Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?

If the American people don't make the correction in November 2018 to reject this Mussolini wannabe the country may in fact be lost because Republicans in Congress have now shown themselves to be outright cowards. They have no balls.
I agree that the GOP has no balls.

Very telling that some of them are even admitting that now.
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

So Liberals are just downright making shit up and lying now. Alrighty.

So many RWNJs are terrified of actually looking at the very real issues we're facing. They're afraid of being alone and need to belong.

Chicken shit or just dumb?

Definitely too invested to back away and take a good long honest look.

Also very telling that most are phony christians.

And as you well know, most are living off the fat of the land.

All of that ^^^ is true.


We are facing------> YOUR side being BUSTED tomorrow, lololol! If I was you, I too would be saying------> look what we are facing. JAIL, that is what your side is facing, and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Leftists-)

So many RWNJs are terrified of actually looking at the very real issues we're facing. They're afraid of being alone and need to belong.

Chicken shit or just dumb?

Definitely too invested to back away and take a good long honest look.

Also very telling that most are phony christians.

And as you well know, most are living off the fat of the land.

All of that ^^^ is true.

You want socialism. And somehow think we’re the ones afraid of standing on our own?
Chicken shit or just dumb?

Definitely too invested to back away and take a good long honest look.

Also very telling that most are phony christians.

And as you well know, most are living off the fat of the land.

All of that ^^^ is true.

Just because you say it's true, doesn't mean it's true. Your emotions are telling you it's true, the facts are sitting there laughing at you.

Dispense with the vagaries. Say something substantive for once.
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

How many times will you cry wolf cupcake.

When trump was elected you snowflakes claimed the world would end.

You should focus on running an electable candidate in 2020.

I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

If the American people don't make the correction in November 2018 to reject this Mussolini wannabe the country may in fact be lost because Republicans in Congress have now shown themselves to be outright cowards. They have no balls.

All democracies fail, all of them. It's only a question of when. The longest democracies have lasted in the past is 200 years. We are at 240 years and counting. Orange turd wouldn't be much of a problem if Republicans that control Congress had any balls and exercised the power of Congress. But they don't. The only wall has been the courts thus far. If the American people put the Democrats in control of one or more of the bodies in Congress the tide will be stemmed. If they gain control of both houses this orange pestilence will end and we can get back to normal human society rather than the mental derangement syndrome of Donald Neville Chamberlain Trump and his followers.
And ALL the countries that have failed did so by going ULTRA progressive!
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

Trump is the greatest threat to American democracy in my lifetime.

And to our constitution. He attacks it every single day and RWNJs and Repubs are fine with that.

LOVE your sig.

Kim is thrilled that trump talked hotels with him. Bottom line for trump is that he make a profit so not surprised that he is now talking building in Commie Korea.


Constitution? He stays within constitutional guidelines, unlike your messiah. And if YOUR messiah had of put the Iran deal to a congressional vote as a treaty, Trump could NOT have undone it. But just like ALL police staters, he took the easy way, because if nothing else, he was LAZY! A typical, community organizer, with absolutely no class, and no balls.

No, actually trump does not "stay within constitutional guidelines". There is hardly a day go by that trump does not talk about wanting to gut the constitution.

Why is it RWNJs never ever listen to what trump says? Why are they okay with trump constant talking about his wish for a police state?

Iran. Why does the right want Iran to have nukes and WHY do they want Kim to keep his? Before any one answers that, remember that Kim is actual threat. Not much but he can actually hit US targets. So, what does trump do? He backs down, turns tale and grovels.
“Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?”

Those who aren’t conservatives and Trump sycophants do, yes.

So how many times has trump abrogated the COTUS? Hmmm? How many times did your hero, the obummer do exactly what you claim trump is doing? Hmmm? Pot, meet kettle.
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

If the American people don't make the correction in November 2018 to reject this Mussolini wannabe the country may in fact be lost because Republicans in Congress have now shown themselves to be outright cowards. They have no balls.

All democracies fail, all of them. It's only a question of when. The longest democracies have lasted in the past is 200 years. We are at 240 years and counting. Orange turd wouldn't be much of a problem if Republicans that control Congress had any balls and exercised the power of Congress. But they don't. The only wall has been the courts thus far. If the American people put the Democrats in control of one or more of the bodies in Congress the tide will be stemmed. If they gain control of both houses this orange pestilence will end and we can get back to normal human society rather than the mental derangement syndrome of Donald Neville Chamberlain Trump and his followers.

How has your beloved Communism fared der Kommissar?
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

Trump is the greatest threat to American democracy in my lifetime.

And to our constitution. He attacks it every single day and RWNJs and Repubs are fine with that.

LOVE your sig.

Kim is thrilled that trump talked hotels with him. Bottom line for trump is that he make a profit so not surprised that he is now talking building in Commie Korea.


Constitution? He stays within constitutional guidelines, unlike your messiah. And if YOUR messiah had of put the Iran deal to a congressional vote as a treaty, Trump could NOT have undone it. But just like ALL police staters, he took the easy way, because if nothing else, he was LAZY! A typical, community organizer, with absolutely no class, and no balls.

No, actually trump does not "stay within constitutional guidelines". There is hardly a day go by that trump does not talk about wanting to gut the constitution.

Why is it RWNJs never ever listen to what trump says? Why are they okay with trump constant talking about his wish for a police state?

