Did Germany really murder six million Jews in WWI?

Did Germany really murder six million Jews in WWI?

And before you ask, the sky is blue, water is wet, and the moon is not really made of cheese.

Now I want you to prove the moon is not made of Cheese!!!
Ask NASA, they'll tell ya.

Fake News!!!

I want to be flown to the Moon and shown it is not made of Cheese!!!
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What did he do that rebuilt Germany? Specifically...
Rearmed the German military, put the people to work building those arms, instituted public works projects, reformed land inheritance laws and protected farmers' rights... I could go on. How much time you got?

So, he fixed Germany, by placing her on a path to her ultimate destruction. He turned her into a marcher State, without the necessary resources to support that State, then compounded his idiocy by attacking on three fronts. So, the net result of his great leadership was approximately three years of growth, followed by maybe 4 years of a nice country, which is then followed by 6 years of abject hell leading to the utter destruction of Germany.

That about sum up your thesis?
Did Germany really murder six million Jews in WWI?

And before you ask, the sky is blue, water is wet, and the moon is not really made of cheese.

No, Germany did not start its campaign of genocide against Jews until late in WWII.

No, the Dachau camp was well established before the war started. The Wanssee conference is where the final solution plans were concocted, but the Germans had already murdered 2.5 million Jews by then. They only managed to murder a further 1.7 million after 1942.
What we have here ladies and gentlemen, is a real no-shit anti-semite bigot. Was wondering if you are an islamist too. Not that it matters.
I'm not Muslim so no. What I am is a student of history with a preference for primary sources and a distaste for propaganda or woe-is-me bullshit. If that leads to any particular conclusions then it is what it is.
The Germans or Hun were accused of bayoneting Belgian babies and toasting them over open fires early in WWl by the British and of taking fallen troops and processing them into soap. This was propaganda in an attempt to anger young men into volunteering before conscription was brought in.
While your Newspaper's might be genuine I strongly suspect that the 'six-million' references are fake and have been added. as I have never heard of such claims before and believe me I would have.
The Holocaust was a gradual process. Nuremberg laws in 1935. Kristallnacht in 38. and Jews then being detained in concentration camps. It wasn't till the invasion of Poland and the start of WWll that the killing of Jews started, First in mass pits and gas vans in the occupied countries. Then after 42 in Death Camps with Gas Chambers at Treblinka, Sobibor, Auschwitz, etc.
The 6 million figure was put forward by Eichman at his trial in Israel in 61.
I also saw an interview with Himmler's driver. He alleged that on Himmler's request Eichman was summoned to a meeting in which Himmler asked him to provide numbers of 'units processed' (expression they used for murdered Jews). The driver said that Eichman looked shocked and very disappointed when on handing the details over, Himmler said -
"There must be more than that!"

I note you're a newbie and I sense your not anti-Semitic, so why the rather controversial OP?
Before, during, and after WWI activists and the media accused Germany (among other nations, most notably Russia/the USSR) of the barbaric slaughter of exactly six million Jews. You can still find these claims today. But... Did any of it really happen? The six million figure is well known from Torah prophecy about the restoration of Israel. On a religious level that would have needed to happen to restore the Jewish state even if it didn't happen on a physical level.
The fact that the three people posted laughs or thumbs down are all shills of Langley,resident lying trolls of usmb,the answer is obviously no.lol
What we have here ladies and gentlemen, is a real no-shit anti-semite bigot. Was wondering if you are an islamist too. Not that it matters.
I'm not Muslim so no. What I am is a student of history with a preference for primary sources and a distaste for propaganda or woe-is-me bullshit. If that leads to any particular conclusions then it is what it is.
The Germans or Hun were accused of bayoneting Belgian babies and toasting them over open fires early in WWl by the British and of taking fallen troops and processing them into soap. This was propaganda in an attempt to anger young men into volunteering before conscription was brought in.
While your Newspaper's might be genuine I strongly suspect that the 'six-million' references are fake and have been added. as I have never heard of such claims before and believe me I would have.
The Holocaust was a gradual process. Nuremberg laws in 1935. Kristallnacht in 38. and Jews then being detained in concentration camps. It wasn't till the invasion of Poland and the start of WWll that the killing of Jews started, First in mass pits and gas vans in the occupied countries. Then after 42 in Death Camps with Gas Chambers at Treblinka, Sobibor, Auschwitz, etc.
The 6 million figure was put forward by Eichman at his trial in Israel in 61.
I also saw an interview with Himmler's driver. He alleged that on Himmler's request Eichman was summoned to a meeting in which Himmler asked him to provide numbers of 'units processed' (expression they used for murdered Jews). The driver said that Eichman looked shocked and very disappointed when on handing the details over, Himmler said -
"There must be more than that!"

