Zone1 Do most Americans Believe Peace With Russia is Advisable?

I don’t want regime change. I want Russia to suffer. I want the suffering to last for generations. I want history books written about it. I want Russia so broke they dream of the day when the world gives a fuck about their suffering.
For all of its history Russia lived in the dirt. 'Farewell, unwashed Russia; land of slaves, land of masters' - as one famous Russian poet wrote in the 19th century. It is their usual form. Besides, their 'suffering' won't be in the way you are hoping for. Your wishes are irrational.
For all of its history Russia lived in the dirt. 'Farewell, unwashed Russia; land of slaves, land of masters' - as one famous Russian poet wrote in the 19th century. It is their usual form. Besides, their 'suffering' won't be in the way you are hoping for. Your wishes are irrational.

No. Quite to the contrary. They are already working. Russian Hookers as one example, can’t travel to get paid the big bucks. Russian business’s can’t make international deals that the real world requires.

Now as to it being achievable. It is, and will continue. The world is moving forward at a brisk walk, Russia has slowed to a crawl, and is in danger of slowing even more. Take the airline industry. Russian international flights have dropped by 90%. That is lost revenue that means they can’t pay for their leased aircraft. If you don’t pay for your lease, you can’t take out new ones.

Those aircraft are dead to the international community. As they have not gotten mandatory inspections and services done, those individual aircraft can’t fly internationally ever again.

And making their own planes has met with serious problems. The best case scenario is that Russia manufacturers mid range jets that are far more inefficient than the competition. That means it costs more in fuel, and the tickets will be more expensive, unless subsidized by a government that is already hurting for cash.

It will take a couple decades for Russian Airlines to be competitive in the world market again. Best case scenario again. Realistically. They will never be competitive again.
I suspect (and hope) that Edgar Cayce's prediction that Russia would save the American people from their criminal government comes to pass.

As the risk of nuclear war becomes more likely, is it time to talk about a peace settlement with Russia?

If protecting the Ukraine is America's goal and end game, then is there anything left to protect. And is an escalation of the war a wise decision, due to Russia's stated determination?

Is Russia bluffing?

Time to crush the vermin and disarm them, as should have been done in the 1990's. It will fun watching REd China seizing the eastern half, and getting themselves bogged down as well.
A lot of the right wingers here are going to be disappointed with what Trump will do when sworn in re Ukraine. They believe some myth that just because h has issues with NATO he's going to abandon Ukraine, which is nonsense. Trump never recognized Russia's seizure of Crimea, and sent a lot of missiles that kept Ukraine in the war as President, and also rubbed out some 500 Russian mercenaries in Syria. He won't be caving in to Putin's nuclear extortion either.
Time to crush the vermin and disarm them, as should have been done in the 1990's. It will fun watching REd China seizing the eastern half, and getting themselves bogged down as well.
Presently, your predictions seem quite unlikely. Maybe best chances are in when Trump is elected and he makes friends again with Putin, to isolate China?

Do you think Vlad Putin will go along with Trump, or would Trump be doublecrossing America and its war? Who holds the winning hand so far, Joe or Vlad?

I think Trump wouldn't allow more of Americans' money to be given to the Ukraine. And I think that's going to be very bad for Trump's health!
Presently, your predictions seem quite unlikely. Maybe best chances are in when Trump is elected and he makes friends again with Putin, to isolate China?

Do you think Vlad Putin will go along with Trump, or would Trump be doublecrossing America and its war? Who holds the winning hand so far, Joe or Vlad?

I think Trump wouldn't allow more of Americans' money to be given to the Ukraine. And I think that's going to be very bad for Trump's health!

You and your hero Putin are delusional sociopaths; you can't help but to keep pushing buttons until you finally get responses you don't like.
You and your hero Putin are delusional sociopaths; you can't help but to keep pushing buttons until you finally get responses you don't like.
We can discuss your issue Dudley but I insist on politeness and no childish namecalling. That offer is open to all.
Time to crush the vermin and disarm them, as should have been done in the 1990's. It will fun watching REd China seizing the eastern half, and getting themselves bogged down as well.
Not sure if we want China to have an easy path into Russia.
I suspect (and hope) that Edgar Cayce's prediction that Russia would save the American people from their criminal government comes to pass.
Sure, that will happen right after Russia regains control of Alaska.

---Putin's aide threatens to ‘claim back’ Alaska in response to US sanctions---

Not sure if we want China to have an easy path into Russia.

They have a long history of border disputes. WW III almost broke out due to that in the 1950's and 1960's. How it would turn out is a 'what if', but having them weaken each other would not be an all bad scenario.
I think Russia would prefer to be able to get back across the line!

Russia wants border security so that they can do so.

I think that both Russia and America finally understand that they're facing a foe against whom they can't win.

The effectiveness of the sanctions against Russia is a side issue that I would suggest is only going to complicate the main issue of peace.
you would have to show where and when UKRAINE or anyone else has attacked Russia's border.
OR its just pure bs propaganda.
you would have to show where and when UKRAINE or anyone else has attacked Russia's border.
OR its just pure bs propaganda.
See recorded history dating back to even before 2104.

Let's instead change the subject to achieving peace.

A neutral Ukraine has the answer for both sides.
See recorded history dating back to even before 2104.

Let's instead change the subject to achieving peace.

A neutral Ukraine has the answer for both sides.

That’s worked out so well in History. Belgium was neutral. Everyone respected that. How about the Eastern Nations that were neutral? Lithuania. Poland. The Russians never invaded them without cause right?
Its simple show strength and prevent wars... show weakness and welcome wars.... Biden is a weak leader...
Showing Strength? Is it not strength to support a country that ONLY ask is to be Free TO RUN THEIR own COUNTRY.
Is it smart to bow down to a PUTIN that ATTACKS weaker country's & uses threats of Nukes too make you cower?
& become Willing TO LET A DICTATOR have his way.
Showing Strength? Is it not strength to support a country that ONLY ask is to be Free TO RUN THEIR own COUNTRY.
Is it smart to bow down to a PUTIN that ATTACKS weaker country's & uses threats of Nukes too make you cower?
& become Willing TO LET A DICTATOR have his way.
Did Putin go into Ukraine when Trump was president?... answer no... he waited till Biden took office... case closed.... thanks for playing...
And I wish some of you would do some research on Ukraine... the north was occupied by Russian expatriates who had to flee into Russia when the fighting began.... its not like Poland or Sweden... a deal for some territory could have been made before the war... no one tried...

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