FOR WHITES ONLY - A Long History of Affirmative Action

“The Nubian obeys the man who put him down. When you oppose him he turns tail; when you give ground he becomes aggressive. They are not a people of might they are poor and faint-hearted.”
Twelfth Dynasty Pharaoh Sesostris 111
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I wish I had some Affirmitive Action. But some folks forget that there's not racial priviledge but class priviledge.
White Americans have no real legitimate reasons for complaining about racism. they only complain about not having a superior status that most of them feel they're entitled by virtue of their whiteness.
White Americans have no real legitimate reasons for complaining about racism. they only complain about not having a superior status that most of them feel they're entitled by virtue of their whiteness.

It's a natural superiority that we have become accustomed to and it is difficult to accept the fact we have to step aside and allow people with lesser skills and capabilities in many instances step up the ladder a bit to make it more fair. Like giving someone a head start in a race.

I think it's great that we offer our hand to the black man and help them up that ladder a bit, but the spoon feeding has to stop soon so everything truly is equal and forces many of the inner city folks to strive harder without thinking someone is supposed to be there to help them through life every step of the way.
Bass, have you ever been a white cultural minority and coming from a background of over 1 thousand years of generational poverty ?
White Americans have no real legitimate reasons for complaining about racism. they only complain about not having a superior status that most of them feel they're entitled by virtue of their whiteness.

It's a natural superiority that we have become accustomed to and it is difficult to accept the fact we have to step aside and allow people with lesser skills and capabilities in many instances step up the ladder a bit to make it more fair. Like giving someone a head start in a race.

I think it's great that we offer our hand to the black man and help them up that ladder a bit, but the spoon feeding has to stop soon so everything truly is equal and forces many of the inner city folks to strive harder without thinking someone is supposed to be there to help them through life every step of the way.

You are really funny!! While you think that the White man is still controlling the Black race what you fail to realize is that your White women are having mixed babies!! I see them everyday...White women walking down the street with brown colored children and a Black man walking next to her. He is not working and she is collecting welfare!! Her hair is long and stringy while he has on ironed jeans and a nice shirt. The baby is half White/Black and crying in the stroller. They are agruiing and he slaps her across the face but they continue down the street. I am a product of interracial mating although it happened back in the 1800's. Please stop your hate. When we are judged by God for what we have done or not done on this earth don't let racism be what he judges you for. Let it be that you were one person who did not care b/c you are a Christian and believe in God's teachings which is to LOVE EVERYONE regardless of race, creed or color.
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white americans have no real legitimate reasons for complaining about racism. They only complain about not having a superior status that most of them feel they're entitled by virtue of their whiteness.

it's a natural superiority that we have become accustomed to and it is difficult to accept the fact we have to step aside and allow people with lesser skills and capabilities in many instances step up the ladder a bit to make it more fair. Like giving someone a head start in a race.

I think it's great that we offer our hand to the black man and help them up that ladder a bit, but the spoon feeding has to stop soon so everything truly is equal and forces many of the inner city folks to strive harder without thinking someone is supposed to be there to help them through life every step of the way.

White Americans have no real legitimate reasons for complaining about racism. they only complain about not having a superior status that most of them feel they're entitled by virtue of their whiteness.

It's a natural superiority that we have become accustomed to and it is difficult to accept the fact we have to step aside and allow people with lesser skills and capabilities in many instances step up the ladder a bit to make it more fair. Like giving someone a head start in a race.

I think it's great that we offer our hand to the black man and help them up that ladder a bit, but the spoon feeding has to stop soon so everything truly is equal and forces many of the inner city folks to strive harder without thinking someone is supposed to be there to help them through life every step of the way.

You are really funny!! While you think that the White man is still controlling the Black race what you fail to realize is that your White women are having mixed babies!! I see them everyday...White women walking down the street with brown colored children and a Black man walking next to her. He is not working and she is collecting welfare!! Her hair is long and stringy while he has on ironed jeans and a nice shirt. The baby is half White/Black and crying in the stroller. They are agruiing and he slaps her across the face but they continue down the street. I am a product of interracial mating although it happened back in the 1800's. Please stop your hate. When we are judged by God for what we have done or not done on this earth don't let racism be what he judges you for. Let it be that you were one person who did not care b/c you are a Christian and believe in God's teachings which is to LOVE EVERYONE regardless of race, creed or color.

Stop whining and take your handouts. Those white women with stringy hair are our gifts to you, if you don't like them throw em in a dumpster!
☭proletarian☭;1943898 said:
“The Nubian obeys the man who put him down. When you oppose him he turns tail; when you give ground he becomes aggressive. They are not a people of might they are poor and faint-hearted.”
Twelfth Dynasty Pharaoh Sesostris 111

Huh? :::::scratches head::::: :confused:
I wish I had some Affirmitive Action. But some folks forget that there's not racial priviledge but class priviledge.

