Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

There was a FEST unit all prepared and ready to go. They just never got the order.
Watch Chris Mathews, The Ed, and Mad Cow! You will get the truth, and no spin. If you don't like the truth, watch MSNbc.

That lying, Muslim, Kenyan will be impeached, and removed.

You said that if a person was to watch some of the highest rated shows on MSNBC, you'd get the truth and no spin.

However..................you also stated that if you don't like the truth, watch MSNBC (implying that MSNBC lies to the public).

Which is it? Does MSNBC lie to the public, or do they tell the truth?

My guess is that you're spreading lies because you're desperate.
MSNBC reports their version of the truth and I'd they do not like the truth choose not to report anything at all if it does not shine their candidate in a good light. Fact is that when Obama called on the seals they gave him bin laden. When they called on him he hung up the phone. Now his staff is trying to do damage control and literally rub out and shut up everyone involved who defied him.
Watch Chris Mathews, The Ed, and Mad Cow! You will get the truth, and no spin. If you don't like the truth, watch MSNbc.

That lying, Muslim, Kenyan will be impeached, and removed.

You said that if a person was to watch some of the highest rated shows on MSNBC, you'd get the truth and no spin.

However..................you also stated that if you don't like the truth, watch MSNBC (implying that MSNBC lies to the public).

Which is it? Does MSNBC lie to the public, or do they tell the truth?

My guess is that you're spreading lies because you're desperate.
MSNBC reports their version of the truth and I'd they do not like the truth choose not to report anything at all if it does not shine their candidate in a good light. Fact is that when Obama called on the seals they gave him bin laden. When they called on him he hung up the phone. Now his staff is trying to do damage control and literally rub out and shut up everyone involved who defied him.

Got a link to an actual news site that backs up your claim of Obama "hanging up on the SEALs"?

BTW................right after they came back Stateside from the mission, Obama met PERSONALLY with them in a private meeting. And, he did that because SEALs are pretty classified people.

The Worst News from Benghazi

By James Lewis

It is now apparent that the president of the United States countermanded standing Pentagon orders to help American personnel under attack. Ambassador Stevens and three others were left to die without AC-130 Spectres and rescue teams that are always on standby in the Africom theater. Only the White House could have countermanded those standing orders, and we know that POTUS had an emergency meeting with Panetta and Hillary within 55 minutes of the start of the attack. AFRICOM's General Carter F. Ham was fired -- presumably for wanting to rescue the Americans under fire.

Ambassador Stevens and his people were left to die to protect a deep-cover NSC-CIA operation. But what could be so important that 32 Americans had to be abandoned to the mercy of al-Qaeda? Benghazi was a major gun-running operation, funneling armaments from the crushed Libyan regime of Moammar Gaddafi to rebel forces opposing Syria's Assad. Ambassador Stevens was negotiating with a whole Star Wars barroom thug collection of bad actors, a reported ten different jihadist militias operating in Benghazi.

The most damning Benghazi revelation is the Obama policy that led to the disaster: Obama's four-year policy of secretly supporting violent Islamists against civilized Muslims, like Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak, and modern-minded people in countries like Turkey and Iran. We used to support moderate Muslims until Obama took over; now we support our deadly enemies. In Benghazi, some of those gangster types turned against us, tore the cover off the operation, burned out Ambassador Stevens, and killed American defenders with mortar fire. Our defenders had the AQIM mortar crew laser-marked for jet bombers and gunships that never showed up.


We have known that Obama is a third-world Socialist, because he boasted about it in his autobiographies. But until now we had no proof that his real sympathies are with jihad imperialism. Benghazi is a major failure, but the policy it represents is worse than the idea of putting an unprotected U.S. ambassador into bandit country to make a deal with jihadist terror groups, and then failing to protect him when the bad guys turn on him.

Americans had better learn the truth before those same suicidal policies come home to haunt us.

Read more: Articles: The Worst News from Benghazi

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The Worst News from Benghazi

By James Lewis

It is now apparent that the president of the United States countermanded standing Pentagon orders to help American personnel under attack. Ambassador Stevens and three others were left to die without AC-130 Spectres and rescue teams that are always on standby in the Africom theater. Only the White House could have countermanded those standing orders, and we know that POTUS had an emergency meeting with Panetta and Hillary within 55 minutes of the start of the attack. AFRICOM's General Carter F. Ham was fired -- presumably for wanting to rescue the Americans under fire.

Ambassador Stevens and his people were left to die to protect a deep-cover NSC-CIA operation. But what could be so important that 32 Americans had to be abandoned to the mercy of al-Qaeda? Benghazi was a major gun-running operation, funneling armaments from the crushed Libyan regime of Moammar Gaddafi to rebel forces opposing Syria's Assad. Ambassador Stevens was negotiating with a whole Star Wars barroom thug collection of bad actors, a reported ten different jihadist militias operating in Benghazi.

The most damning Benghazi revelation is the Obama policy that led to the disaster: Obama's four-year policy of secretly supporting violent Islamists against civilized Muslims, like Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak, and modern-minded people in countries like Turkey and Iran. We used to support moderate Muslims until Obama took over; now we support our deadly enemies. In Benghazi, some of those gangster types turned against us, tore the cover off the operation, burned out Ambassador Stevens, and killed American defenders with mortar fire. Our defenders had the AQIM mortar crew laser-marked for jet bombers and gunships that never showed up.


We have known that Obama is a third-world Socialist, because he boasted about it in his autobiographies. But until now we had no proof that his real sympathies are with jihad imperialism. Benghazi is a major failure, but the policy it represents is worse than the idea of putting an unprotected U.S. ambassador into bandit country to make a deal with jihadist terror groups, and then failing to protect him when the bad guys turn on him.

