Do German's View Themselves as The Smartest?

That's why you chose and avatar name which sounds German bur is not German, Rumpelstiltskin? Latinos may be happy that you are no Latino.

Here by the way a song from a real German - his name is Laith al-Deen - a very good poet who plays in a wonderful way with his German mothertongue. When I heard him the first time and did not know his name I imagined him as a kind of blond eyed and blue haired cowboy. For a real German interesting in the following song is for example that the sentence "Keine wie du" (None like you (female form)) sounds nearly like "Keiner wie du" (None like you (male form)). So this are three types of "people" he could speak about: a wife (or girlfriend), a comrade (or friend) and/or god.

That's why you chose and avatar name which sounds German bur is not German, Rumpelstiltskin? Latinos may be happy that you are no Latino.

Here by the way a song from a real German - his name is Laith al-Deen - a very good poet who plays in a wonderful way with his German mothertongue. When I heard him the first time and did not know his name I imagined him as a kind of blond eyed and blue haired cowboy. For a real German interesting in the following song is for example that the sentence "Keine wie du" (None like you (female form)) sounds nearly like "Keiner wie du" (None like you (male form)). So this are three types of "people" he could speak about: a wife (or girlfriend), a comrade (or friend) and/or god.

That name sounds less German than mine. How can he be a German, then? I am half latino by the way.
The PISA tests create "untested" problems. Let me say it with the words of Arnold Gehlen: "Humans are specialists in being unspecialized." That's why Humboldt's educational ideal never will die. What all tests test is not the sum but only the parts. And the sum always will be more than the parts. And fortunatelly no one and not any normal system will be able to prevent that a talented pupil will learn.

Better write where German science has a leading position now?
Which German start-up is #1 or even 99th in the world?
No one.
Which German company leads in the world?
The answer is the same
That's all about your 'education'
That name sounds less German than mine. How can he be a German, then? I am half latino by the way.

You are a 100% Nazi whose father had been a 100% Nazi and whose grandfather had been a 100% Nazi - what you told me years ago although I never asked you. That you are no German at all was always my premise in contact with you because "Bleipriester" is only a mimikry word.

"Namika" (="die Schreibende", "the writer" (female conotation) is by the way also a fascinating German singer-songwriter. In this video below she sang a text from another author - a text from August Heinrich Hofmann von Fallersleben (1798-1874).


Unity and justice and freedom
for the German fatherland!
Let us all strive for this,
fraternally with heart and hand!
Unity and justice and freedom
are the pledge of happiness:
Blossom in the splendor of this happiness,
Blossom, German fatherland!


"... und dieser Mensch will ein Staatsmann sein der überthaupt nicht weiß was Gerechtigkeit ist?"
="... and this person wants to be a statesman who doesn't even know what justice is?"

a German businessman about Hitler after he had been called to him to speak with him.
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Do Germans view themselves as the smartest out of all of Europe?

I am partially German and it seems my full blood German relatives view themselves as smarter and superior to everyone else in Europe. In a way it's kind of funny. Jews say they are the smartest, Brits say they are, I know many Mexican's who claim they are, I know many Asians who claim they are the smartest.

I will say my full blood German relatives are all very smart, college and graduate degrees with IQ scores in the 120's- 130's. They make the argument that they come from great bloodlines. Since I am mixed and not full blood German I guess I don't qualify lol
Swapping 1 million Ashkenazi Jews for one million Muslims/Africans suggests otherwise, along with a significant drop in collective IQ.
Better write where German science has a leading position now?

What's nonsense. I remember in this context an Hungarian who was dissapointed because he had learned German to study physics in Germany. But they spoke Latin ... ah sorry English ... in the physics course. Science never had been "national". Science always had been international.

Which German start-up is #1 or even 99th in the world?
No one.

Since some days we are again the third biggest economy of the world for example - although we are in a deep crisis.

Which German company leads in the world?

Hopefully none. Monopolistic structures are anything else than senseful. All money to only some few people while all others are only slaves serving this elites is not a good way.

The answer is the same
That's all about your 'education'

Since when do you know what is ... ahm: "Bildung"?
Swapping 1 million Ashkenazi Jews for one million Muslims/Africans suggests otherwise, along with a significant drop in collective IQ.

Sometimes I ask myselve in which jungle men like you live and think. The intellectual capacity of any gibbon seems to be more fascinating.

I live in CZ.

What is CZ? The Czech republic which was called in former times "Bohemia" before the Bohemians had been murdered and/or displaced?

