Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

Sex, lies and Benghazi

By Boston Herald Editorial Staff
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


And that is the bottom line here. Somewhere in this thicket of sex and speculation there are facts on the ground about the killing of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans and an administration that has done its damnedest to cover up its own ineptitude with one tall tale after another. David Petraeus may be a flawed human being, but he is still a patriot who can and must help unravel the truth about Benghazi.

Sex, lies and Benghazi - BostonHerald.com

Sex, lies and Benghazi

By Boston Herald Editorial Staff
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


And that is the bottom line here. Somewhere in this thicket of sex and speculation there are facts on the ground about the killing of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans and an administration that has done its damnedest to cover up its own ineptitude with one tall tale after another. David Petraeus may be a flawed human being, but he is still a patriot who can and must help unravel the truth about Benghazi.

Sex, lies and Benghazi - BostonHerald.com


WTF? You quote yourself and then post a smilie saying how cool you are?

How much of an egomaniacal narcissist can you be?
Sex, lies and Benghazi

By Boston Herald Editorial Staff
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


And that is the bottom line here. Somewhere in this thicket of sex and speculation there are facts on the ground about the killing of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans and an administration that has done its damnedest to cover up its own ineptitude with one tall tale after another. David Petraeus may be a flawed human being, but he is still a patriot who can and must help unravel the truth about Benghazi.

Sex, lies and Benghazi - BostonHerald.com


WTF? You quote yourself and then post a smilie saying how cool you are?

How much of an egomaniacal narcissist can you be?

I was just over posting that stupid cvnt LakiHola...:D

Obongo ego-maniacal narcissist >> http://larouchepac.com/node/16343

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Its all rather moot now since that fuck is back in the WH for another four years. No matter what they find out he won't be held accountable. Neither will those boobs he has around him.

He could care less about four dead Americans. He was more interested in that fund raiser in Vegas. Hell. He could care less about the folks in this country.

His changing the face of America is all he's concerned with. We are simply here to provide the money for his little vision of Utopia.

Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?

They fought for their lives for seven hours. 9/11/ 2012. Benghazi. The White House watched. No help was sent and they died.

Four Americans died in the jihadi attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two retired SEALS who were working as civilian security specialists in Benghazi, learned that Ambassador Stevens and nine other people at the consulate were under attack and rushed to their defense. The fourth man was Sean Smith, father of three, an Air Force veteran, working for the State Department in Libya.

The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and our military monitored the battle in real time starting with the first phone calls directly from Benghazi.

A small military force from Tripoli was dispatched and was able to rescue some personnel hiding in other buildings. Ambassador Stevens remained missing, as did these three men. The fire-fight raged on.


Read more: Articles: Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?


It's one of the perks of being prez. You idiots don't know the half of it. Obama has hundreds of channels of people dying all the time. He's got real time access to all that audio and video from police and fire units from all over the planet. I hear his favorites are the car fires where people are trapped inside and screaming their lungs out for someone to save them. He probably has a running bet with those in attendance for when the gas tank explodes. Good times!

True story!

Benghazi: What We Know & What We Don’t Know Heading Into Hearings

14 November 2012

The election might be over, but the Benghazi fiasco isn’t — not nearly. Congress is gearing up this week for another round of hearings on the Sept. 11 attack that killed Amb. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. In total, four House and Senate panels are due to hold closed-door briefings this week, with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, led by Chairman John Kerry (D-MA), expected to kick things off on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.

In the two months since Ambassador Stevens’s death, a dizzying amount of information — some of it contradictory — has emerged about the security situation in Benghazi and the administration’s handling of the attack. Here’s a guide to what we know, what we don’t, and what’s likely to come up as lawmakers try to get to the bottom of it all this week.

Protest or planned attack?


Read more: Benghazi: What We Know & What We Don’t Know Heading Into Hearings :: Minute Men News

Benghazigate: Obama Now Blaming Petraeus for Rice’s Video Lie

November 15, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

CBS “got hold of” CIA talking points which said that the Benghazi assault was one of those spontaneous protests with RPGs, multiple waves of attackers and checkpoints.

Meanwhile CNN is reporting that Petraeus wants to tell Congress that he was aware right away that this was a terrorist attack, which contradicts the desperate CBS claim that it’s the CIA’s fault that Rice spent days lying to the country and the world.

Despite the fact that

1. Communications about the attack had been intercepted beforehand

2. The attack used heavy weapons and took place at different locations and the Benghazi mission sent out messages warning that there were checkpoints being set up even before the attack.

3. Everyone in the security establishment was aware that Ansar Al-Sharia had claimed credit for the attack.

There could be a whole bunch of additional bullet points appended here, but the bottom line is that the entire attack in Benghazi was substantively different from the violent riots elsewhere.

Anyone claiming that a sustained assault was a spontaneous protest is so incompetent that there would be no room for them even in the Keystone Cops. Let alone running the security policy of the United States.

So there might well have been CIA talking points, but they weren’t drawn up at the initiative of the CIA, but at the initiative of the White House and State Department, which were still in cover-up mode.

The CBS/CIA’s talking points read as follows:

“The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US diplomatic post in Benghazi and subsequently its annex. There are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.

This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as currently available information continues to be evaluated.

The investigation is on-going, and the US Government is working with Libyan authorities to bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of US citizens.”