Iran. Why does the right want Iran to have nukes and WHY do they want Kim to keep his? Before any one answers that, remember that Kim is actual threat. Not much but he can actually hit US targets. So, what does trump do? He backs down, turns tale and grovels.

trump has outright violated the constitution.
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

Trump is the greatest threat to American democracy in my lifetime.

And to our constitution. He attacks it every single day and RWNJs and Repubs are fine with that.

LOVE your sig.

Kim is thrilled that trump talked hotels with him. Bottom line for trump is that he make a profit so not surprised that he is now talking building in Commie Korea.


Constitution? He stays within constitutional guidelines, unlike your messiah. And if YOUR messiah had of put the Iran deal to a congressional vote as a treaty, Trump could NOT have undone it. But just like ALL police staters, he took the easy way, because if nothing else, he was LAZY! A typical, community organizer, with absolutely no class, and no balls.

No, actually trump does not "stay within constitutional guidelines". There is hardly a day go by that trump does not talk about wanting to gut the constitution.

Why is it RWNJs never ever listen to what trump says? Why are they okay with trump constant talking about his wish for a police state?

Iran. Why does the right want Iran to have nukes and WHY do they want Kim to keep his? Before any one answers that, remember that Kim is actual threat. Not much but he can actually hit US targets. So, what does trump do? He backs down, turns tale and grovels.

trump has outright violated the constitution.
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

Trump is the greatest threat to American democracy in my lifetime.

And to our constitution. He attacks it every single day and RWNJs and Repubs are fine with that.

LOVE your sig.

Kim is thrilled that trump talked hotels with him. Bottom line for trump is that he make a profit so not surprised that he is now talking building in Commie Korea.


Constitution? He stays within constitutional guidelines, unlike your messiah. And if YOUR messiah had of put the Iran deal to a congressional vote as a treaty, Trump could NOT have undone it. But just like ALL police staters, he took the easy way, because if nothing else, he was LAZY! A typical, community organizer, with absolutely no class, and no balls.

No, actually trump does not "stay within constitutional guidelines". There is hardly a day go by that trump does not talk about wanting to gut the constitution.

Why is it RWNJs never ever listen to what trump says? Why are they okay with trump constant talking about his wish for a police state?

Iran. Why does the right want Iran to have nukes and WHY do they want Kim to keep his? Before any one answers that, remember that Kim is actual threat. Not much but he can actually hit US targets. So, what does trump do? He backs down, turns tale and grovels.

trump has outright violated the constitution.
In what manner?

Care to go into detail?
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

Trump is the greatest threat to American democracy in my lifetime.

And to our constitution. He attacks it every single day and RWNJs and Repubs are fine with that.

LOVE your sig.

Kim is thrilled that trump talked hotels with him. Bottom line for trump is that he make a profit so not surprised that he is now talking building in Commie Korea.


Constitution? He stays within constitutional guidelines, unlike your messiah. And if YOUR messiah had of put the Iran deal to a congressional vote as a treaty, Trump could NOT have undone it. But just like ALL police staters, he took the easy way, because if nothing else, he was LAZY! A typical, community organizer, with absolutely no class, and no balls.

No, actually trump does not "stay within constitutional guidelines". There is hardly a day go by that trump does not talk about wanting to gut the constitution.

Why is it RWNJs never ever listen to what trump says? Why are they okay with trump constant talking about his wish for a police state?

Iran. Why does the right want Iran to have nukes and WHY do they want Kim to keep his? Before any one answers that, remember that Kim is actual threat. Not much but he can actually hit US targets. So, what does trump do? He backs down, turns tale and grovels.

OK, go to YouTube and post a video of Trump saying he wants to "gut, avoid, dismiss," the constitution. Show us, then have credibility!
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

Trump is the greatest threat to American democracy in my lifetime.

And to our constitution. He attacks it every single day and RWNJs and Repubs are fine with that.

LOVE your sig.

Kim is thrilled that trump talked hotels with him. Bottom line for trump is that he make a profit so not surprised that he is now talking building in Commie Korea.


Constitution? He stays within constitutional guidelines, unlike your messiah. And if YOUR messiah had of put the Iran deal to a congressional vote as a treaty, Trump could NOT have undone it. But just like ALL police staters, he took the easy way, because if nothing else, he was LAZY! A typical, community organizer, with absolutely no class, and no balls.

No, actually trump does not "stay within constitutional guidelines". There is hardly a day go by that trump does not talk about wanting to gut the constitution.

Why is it RWNJs never ever listen to what trump says? Why are they okay with trump constant talking about his wish for a police state?

Iran. Why does the right want Iran to have nukes and WHY do they want Kim to keep his? Before any one answers that, remember that Kim is actual threat. Not much but he can actually hit US targets. So, what does trump do? He backs down, turns tale and grovels.

trump has outright violated the constitution.

So you Dem's can't do jack about it.
i think the poorly educated deplorables that trump counts on to keep him on his gold plated pedestal simply



Actually I do care. That’s why I voted for him and not more of this left wing failure obie dropped on us.

i'm not at all surprised you feel that way buttercup.

Sloppy ghey man pass duly noted.

lol... i'm female, you dolt.
We refuse to use your chosen pronouns dude.

don't worries- it's obvious how you hate fact & truth.
i think the poorly educated deplorables that trump counts on to keep him on his gold plated pedestal simply



Actually I do care. That’s why I voted for him and not more of this left wing failure obie dropped on us.

i'm not at all surprised you feel that way buttercup.

Sloppy ghey man pass duly noted.

lol... i'm female, you dolt.
Well, that won't win any debates for you. You win based on the merit of your arguments, not your gender.

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