Do atheist obey God?

If you're an Atheist, you don't believe in God. He's already given many COMMANDMENTS which most of humanity, including the Christian world, refuse to obey The answer is a clear NO
Because the morality of the average 7 year old in a first world country is far superior to the stunted attempt at morality that was the ten commandments.
Listening to Jesus teachings prove who is who.

there is nothing of theirs by their own hand to listen too - the reason for this thread. their passing resolved nothing.

for those needing as you suggest would be irrelevant for what was set in motion when life began to understand what happens when their physiology expires and they would not care to expire with it - without discovering for themselves the true answer, anyway.
You mean frst accepting them as TRUE, then listening to and believing them.

This is not how a rational person should function.
A rational person is commanded to PROVE all things and hold onto the good. "Prove all things and hold fast that which is good." -- 1 Thess. 5:21. Faith as defined by God is not blind, faith is based upon proof and evidence.........such as eyewitness testimony along a chronological history of the Judeo/Christian philosophy. The Bible is such.........a chronological history of eyewitness testimony defining the "majesty" of Christ the Lord. (2 Peter 1:16).

Faith cometh by hearing and Hearing by the Word of God. (Rom 10:17). The scriptures exist in an objective manner......they read the same for both you and I. In order to prosecute them as being false.......the burden of disproving them is UP TO THOSE who would prosecute them. Thus one, in all the existence of the Word of God (at least 3500 years) has provided such objective evidence to prove the scriptures are not based upon the truth provided by eyewitness testimony.

You can no more disprove the miraculous events recorded in scripture than I can prove them......unless you have a super-natural-0-meter in your pocket. Simply declaring that you have not witnessed something does not disprove that it occurred.........did you witness the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783.......yet you do not call it a historical lie...why? Yet you apply that logic in denying the Holy Scriptures? :dunno:

Prima Facie: Look it up
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A rational person is commanded to PROVE all things and hold onto the good.
Not sure what this odd sentence means.

But, if you take it to mean being a cafeteria Christian who looks for the morally good things in the bible and holds those close (while ignoring or tossing out the rest), then I support your effort.

Of course, I can't help but wonder why you need the bible at all, then. Since you found the "good morality" before you even opened it, and then searched accordingly.
For those of you who are atheist I have a question. Would you obey God if He told you to do something? And would you start believing in Him after He spoke to you?
/----/ Law-abiding atheists live by our common law that follows God's commandments. Thou shall not steal, kill - stuff like that,
I'm not religious by any means, including Atheism.

All I've ever wanted from any religion is proof positive of their fantasies they call reality.
So far........nothing.

They've had millenia to give us proof positive, and they haven't.

If any "god" did come and visit me, I would require ID and a cold, hard, factual, real show of their "powers".

And so far in my lifetime, it's never happened.
You'd know by seeing the mask and vaccination card.....and ability on a Les Paul
/----/ Law-abiding atheists live by our common law that follows God's commandments. Thou shall not steal, kill - stuff like that,
Our laws left behind the hot garbage ten commandments long ago. Not they they were ever useful anyway. One would have to be delusional to think people had not figured out those things before the ten commandment myth supposedly happened.
Our laws left behind the hot garbage ten commandments long ago. Not they they were ever useful anyway. One would have to be delusional to think people had not figured out those things before the ten commandment myth supposedly happened.
/——/ You got your 10 commandments myth, and I have my global warming climate change myth.
- how do you distinguish the angels from the devils ...

according to the christians, without their knowledge they might just as well be hearing from a devil as an angle.
Muhammad was visited by a lying demon who said he was Gabriel.

Joseph Smith, likewise

The apostle Paul was inspired to say, "if any MAN, or even an angel comes with a different message, than what you received from us (the apostles), God is not with that messenger
If God told me to do something, my atheist days would end immediately. An atheist is nothing more or less than someone who has no reason to believe a god exists. A direct command from a god, any god, that made it clear that it was from a god, instead of just a personal whim or a thought out idea would certainly remove any doubt of his exitance. I firmly believed in a God for a long time, and I still hope he exists, but after an in depth study of the bible, and many nights of evaluating what I found, unfortunately, I have no reason to believe a god exists. Nothing would make me happier than to believe a god does exist.

A healthy atheist.. it's a rare sight these days.

I heard Dennis Prager ask the question to an atheist: "When you die, do you hope you're right? or do you hope you're wrong?"

I think it has to do with ego and narcissism in that sense. As a believer, I can discuss and enjoy the company of a healthy atheist. However, far too many nowadays become instantly angry, and I think would want to be correct in going to nothingness just to appease their ego instead of knowing millions were able to live in the afterlife.
A healthy atheist.. it's a rare sight these days.

I heard Dennis Prager ask the question to an atheist: "When you die, do you hope you're right? or do you hope you're wrong?"

I think it has to do with ego and narcissism in that sense. As a believer, I can discuss and enjoy the company of a healthy atheist. However, far too many nowadays become instantly angry, and I think would want to be correct in going to nothingness just to appease their ego instead of knowing millions were able to live in the afterlife.
I can't imagine anyone hoping they are wrong except someone who believes in an afterlife, but isn't quite sure where he might spend it. Did you really dot all the I's and cross all the T's? Is there some hoop you didn't jump through fast enough or high enough?
Then pray to the true God-YHWH(Jehovah) through his sons name. But with your attitude and probably practicing many sins he probably wouldnt even know you, just as you do not know him.

Exactly. If He exists then he has no use for me.
I can't imagine anyone hoping they are wrong except someone who believes in an afterlife, but isn't quite sure where he might spend it. Did you really dot all the I's and cross all the T's? Is there some hoop you didn't jump through fast enough or high enough?
Well life is journey for everyone. I think many atheists think faith is a non-thinking endeavor, but it's absolutely not. I think every Christian doubts their faith at times in their life, and struggles with their faith. The disciples of Christ certainly did... Hell, Peter, the rock on whom the church was built, supposedly the greatest apostle, denied he knew Christ once Jesus was the wrong guy to know.

Meanwhile, some of the most powerful Christians are the ones who come from disbelief and breathe an evangelism into us lifers that is oh so refreshing. Some lifers get into trouble, and I can admit to having my struggles.

I'm not on here to try to convince you of anything, I just want to say it's refreshing to hear an open mind.. who knows, maybe you'll be called one day, maybe not. I'm not going to judge a damned thing.

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