Actually it's (no "d" in the word). ;)

Main Entry: priv·i·lege
Pronunciation: \ˈpriv-lij, ˈpri-və-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin privilegium law for or against a private person, from privus private + leg-, lex law
Date: 12th century
: a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor ; especially : such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office
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Conspiri"racist" I don't take handouts. I work everyday of the week and pay my taxes have been doing so for over 30 yrs. Can you say the same? I receive a letter from the Social Security office telling me what I can expect to receive from them when I retire. I just answered MJ b/c he asked if I was an idiot. I don't remember saying anything to you.
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Conspiri"racist" I don't take handouts. I work everyday of the week and pay my taxes have been doing so for over 30 yrs. Can you say the same? I receive a letter from the Social Security office telling me what I can expect to receive from them when I retire. I just answered MJ b/c he asked if I was an idiot. I don't remember saying anything to you.

If you scroll up u will see where u responded to me. I love gettin everyone's panties all twisted up! :lol:
Great thread - Affirmative action is illegitamate and 100% Racist. If Blacks really want to strive for equality and for complete assimilation they would have to do with bullshit like that which gives special benefits because of ones skin color, etc...
YOU: "A Long History of Affirmative Action - For Whites"

ME: Illogical. Affirmative action is hypocritical as it bemoans racism by institutionalizing racism. I doubt white's from today would try to take the moral high ground for discrimination yet that's what blacks are doing. Embarassingly hypocritical, but propped up by liberals who are basically interested in anarchy and the dissolution of capitalism and cause and effect...

YOU: "Many middle-class white people, especially those of us from the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence"

ME: There is a correlation between IQ and salary. There is also a book called the "Millionaire Next Door" which talks about a correlation between hours worked and salary. So, ah yeah, of course ANY person in this society without the anarchistic view of the far left, would see obvious cause and effect. To deny brains and hard work can lead somewhere is to live in a phony world which is exactly the PC world most liberals live in...

YOU: And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences.

ME: Affirmative action is racial profiling. Why do black people rail about not catching a cab because of profiling, but embrace the much larger injustice of career racial profiling against white people? How embarassingly hypocritical and racist of liberals...

YOU: After all, the Civil Rights Act was enacted almost 40 years ago.

ME: Exactly! My whole adult life I have been raciallly profiled for things I never did. Thus we have a decoupling of cause and effect and a basic anarchistic approach to things by liberals. What a sad world when there is no cause and effect. No wonder liberals are angry and see no justice. They hide their eyes from any patterns in life that reward productivity...

YOU: We all know the old history, but it's still worth reminding ourselves of its scale and scope.

ME: Well, hell, if you're going to talk about something before I was born than is it ok if I cash in on Italians oppressing my Anglo Saxon brethren for a thousand years? Give me a number of an Italian Pizzeria so I can get the reparations special for dumb ass blond hair blue eyed anglos such as myself... Also since Italians mixed with North Africans, is it ok if I get reparations from blacks who helped oppress my brethren for a lot longer than 400 years???

YOU: White Americans were also given a head start with the help of the U.S. Army.

ME: That's why Arlington Cemetary is full of white males. Not black males, not women who don't serve in combat, not other minorities, but white males. Your point here actually argues against everything you've said because it shows sacrifices by white males in things like the civil war in which blacks have never made reparations for. Where is that discussion of reparations by northern troops who died freeing slaves???

YOU: Rather than recognize how "racial preferences" have tilted the playing field and given us a head start in life, many whites continue to believe that race does not affect our lives.

ME: Actually, race effects me every day, as I constantly see an assumption that I'm racist and therefore owe something to someone. That assumption is the current dominant racism which leads to paranoia by all involved. Liberal policies such as affirmative action help fuel paranoia, injustice, and a lack of cause and effect, and have ruined a generation of people from ever seeing each other as people rather than groups. Every time I see a black person in a high position I naturally wonder if they earned it or received special accelearted promotions. I would rather just see a black person who I know earned their position and then I could feel proud of them for overcoming the past discrimination in this country. Instead I start with a negative attitude toward them which is completely unfair by me probably, but it's human nature. Just like racial profiling in cabs makes blacks angry, racial profiling in the workplace has generated 40 years of white people who are skeptical of black leaders. This just hurts hard working capable black people who have EARNED their position on their own. How sad...
A wise man on here did remind me affirmative action pushes those with a dislike of minorities further from liking them.

I believe Affirmative Action is the curse racists live with for every time they look over their shoulders like cowards then make a racist comment.

I also believe ideally we wouldn't need it or guns yet due to human failings I believe in them both.

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