Americans had better learn the truth before those same suicidal policies come home to haunt us.

Read more: Articles: The Worst News from Benghazi

Too bad the American people expected him to fight for our side. His heart is not with all of the American people.

He's been badmouthing us for 4 years, and now this.

I hope people will realize the option they have to have someone who will support his Oath of Office next time. That will only be if we elect Mitt Romney.

Otherwise, it's four more years of him hobnobbing with states that have always been terrorist sponsors and whose sole mission in life is to hurt Americans and America any which way they can.

Obama picked in favor of the terrorists and not America's amabassador, his man and his representative in Benghazi.

How sad.
I fail to see anything in that article that supports any assertions that ANYTHING is "Apparent". It's amusing to see such a word used without any evidence of what is apparent- even more so to see people post it like it's actually proof of anything.
I fail to see anything in that article that supports any assertions that ANYTHING is "Apparent". It's amusing to see such a word used without any evidence of what is apparent- even more so to see people post it like it's actually proof of anything.

I couldn't have said it any better than you did...:D

Just saying, he made a lot of assertions without any actual proof. Right down to presuming why a General was relieved of duty. It's all well and good that the writer sees it that way, but that doesn't mean he's right- and he certainly doesn't provide any proof of anything he claims in the article. He says the White House countermanded orders, provides no solid proof, says there was an AC-130 over head...provides no proof- and incorrectly labels it a Spectre, when the only thing ever said to possibly be overhead is a AC-130U. Which is a Spooky.- He also says that they had something Laser Marked for a Gunship that never showed up...he said earlier it was overhead. I mean shit, where and when was there ever credible proof of a gun running operation? I recall a story about Stevens heading a program to find the weapons that were lost of Gadaffi's stash...that's it.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but this is how opinion eventually ends up totted as fact. And that's hardly ever a good thing.
I fail to see anything in that article that supports any assertions that ANYTHING is "Apparent". It's amusing to see such a word used without any evidence of what is apparent- even more so to see people post it like it's actually proof of anything.

I couldn't have said it any better than you did...:D

Just saying, he made a lot of assertions without any actual proof. Right down to presuming why a General was relieved of duty. It's all well and good that the writer sees it that way, but that doesn't mean he's right- and he certainly doesn't provide any proof of anything he claims in the article. He says the White House countermanded orders, provides no solid proof, says there was an AC-130 over head...provides no proof- and incorrectly labels it a Spectre, when the only thing ever said to possibly be overhead is a AC-130U. Which is a Spooky.- He also says that they had something Laser Marked for a Gunship that never showed up...he said earlier it was overhead. I mean shit, where and when was there ever credible proof of a gun running operation? I recall a story about Stevens heading a program to find the weapons that were lost of Gadaffi's stash...that's it.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but this is how opinion eventually ends up totted as fact. And that's hardly ever a good thing.
Hillary is always trouble wherever she sits. Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:
One More Question About Benghazi?

November 7, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

Bret Baier at FOX News points out, once again, that Obama was about as enthusiastic about calling Benghazi a terrorist attack as he was about debating Mitt Romney. And he points out that CBS carefully censored the part of the clip in which Obama backed away from the terror label.

In that same piece is something from the official timeline that caught my eye.

“1:15 a.m.: CIA reinforcements arrive on a 45-minute flight from Tripoli in a plane they’ve hastily chartered. The Tripoli team includes four GRS security officers, a CIA case officer and two U.S. military personnel who are on loan to the agency. They don’t leave Benghazi airport until 4:30. The delay is caused by negotiations with Libyan authorities over permission to leave the airport, obtaining vehicles, and the need to frame a clear mission plan. The first idea is to go to a Benghazi hospital to recover Stevens, who they correctly suspect is already dead. But the hospital is surrounded by the Al Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Shariah militia that mounted the consulate attack.”

So the U.S. Ambassador to Libya is at the Benghazi hospital and suspected dead. The CIA contractors know that, but they can’t get there because the hospital is surrounded by the Al Qaeda-linked group Ansar al Shariah, the “militia that mounted the consulate attack.”

This goes up the chain communication at 1:15 a.m. on Sept. 12. The White House, the Situation Room, and all of those paying attention to intel channels know that the guys on the ground have determined the group that’s behind this. It’s the Al Qaeda-linked militia that are still fighting and have the hospital surrounded.

The CIA contractors could not get inside the hospital because Ansar Al-Sharia was outside. So how did Ambassador Stevens and his supposed rescuers get inside?


One More Question About Benghazi?
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Inside sources tell me that Obama was laughing his ass off while snacking on kittens and puppies as he watched the carnage unfold. He especially enjoyed the part where Ambassador Stevens was cornholed and murdered.
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Inside sources tell me that Obama was laughing his ass off while snacking on kittens and puppies as he watched the carnage unfold. He especially enjoyed the part where Ambassador Stevens was cornholed and murdered.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWmOsPJgE0s]Puss In Boots - OOOH Cat (Mini Compilation) - YouTube[/ame]

LakiHo U B funny...:D
Sex, lies and Benghazi

By Boston Herald Editorial Staff
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


And that is the bottom line here. Somewhere in this thicket of sex and speculation there are facts on the ground about the killing of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans and an administration that has done its damnedest to cover up its own ineptitude with one tall tale after another. David Petraeus may be a flawed human being, but he is still a patriot who can and must help unravel the truth about Benghazi.

Sex, lies and Benghazi - BostonHerald.com

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