DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

Yep, they did it four years ago, in different ways. I recall watching some state primary returns and Clinton already had delegates awarded, before the state's votes were counted.

No the DNC doesn't want him, that's clear. But it's a political party and will nominate whoever it wants. For his part Sanders could form his party (and/or could have formed one four-five years ago) but the rigged system ensures that will never get traction with the Duopoly entrenched. Many have tried, none have succeeded.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

Yep, they did it four years ago, in different ways. I recall watching some state primary returns and Clinton already had delegates awarded, before the state's votes were counted.

No the DNC doesn't want him, that's clear. But it's a political party and will nominate whoever it wants. For his part Sanders could form his party (and/or could have formed one four-five years ago) but the rigged system ensures that will never get traction with the Duopoly entrenched. Many have tried, none have succeeded.

Then the DNC needs to stop taking public money if they're a private organization.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

Yep, they did it four years ago, in different ways. I recall watching some state primary returns and Clinton already had delegates awarded, before the state's votes were counted.

No the DNC doesn't want him, that's clear. But it's a political party and will nominate whoever it wants. For his part Sanders could form his party (and/or could have formed one four-five years ago) but the rigged system ensures that will never get traction with the Duopoly entrenched. Many have tried, none have succeeded.

Then the DNC needs to stop taking public money if they're a private organization.

All political parties are private organizations. Where do you get this "public money' idea? They're not funded by taxes.
Any perceived efforts to undermine Sanders will only help Trump.

We had it happen in Canada when a conservative politician named Bernier was undermined by the "dairy farmers" (you can't make this up), and although he was the clear winner, like in the Democrat system of Super Delegates, they chose Scheer.

It ensure an Establishment candidate won. I knew then and there Trudeau was going to win, even if slightly. He was quite vulnerable and he knew it, but, Scheer was a poor choice for many Canadians and the results came out as I expected, a minority Liberal government.

You hear the Sanders crowd already angry. Read forums or news about this perceived sleight and the responses people leave, here are a couple of common ones: "If they do this to Sanders again, I am staying home on election night". or, "if they do this to Sanders again, I am voting Trump"

THAT is how angry they are. Just as if Trump were impeached the GOP would take more losses than they could count in 2020, the same goes for Sanders.

It has to be legitimate and viewed as on the level, or, citizens will turn on your party really quick. Even the clown Tom Steyer is complaining.
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Any perceived efforts to undermine Sanders will only help Trump.

We had it happen in Canada when a conservative politician Bernie was undermined by the "dairy farmers" (you can't make this up), and although he was the clear winner, like in the Democrat system of Super Delegates, they chose Scheer.

It ensure an Establishment candidate won. I knew then and there Trudeau was going to win, even if slightly. He was quite vulnerable and he knew it, but, Scheer was a poor choice for many Canadians and the results came out as I expected, a minority Liberal government.

You hear the Sanders crowd already angry. Read forums or news about this perceived sleight and the responses people leave, here are a couple of common ones: "If they do this to Sanders again, I am staying home on election night". or, "if they do this to Sanders again, I am voting Trump"

THAT is how angry they are. Just as if Trump were impeached the GOP would take more losses than they could count in 2020, the same goes for Sanders.

It has to be legitimate and viewed as on the level, or, citizens will turn on your party really quick.

Not how it works on election day. Voters don't vote for a party ---- actually most of us vote either to piss in the wind because our state is predecided and is going to throw our vote into the dumpster immediately, or else we vote to block the greater of two evils.

That's what the Electoral College, as practiced, has given us. Fake elections where the most you can do is cockblock by voting for Bad so as to block Worse.

It's been that way as long as I've been alive and long before.
All political parties are private organizations. Where do you get this "public money' idea? They're not funded by taxes.

Donations from the public.

That's donations ---- not taxes.

Donations are sent voluntarily. "Public money" means taxes.

It's understood (or should be) by those donors that as a political party organization it's not bound to do anything at all. It will nominate, or block, anybody it wants.
All political parties are private organizations. Where do you get this "public money' idea? They're not funded by taxes.

Donations from the public.

That's donations ---- not taxes.

Donations are sent voluntarily. "Public money" means taxes.

It's understood (or should be) by those donors that as a political party organization it's not bound to do anything at all. It will nominate, or block, anybody it wants.

I know they're not taxes.
They shouldn't be taking donations from the public, when they're going to nominate who THEY want to, and not who the public wants.
If the Russians hadn't allegedly hacked the DNC's emails in 2016, and Wikileaks hadn't released those emails, nobody would have even known how the DNC and Hillary Clinton gave that poor old curmudgeon socialist Bernie the shaft.

So the DNC is doing it again? :laughing0301:
All political parties are private organizations. Where do you get this "public money' idea? They're not funded by taxes.

Donations from the public.

That's donations ---- not taxes.

Donations are sent voluntarily. "Public money" means taxes.