Anyway, Ashkenazi Jews are the smartest people on earth ...

If they are not idiots like anyone else. One of my grandfathers was a German and Jew (=Ashkenazim). He was not only smart and very successful in his business affairs - he also had been a courageous and wise man full of humor and empathy.

You are a 100% Nazi whose father had been a 100% Nazi and whose grandfather had been a 100% Nazi - what you told me years ago although I never asked you. That you are no German at all was always my premise in contact with you because "Bleipriester" is only a mimikry word.

"Namika" (="die Schreibende", "the writer" (female conotation) is by the way also a fascinating German singer-songwriter. In this video below she sang a text from another author - a text from August Heinrich Hofmann von Fallersleben (1798-1874).


Unity and justice and freedom
for the German fatherland!
Let us all strive for this,
fraternally with heart and hand!
Unity and justice and freedom
are the pledge of happiness:
Blossom in the splendor of this happiness,
Blossom, German fatherland!


"... und dieser Mensch will ein Staatsmann sein der überthaupt nicht weiß was Gerechtigkeit ist?"
="... and this person wants to be a statesman who doesn't even know what justice is?"

a German businessman about Hitler after he had been called to him to speak with him.

When I was in Stalingrad, in the cauldron, I ate horse bone soup which I spiced with gunpowder. But in Soviet war captivity I became a good communist and thus it happened that I built the Berlin Wall.
Science always had been international.

Nope, science was almost 100% white before dictatorship of political correctness.

Since some days we are again the third biggest economy of the world for example - although we are in a deep crisis.

The fourth one exactly said and is on the best way to became the fifth

Hopefully none. Monopolistic structures are anything else than senseful. All money to only some few people while all others are only slaves serving this elites is not a good way.

Because Germany has nothing to offer to humanity now, except Climate Protection, Communism and Truth of Quran of course.
Do Germans view themselves as the smartest out of all of Europe?

I am partially German and it seems my full blood German relatives view themselves as smarter and superior to everyone else in Europe. In a way it's kind of funny. Jews say they are the smartest, Brits say they are, I know many Mexican's who claim they are, I know many Asians who claim they are the smartest.

I will say my full blood German relatives are all very smart, college and graduate degrees with IQ scores in the 120's- 130's. They make the argument that they come from great bloodlines. Since I am mixed and not full blood German I guess I don't qualify lol
If starting and losing two world wars is smart, then yes.
You're wrong, Ashkenazim aren't true Jews but converted to Judaism Khazarian.
Only Sephardi Jews are true Jews

That's the problem when Dr. Frankenstein makes a big break during a brain transplantation between excision and surrogating and to finish: You have to think with a great emptiness and a spider's web in the hollow of your skull.
luiza Your are another slave of Putin who doesn't like to bring his vampire-master into the sunlight of the international court.

Make this two sentences any sense?

Your English is nowhere near the required standard for you to hold a mature discussion here .
And frankly you are about the last person needed to argue the case on behalf Germans .
it is like asking your hero , dear Uncle Adolf , to present a lecture on kindness and compassion .
That's the problem when Dr. Frankenstein makes a big break during a brain transplantation between excision and surrogating and to finish: You have to think with a great emptiness and a spider's web in the hollow of your skull.

Do you have IQ-20, any conversation with you is a collection of insults and malice?
Ashkenazim Jews are Fake Jews, they had never to do with Abraham and another Semitic peoples.


They are sooner sons of Chinggis Khan due to their Turkish Khazar origin, but not of Jacob

They language is Yiddish and former home country Khazaria, an area somewhere between Russia and Ukraine.

Ashkenazim Jews are Fake Jews, they had never to do with Abraham and another Semitic peoples.

Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or Ashkenazim, are a Jewish diaspora population that formed in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium CE.

Nazi, shut up.

First of all, can you condemn your 'holy' book Shulhan Aruch which compares goyim to feces and demands to robe, to cheat and to kill them.
Anyone can google quotes about goyim from your The Book of Law # 1
Thereafter we can continue to talk who is a nazi
By the way, your beloved Israel has murdered more children in Gaza as USA in Iraq and Afghanistan together.
Your statement please
First of all, can you condemn your 'holy' book Shulhan Aruch which compares goyim to feces and demands to robe, to cheat and to kill them.
Anyone can google quotes about goyim from your The Book of Law # 1
Thereafter we can continue to talk who is a nazi
By the way, your beloved Israel has murdered more children in Gaza as USA in Iraq and Afghanistan together.
Your statement please

How many in Syria?

Moslem against Moslem.

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