutocracy was the way to go. All that plus the other damage left the country in dire straights.

One wonders, if Obama knew what the Republicans were going to do to the country after he was elected, would he have followed a different path and pursued charges against Bush?

You have GOT to be the dumbest hack here.

TM sounds insane, but you pull of lucid, therefore your ignorance and lies are intentional.

The fact that you think hillary ever gave a damn is funny, the idea that you still think obama does is :cuckoo:

Sure. This was taken back in 2006. Before Obama even became president.

BBC NEWS | Americas | US 'biggest global peace threat'

People in European and Muslim countries see US policy in Iraq as a bigger threat to world peace than Iran's nuclear programme, a survey has shown.
The survey by the Pew Research Group also found support for US President George W Bush and his "war on terror" had dropped dramatically worldwide.

The latest survey shows the worldwide reputation of the US continues to suffer over its prosecution of the "war on terror".

Sharp declines in the public perception of the US were particularly apparent in India, Spain and Turkey.

Goodwill towards the US had fallen from 71% to 56% in India, from 41% to 23% in Spain and from 23% to 12% in Turkey.


There is actually a lot more where that came from. Right wing Re-pubic Hairs are so fucking insulated from reality. They deny, deny, deny. Anyone who dares print the truth must be "hacks". It's them against the world and to them, the world is wrong. But to the rest of the world, right wingers are fucking morons who are dangerous and out of step with any recognizable moral.

How does it feel to have the whole world scared of you? Good? I think that makes bullies feel good. Right wingers don't try to get people to agree with their rotten and failed policies. They either try to trick people or force them.
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If Obama wanted to heal the country then he shouldn't have been so insulting to so many Americans.

And Hillary would also have squashed the idea of charges against Bush because she wouldn't want charges to be filed against her later.

Obama is only insulting to Republicans because he is black. We know it. The party that has delegates that will throw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman and say to her, "This is how we feed the animals", clearly has race problems. Being 90% white makes it even worse.

Sad that you are so hung up on race.


If Republicans, with their dirty and racists actions would quit shoving it into our faces, we wouldn't be so "hung up".
Obama is only insulting to Republicans because he is black. We know it. The party that has delegates that will throw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman and say to her, "This is how we feed the animals", clearly has race problems. Being 90% white makes it even worse.

Sad that you are so hung up on race.


If Republicans, with their dirty and racists actions would quit shoving it into our faces, we wouldn't be so "hung up".

LOL. You're the one doing the shoving.

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