This is not an intelligence briefing. This is a thin string of lies that you tell people to reassure them.

So now the CIA is taking the fall for Ambassador Rice’s lies, even though Rice had likely initiated the lies to begin with.

Benghazigate: Obama Now Blaming Petraeus for Rice’s Video Lie

New Detailed Account of Benghazi Attack Notes CIA’s Quick Response

At around 1 a.m. an additional CIA team of about six security officers from the embassy in Tripoli had arrived at Benghazi. U.S. officials have acknowledged that the embassy in Tripoli had chartered an aircraft to take the team to Benghazi. The official disclosed the new detail that two U.S. military officers were part of the team that flew in from Tripoli.

Upon learning that the situation at the annex had calmed down, the team that came in from Tripoli initially wanted to focus their attention on locating Stevens, who had been taken to a local hospital.

When the team finally managed to secure transportation and an armed escort into Benghazi, they learned that Stevens “was almost certainly dead and that the security situation at the hospital was uncertain.” At that point they headed to the annex to help evacuate the Americans located there .

They arrived at the annex at 5:15 a.m., just before mortar rounds begin to hit the complex. The attack killed two security officers, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, who were located on the annex’s roof. Doherty had been part of the security team that had flown in from Tripoli. The new attack on the annex lasted only 11 minutes.

Less than an hour later everyone at the annex was evacuated with the help of ”a heavily armed Libyan military unit. “
Petraeus thought at the outset that Benghazi attack was terrorist act


During a top secret briefing, lawmakers said David Petraeus made it clear the CIA believed terrorists -- not protestors -- were responsible for the deadly assault in Benghazi. NBC's Kelly O'Donnell reports.

By Tom Curry, NBC News national affairs writer

Updated 3:00 pm ET -- Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified Friday before congressional intelligence panels telling members that he had believed from the outset that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was an act of terrorists.

House Intelligence Committee member Peter King, R-N.Y., told reporters Friday after Petraeus testified that the initial “talking points” from the Obama administration to prepare officials for what they should say publicly in the first days after the attack had been changed to delete references to any al Qaida involvement in the event.

King said he and his colleagues now needed to hear testimony from officials in the State Department, the Defense Department “and also people at the White House – to see if anyone at the White House changed the talking points.”

Petraeus thought at the outset that Benghazi attack was terrorist act - NBC Politics
The Benghazi Slingshot

By Cindy Simpson

Some brave thinkers recognize that beneath the intrigue surrounding the Benghazi tragedy lie the traces of something much larger and far more dangerous.

Frank Gaffney and the Center for Security Policy hosted a panel on November 13, 2012 to discuss "Benghazi: US Foreign Policy and the Threat of Sharia Doctrine." Guest panelists included Dr. Andrew Bostom, Diana West, and Stephen Coughlin. The event was taped in its entirety and is available here.

The information offered by the experts suggests, to put it very simply, that the Middle East is rapidly unifying and heading toward a strict application of sharia; that sharia is a totalitarian form of government utterly incompatible with American ideas of freedom and liberty; and, as Diana West noted, U.S. policy is "making the world safe for sharia," as opposed to keeping the world, and specifically America, safe. In Benghazi, that policy proved fatal.

The Center for Security Policy panelists aren't the only thinkers to question whether this administration has an affinity for sharia. In his article "Obama knew: Did ideological soft spot for Sharia keep US government from protecting Benghazi consulate?," American Spectator's Jeffrey Lord suggests that the highest levels of the Obama administration are "in some fashion simpatico with a totalitarian ideology."

That "ideological soft spot" may explain why President Obama "can't," as Rep. Dana Rohrabacher declared, "utter the words 'Muslim terror attack.'" And far worse than words, as Frank Gaffney noted: "The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists ... [it] has been arming them[.]"

Of course, the identification of the parties responsible for orchestrating the tone and content of the misleading information relayed to the American people in the aftermath of the attack is a serious issue that must be pursued. In addition, the Petraeus-Broadwell affair revealed other important security concerns.

But those very valid points still cloud the most foundational questions -- what were our ambassador and the CIA doing in Benghazi, and what was the underlying policy that guided their actions? And further, we must ascertain whether or not our government's "See No Sharia failure of imagination" renders it unable to competently assess the threat to our security.


Read more: Articles: The Benghazi Slingshot
I find it rather odd that they are now saying there was never a stand down order given.

Of course General Hamm was relieved because it was "his time to go."

Yeah. I believe that one. Hamm probably told them to shove the're stand down order up the're ass and was going to send help. Hence his immediate removal.

That fuck and his band of boobs left three good men to die. Hell. That fundraiser in Vegas was way more important than a dead ambassador and three men fighting for their lives. That fuck in the WH hadhis priorities in order and Benghazi came in a poor second. What a fuck he is.
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Did Bush watch...?


No, Bush didn't watch.....he deployed forces to go fight. Isn't that what all you liberals are always screaming about...that Bush shouldn't have deployed forces?? I guess from your point of view, the terrorists should just be allowed to come over here (or anywhere for that matter) and bomb the hell out of everyone with little to no consequences. obama, on the other hand, likes to sit back, eat popcorn, and pretend like he's watching a movie or playing "Call of Duty" on his PS3. This man should be impeached.

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