Dirty politicians in Mexifornia pass another Bill to protect illegal Mexicans

This is a way to get around ICE...we pay for ICE with our federal taxes...it may be time for us to sue California for disrupting an agency we all pay for....
Here's a link that doesn't require you to turn off your ad blocker.

California lawmakers pass bill to prevent disclosure of immigration status in court

This is typical of commiefornia, I'm still waiting on the secession vote.
SECEDE BABY! SECEDE! We can't wait to be rid of you.

Shit, we’ve pretty much given Mexifornia to Mexico...fuck it, lets just make it official...seems to be what all the whackos want.
Mexifornias “booming” economy could feed the rest of that shithole...maybe then we could keep the human cockroaches from wanting to invade the REAL United States.
I read a book about a big rock hitting the earth. It broke apart in the atmosphere into many smaller pieces. One piece hit off the west coast and the tsunami flooded all of California, then a big piece hit Canada and opened the San Andreas fault and the earth quake finished off California. i keep reading that chapter over and over.
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