I note you're a newbie and I sense your not anti-Semitic, so why the rather controversial OP?

Slight correction.
Since all the death or extermination camps were utterly destroyed and covered over before the war ended, then it is wrong to include Auschwitz in the list of extermination camps.
It was actually Birkanau, several miles away, that was the extermination camp.
The Germans never called it Auschwitz II as the US did.
So calling Auschwitz an extermination camp just makes it confusing, because Auschwitz was not destroyed or covered up like all the extermination camps were.
And since over 100,000 people were living in Auschwitz, it quickly becomes clear it could not have been an extermination camp and a work camp with so many people, at the same time.
Did Germany really murder six million Jews in WWI?

And before you ask, the sky is blue, water is wet, and the moon is not really made of cheese.

No, Germany did not start its campaign of genocide against Jews until late in WWII.

No, the Dachau camp was well established before the war started. The Wanssee conference is where the final solution plans were concocted, but the Germans had already murdered 2.5 million Jews by then. They only managed to murder a further 1.7 million after 1942.

Not that I have a lot to go on, but I disagree.
I don't think Dachau was ever an extermination camp.
It was a work camp, with slave labor.
But it had hundreds of thousands of inmates, and lots of permanent factory buildings, and was not destroyed to cover anything up.
All the extermination camps had a minimum of buildings and inhabitants, and were totally and utterly destroyed and covered up before being over run during the war.
If nothing else, there would have been too many witnesses to exterminate at a work camp.
Did Germany really murder six million Jews in WWI?

And before you ask, the sky is blue, water is wet, and the moon is not really made of cheese.

No, Germany did not start its campaign of genocide against Jews until late in WWII.

No, the Dachau camp was well established before the war started. The Wanssee conference is where the final solution plans were concocted, but the Germans had already murdered 2.5 million Jews by then. They only managed to murder a further 1.7 million after 1942.

Not that I have a lot to go on, but I disagree.
I don't think Dachau was ever an extermination camp.
It was a work camp, with slave labor.
But it had hundreds of thousands of inmates, and lots of permanent factory buildings, and was not destroyed to cover anything up.
All the extermination camps had a minimum of buildings and inhabitants, and were totally and utterly destroyed and covered up before being over run during the war.
If nothing else, there would have been too many witnesses to exterminate at a work camp.

I never said Dachau was an extermination camp. There were actually very few pure death camps. Most were "work" camps.

However, work them to exhaustion, don't feed them, certainly don't medically treat them, and you have a death camp in every way but its name.
Would it of killed yas if ya made it 6,000,001


Nazi slackers

Pffft socialists....figures
The minutia about which camps were work camps and which were exterminations centers is beside the point of the thread, which is that according to most historians the 6 million murders of Jews is accepted as reasonably accurate. There are some who dispute that number, and it is true that there is no documented proof because of course the Nazis destroyed as much of the evidence as they could. So, if anyone want to disagree with the 6 million number then so be it. BUT - it is beyond doubt that millions of Jews WERE systematically murdered and if anyone wants to claim otherwise then they are ignoring the truth. There WAS a Holocaust, and the exact number doesn't matter.

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