Dilemma of Friendship...on USMB

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I've made some friends on the USMB Board, left , right and middle.

Sometimes I find myself caught in a dilemma, two or more friends are just going at it sometimes to the extremes. Since, I know them in calmer times and know them to be sensitive and caring people you wonder at times, if you should get involved or just watch things take there course.

The interesting part is if they knew each other, they would probably get along quite well and have reasonable disagreements.
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I know what you mean, but this is a political board and I've noticed your posts (or at least the ones that I click) are not all that political. You attract friends from all sides as a result. Enjoy.

I have many liberal friends and even a lib relative (he married into a lib family and they're more active so he thinks that's what politics is supposed to be - stupid freaking libtard nephew) and we do just fine as long as we don't talk politics.

My guess is that's what you're dealing with - friends with whom you don't talk politics and so get along with well.

Stay out of it and enjoy your net friendships.

You moderate weasel.
I've made some friends on the USMB Board, left , right and middle.

Sometimes I find myself caught in a dilemma, two or more friends are just going at it sometimes to the extremes. Since, I know them in calmer times and know them to be sensitive and caring people you wonder at times, if you should get involved or just watch things take there course.

The interesting part is if they knew each other, they would probably get along quite well and have reasonable disagreements.
Fence sitter.
I know what you mean, but this is a political board and I've noticed your posts (or at least the ones that I click) are not all that political. You attract friends from all sides as a result. Enjoy.

I have many liberal friends and even a lib relative (he married into a lib family and they're more active so he thinks that's what politics is supposed to be - stupid freaking libtard nephew) and we do just fine as long as we don't talk politics.

My guess is that's what you're dealing with - friends with whom you don't talk politics and so get along with well.

Stay out of it and enjoy your net friendships.

You moderate weasel.

(going off topic)
I have friends that I argue politics with and we disagree respectfully, some I'm sure I've pissed off with my more intense political posts. I'm sure, I've lost a few friends or at least they pretty well stopped communicating.

There's others that in the past we've argued to the point of stupidity and bare knuckled insults on the political Forum, then had some fun on the other Forums and became friends.

Certain subjects in politics I get intense about and will not see the other point of view what-so-ever and take seriously but generally I prefer to exchange views, learn things, have some fun and absorb varied perspectives.

moderate weasel..:eusa_eh:.. you Dandy
I've made some friends on the USMB Board, left , right and middle.

Sometimes I find myself caught in a dilemma, two or more friends are just going at it sometimes to the extremes. Since, I know them in calmer times and know them to be sensitive and caring people you wonder at times, if you should get involved or just watch things take there course.

The interesting part is if they knew each other, they would probably get along quite well and have reasonable disagreements.
Fence sitter.

Preferential Enigma
That's all part of political board friendships, Lumpy. Or of friendships anyplace, where you're friends with a lot of very different kinds of people.

There are people on here and on other boards from years past I've gone at it with like cats and dogs over and over again, but like, respect and consider friends. It's not personal. If they're friends, they won't hold it against me either.

And I've watched two friends go at it with each other many times, online and IRL. Just stay out of it and remember "real" friends won't ask you to get involved in their squabbles.

My one rule of thumb in cyberland OR real life when dealing with people in that situation: Whoever tries to force me to choose, will lose.
That's all part of political board friendships, Lumpy. Or of friendships anyplace, where you're friends with a lot of very different kinds of people.

There are people on here and on other boards from years past I've gone at it with like cats and dogs over and over again, but like, respect and consider friends. It's not personal. If they're friends, they won't hold it against me either.

And I've watched two friends go at it with each other many times, online and IRL. Just stay out of it and remember "real" friends won't ask you to get involved in their squabbles.

My one rule of thumb in cyberland OR real life when dealing with people in that situation: Whoever tries to force me to choose, will lose.

My only occasional involvement up to now has been to throw out a post with some humor,(a distraction) when it seems like the right time. Choosing a side, definitely not.
I've made some friends on the USMB Board, left , right and middle.

Sometimes I find myself caught in a dilemma, two or more friends are just going at it sometimes to the extremes. Since, I know them in calmer times and know them to be sensitive and caring people you wonder at times, if you should get involved or just watch things take there course.

The interesting part is if they knew each other, they would probably get along quite well and have reasonable disagreements.

Poor baby. I'm sure everyone is really worried about who you will side with. :eusa_eh:
I've made some friends on the USMB Board, left , right and middle.

Sometimes I find myself caught in a dilemma, two or more friends are just going at it sometimes to the extremes. Since, I know them in calmer times and know them to be sensitive and caring people you wonder at times, if you should get involved or just watch things take there course.

The interesting part is if they knew each other, they would probably get along quite well and have reasonable disagreements.

Poor baby. I'm sure everyone is really worried about who you will side with. :eusa_eh:

I don't choose sides, fru fru pants. Just asking questions.. sheez
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I've made some friends on the USMB Board, left , right and middle.

Sometimes I find myself caught in a dilemma, two or more friends are just going at it sometimes to the extremes. Since, I know them in calmer times and know them to be sensitive and caring people you wonder at times, if you should get involved or just watch things take there course.

The interesting part is if they knew each other, they would probably get along quite well and have reasonable disagreements.

Poor baby. I'm sure everyone is really worried about who you will side with. :eusa_eh:

I don't choose sides, fru fru pants.

There you go, whiney butt.. :lol:
I've made some friends on the USMB Board, left , right and middle.

Sometimes I find myself caught in a dilemma, two or more friends are just going at it sometimes to the extremes. Since, I know them in calmer times and know them to be sensitive and caring people you wonder at times, if you should get involved or just watch things take there course.

The interesting part is if they knew each other, they would probably get along quite well and have reasonable disagreements.

I'm facing the same problem on another board, one where I have been discussing issue of the day with some people for over a decade.

Civility is hard to maintain on a public message board because in situations where people are not FTF, some of us tend to forget out manners.
Dilemma of Friendship...on USMB

There is nothing more important than getting along with everybody. If you get involved, you might damage someone's self-esteem and that's tantamount to committing a hate crime. I recommend you join the USMB commune that encourages the holding of hands and singing Kumbaya.

Yeah, like me and xsited1. :cool:
i have all kinds of friends...some mix like oil and water.....i just try to remain friends with everyone...your political views dont make you a good person or a bad person...how you treat others and y our family determines that....
i have all kinds of friends...some mix like oil and water.....i just try to remain friends with everyone...your political views dont make you a good person or a bad person...how you treat others and y our family determines that....

Treat your friends like family and family like friends.. Sometimes. :)
i have all kinds of friends...some mix like oil and water.....i just try to remain friends with everyone...your political views dont make you a good person or a bad person...how you treat others and y our family determines that....

Treat your friends like family and family like friends.. Sometimes. :)

That gets kinda complicated, doesn't it? :lol:
i have all kinds of friends...some mix like oil and water.....i just try to remain friends with everyone...your political views dont make you a good person or a bad person...how you treat others and y our family determines that....

Treat your friends like family and family like friends.. Sometimes. :)

That gets kinda complicated, doesn't it? :lol:

Only if you're they type to get confused easily.. :eusa_eh:
Message boards bring out the worst in people. Because we are all here in anonymity, we drop much of the social convention that makes society civilized. There's no way we would all act as bad if we were all together in a room.

Its a fascinating look at human psychology on several levels.

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