Did Al Gore win the Presidency? Did the Supreme Court hand George Bush the Presidency? These two questions have been asked again and again. Many blame the Supreme Court for doing what needs to be done and enforcing federal law and the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Code and article 2, section 1, clause 2 provides that the final decision be made by December 12. This is the date the court handed down its decision that the current vote count would stand under federal law. Had the recount continued beyond this date it would done so in violation of law and by extension the Constitution. I think Bush is a bastard and Gore is a motherfucker so I don't have any reason to side one way or the other but I am going to side with the Constitution. Now for all you idiots who think otherwise I would like to tell you to fuck off.
The answer to the question: "Did Al Gore win the Presidency" is no. He lost it as of December 12.
The answer to the question: "Did Al Gore win the Presidency" is no. He lost it as of December 12.