It's understood (or should be) by those donors that as a political party organization it's not bound to do anything at all. It will nominate, or block, anybody it wants.

I know they're not taxes.
They shouldn't be taking donations from the public, when they're going to nominate who THEY want to, and not who the public wants.

You can't control them, just because you give them money. It's still their organization, not ours. Donations are, again, voluntary. If you don't like how they operate, don't donate. But someone else will, and when they do, that's not "the public" .... it's someone IN the public.

If you donate money to your public radio station it doesn't mean they can't cancel your favorite program.
If the Russians hadn't allegedly hacked the DNC's emails in 2016, and Wikileaks hadn't released those emails, nobody would have even known how the DNC and Hillary Clinton gave that poor old curmudgeon socialist Bernie the shaft.

So the DNC is doing it again? :laughing0301:

Bullshit. All you had to do was follow the primaries.
All political parties are private organizations. Where do you get this "public money' idea? They're not funded by taxes.

Donations from the public.

That's donations ---- not taxes.

Donations are sent voluntarily. "Public money" means taxes.

It's understood (or should be) by those donors that as a political party organization it's not bound to do anything at all. It will nominate, or block, anybody it wants.

I know they're not taxes.
They shouldn't be taking donations from the public, when they're going to nominate who THEY want to, and not who the public wants.

You can't control them, just because you give them money. It's still their organization, not ours. Donations are, again, voluntary. If you don't like how they operate, don't donate. But someone else will, and when they do, that's not "the public" .... it's someone IN the public.

If you donate money to your public radio station it doesn't mean they can't cancel your favorite program.

I understand how it works. I just don't think it's right. Like a faith healer accepting money from the cripple.
All political parties are private organizations. Where do you get this "public money' idea? They're not funded by taxes.

Donations from the public.

That's donations ---- not taxes.

Donations are sent voluntarily. "Public money" means taxes.

It's understood (or should be) by those donors that as a political party organization it's not bound to do anything at all. It will nominate, or block, anybody it wants.

I know they're not taxes.
They shouldn't be taking donations from the public, when they're going to nominate who THEY want to, and not who the public wants.

You can't control them, just because you give them money. It's still their organization, not ours. Donations are, again, voluntary. If you don't like how they operate, don't donate. But someone else will, and when they do, that's not "the public" .... it's someone IN the public.

If you donate money to your public radio station it doesn't mean they can't cancel your favorite program.

I understand how it works. I just don't think it's right. Like a faith healer accepting money from the cripple.

Ah. So you figure they should be banned from getting donations at all? That's worth a thought.

My longtime scheme has been that political parties should be chartered, like a corporation, for a finite period of 20 years, nonrenewable. After 20 years it disappears whether it accomplished anything it set out to do, or not. That's about the time it takes for ideals to dissipate and get to the point where ours are now, that the only purpose for its existence is self-perpetuation.
If the Russians hadn't allegedly hacked the DNC's emails in 2016, and Wikileaks hadn't released those emails, nobody would have even known how the DNC and Hillary Clinton gave that poor old curmudgeon socialist Bernie the shaft.

So the DNC is doing it again? :laughing0301:

Bullshit. All you had to do was follow the primaries.

Uhhh...hello? That has all been documented by the liberal Wikipedia...

2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia
If the Russians hadn't allegedly hacked the DNC's emails in 2016, and Wikileaks hadn't released those emails, nobody would have even known how the DNC and Hillary Clinton gave that poor old curmudgeon socialist Bernie the shaft.

So the DNC is doing it again? :laughing0301:

Bullshit. All you had to do was follow the primaries.

Uhhh...hello? That has all been documented by the liberal Wikipedia...

2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Uhhh ... that's not what I said. You just claimed if not for Russian hacking and Wikileaks, "nobody would have known" about DNC rigging. I just told you those sources weren't needed. In fact I described it before you got here.

"the liberal Wikipedia" :laugh2:
Sanders is not a Democrat. He only becomes one when he decides to run for president then he goes back to being an independent again, so why doesn’t he just mount an independent campaign?
A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention.

In conversations on the sidelines of a DNC executive committee meeting and in telephone calls and texts in recent days, about a half-dozen members have discussed the possibility of a policy reversal [...]​

So, six folks have a discussion, out of the roughly 400 folks making up the DNC.

Of course, these six and their discussion then serve as clickbait, with the obvious aim to drive a wedge between the Sanders camp and Democrats.

And, of course, it works like a charm, again, having worked so well four years ago. "Is our children learning?" Naw, learning from history is way over-rated.
Haven't the DNC leadership already done this to Sanders once? If I read this right, they're going to change the rules again, just to screw him over, again.

How many times does Sanders have to run, for him to realize that the DNC doesn't want him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sanders supporter. (although I would probably vote for Tulsi)

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention
He should run Third Party as a democratic Socialist or Stalinist

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