Did George Stephanopoulos trick Trump or help Trump?

Does the MSM's and dem's outrage over Trump's opinions help Trump or hurt Trump?

  • As long as Trump is in the news he's happy, there is no bad publicity, tweet, tweet, tweet...

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • The constant negative coverage by the MSM will eventually take a toll on Trump & cost him in 2020

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
So this is impeachment reason number 2,176. I'm sure 2177 will be out in the media any moment now.

Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on political opponent

Well this is interesting.... how is lefty possibly going to condemn this move by the president since obviously the past two and a half years has been consumed with dirt collected from foreigners on the POTUS? Are they going to say it's immoral or Un-american?

I wonder if It ever occurred to these guys that more than one person can play this game.

Of particular interest would be information from both China and Ukraine on Joe biden's personal business dealings between them him and his son.

Time for more dossiers!

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well considering hillary got dirt from the urkraine AND former british intelligence, i fail to see how it was any different than what trump was accused of or this.

stop the double standards and you'll have more people take you seriously.
Any and all politicians will listen to dirt on an opponent from any source. Trump's answer was honest and correct.

Of course the Democrats and their media are freaking out. It's their job.

Graham is sometimes a sanctimonious shithead all full of himself. He would listen as well.
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...

President Trump is playing the libs in a well orchestrated plan. He wasn't "tricked" at all by this lightweight
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling data, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:
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lets give Trump some dirt on three -


So this is impeachment reason number 2,176. I'm sure 2177 will be out in the media any moment now.

Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on political opponent

Well this is interesting.... how is lefty possibly going to condemn this move by the president since obviously the past two and a half years has been consumed with dirt collected from foreigners on the POTUS? Are they going to say it's immoral or Un-american?

I wonder if It ever occurred to these guys that more than one person can play this game.

Of particular interest would be information from both China and Ukraine on Joe biden's personal business dealings between them him and his son.

Time for more dossiers!

Who wouldn't listen?
whatever Trump said, he didnt say it

if he said it , he didnt mean it

So this is impeachment reason number 2,176. I'm sure 2177 will be out in the media any moment now.

Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on political opponent

Well this is interesting.... how is lefty possibly going to condemn this move by the president since obviously the past two and a half years has been consumed with dirt collected from foreigners on the POTUS? Are they going to say it's immoral or Un-american?

I wonder if It ever occurred to these guys that more than one person can play this game.

Of particular interest would be information from both China and Ukraine on Joe biden's personal business dealings between them him and his son.

Time for more dossiers!

Who wouldn't listen?

hide and watch bubba -
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
trump easily tricked, is he?
Trump has out-smarted dimocrap scum EVERYSINGLETIME they have messed with him.

Every time.

Why should this be any different?
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
trump easily tricked, is he?

What makes you think that President Trump was "tricked" at all. Mr. Stephanopolous isn't really that swift.
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
Every time Trump says something the DNCMSM goes berserk and by extension, so do believers of the DNCMSM. One would think the believers would be exhausted by now and see the apparent deception.
Hillary hired opposition research, all perfectly legal... even with the PI hired by GPS, being a British citizen.

the Trump campaign worked with the Russian Intelligence service and Russian Oligarch who funded the Internet research center of trolls and fake news, who also STOLE Dnc and Podesta emails etc....

-Manafort gave inside polling data to Kiliminik on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, who passed it on to russian intelligence that was interfering....

the only reason Manafort was not charged with Conspiracy, was that without access to the GRU's records and people involved, they could not establish what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling date, passed on to them.

-Donny Jr said he'd love the Russian govt's help and love the Russian gvt dirt they had on Hillary... the only reason he was not charged with the Campaign finance law that he BROKE, was because he may not have known, that it was breaking campaign finance law... and the law requires one knowing they were breaking the law.... any other campaign worker would have run it by the Campaign Lawyer.... but hey... Trump's all think they are the say all, be all....

The two, can not even be compared.

It is against the law for Foreign Countries to interfere in our democratic election process... yes, a real crime, with a US CODE Statute.... not just against the rules and Campaign Finance laws..

President Trump saying he would do it again, even now that he and his son etc now KNOW it is against the law in several ways, is the Man of Lawlessness at work, right before our very eyes and shameful....

but NOT as shameful, as his acolytes, who bow, at his feet... and wash his feet with their own tears, and wipe them clean with their own hair.... :rolleyes:

which is what keeps the divide alive.

so - all trump has to do is call it opposition research and we're good. got it.

you can't make up fictional characters this fucking stupid.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
The 'What About Ukraine?' Defense of Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting
As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges
Media, Dems Ignore Hillary Ukraine Collusion

so in short, no one is buying you're WE'RE INNOCENT BUT YOU ARE GUILTY bullshit anymore.
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So this is impeachment reason number 2,176. I'm sure 2177 will be out in the media any moment now.

Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on political opponent

Well this is interesting.... how is lefty possibly going to condemn this move by the president since obviously the past two and a half years has been consumed with dirt collected from foreigners on the POTUS? Are they going to say it's immoral or Un-american?

I wonder if It ever occurred to these guys that more than one person can play this game.

Of particular interest would be information from both China and Ukraine on Joe biden's personal business dealings between them him and his son.

Time for more dossiers!

Who wouldn't listen?

hide and watch bubba -
Eh? Why hide and watch what?
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
Every time Trump says something the DNCMSM goes berserk and by extension, so do believers of the DNCMSM. One would think the believers would be exhausted by now and see the apparent deception.

The number of viewers of the Main Stream Media has plummeted since March, my guess is the number of believers has also cratered.

Really, the MSM should hire Keith Olbermann back, at least he was entertaining and could turn a phrase.

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