Discrimination, Prejudice & Racism At The Office And Workplace / Historic Film / Movi

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chwgMlS9Qqk&NR=1]YouTube - Discrimination, Prejudice & Racism At The Office And Workplace / Historic Film / Movie Video[/ame]

Displays a lot of the myths of whites who once discriminated against blacks.
And you wonder why some of us point out what a RACIST you are.

And you wonder just how baseless and unfounded your charges of racism leveled against the Bass are. Where is the racism by the Bass? The video is very educational itself and is not anti-white, perhaps you ought to have a picture of what blacks go through as far as working in a work environment thats hostile.

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