As it turns out, control of the House was decided in previous years by Repub controlled courts.

Anatomy of a North Carolina Gerrymander​

After Republican candidates won two seats on the North Carolina Supreme Court in the 2022 midterms, giving the court a conservative majority, Republican lawmakers wasted no time in asking the court to reverse earlier rulings that partisan gerrymandering violated the state constitution.

The court’s new majority obliged, handing down a controversial opinion in late spring that abruptly abandoned any role for state courts in policing gerrymandering, declaring that gerrymandering claims were non-justiciable “political questions” off limits to the judiciary.

With overtly partisan line drawing no longer illegal, Republicans began preparing to undo the balance that had been established in the maps. The question wasn’t whether the maps would get worse — it was by how much.

The answer came this week: much worse. Under the new congressional map rushed through the legislature on a party-line vote, a balanced, 50–50 map that reflected North Carolina’s purple state politics was transformed into one that could elect as many as 11 Republicans and just 3 Democrats. (North Carolina’s governor does not have the power to veto election maps.)

In other words, the Repub controlled NC SC followed the lead of the Repub controlled SCOTUS.

Supreme Court Rules Partisan Gerrymandering Is Beyond The Reach Of Federal Courts

The Supreme Court rules in favor of South Carolina Republicans in voting map case

If I were a person with a kind of orange hue, who wanted to play the role of the victim, I suppose I might claim the system is rigged against me. Even when it is so clearly not.

The Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Ruling Undermines Democracy

The state was invaded from all of those Progressive Socialist Communist stalwarts. If things were so great in Prog areas, why did they leave? They end up infecting the new areas from the old areas they left. Rounding out the rough edges of the new areas is good. Then after that it must end.
The state was invaded from all of those Progressive Socialist Communist stalwarts.
You do yourself no favors in trying to appear credible when you resort to hyperbolic horseshit.
Agreed. But Dem's appealing to a broader constituency only makes the motivation of Repubs to abuse their power when they get all the more strong. The examples in NC being among the worse though TX still has the lead.
North Carolina was red at some point. The progs moved in. So, if you spew what is really true, then they have the old guard still making some decisions. Eliminate New York City from New York State in elections.
You do yourself no favors in trying to appear credible when you resort to hyperbolic horseshit.
This is what Progs are. It's just that Republicans are Mayberry and Progs are American Horror Story.
After Republican candidates won two seats on the North Carolina Supreme Court in the 2022 midterms, giving the court a conservative majority, Republican lawmakers wasted no time in asking the court to reverse earlier rulings that partisan gerrymandering violated the state constitution.

The court’s new majority obliged, handing down a controversial opinion in late spring that abruptly abandoned any role for state courts in policing gerrymandering, declaring that gerrymandering claims were non-justiciable “political questions” off limits to the judiciary.

With overtly partisan line drawing no longer illegal, Republicans began preparing to undo the balance that had been established in the maps. The question wasn’t whether the maps would get worse — it was by how much.
Democrats invented gerrymandering. In fact, democrats invented a lot of things, like that and the nuclear option (just to name two), and then they get all bent out of shape when the other side becomes better at the things democrats invented.
then they have the old guard still making some decisions.
Really? That's what you think this is?

North Carolina GOP lawmakers vote to strip incoming Democratic leaders' powers​

North Carolina GOP lawmakers vote to strip incoming Democratic leaders' powers

Republicans passed a sprawling bill after they lost races for governor and attorney general — and most likely their veto-proof legislative majority — in this month's election.
I hear you, man, but Democrats need to find ways to appeal to these rural folks, who used to be a reliable Democratic constituency.

That we have poor working class folks who routinely vote against their own economic interests is a problem we need to address.
Your first step should be to stop sneering at them with contempt, thinking that will cause them to vote against their best interests and for your candidates.

Anatomy of a North Carolina Gerrymander​

After Republican candidates won two seats on the North Carolina Supreme Court in the 2022 midterms, giving the court a conservative majority, Republican lawmakers wasted no time in asking the court to reverse earlier rulings that partisan gerrymandering violated the state constitution.

The court’s new majority obliged, handing down a controversial opinion in late spring that abruptly abandoned any role for state courts in policing gerrymandering, declaring that gerrymandering claims were non-justiciable “political questions” off limits to the judiciary.

With overtly partisan line drawing no longer illegal, Republicans began preparing to undo the balance that had been established in the maps. The question wasn’t whether the maps would get worse — it was by how much.

The answer came this week: much worse. Under the new congressional map rushed through the legislature on a party-line vote, a balanced, 50–50 map that reflected North Carolina’s purple state politics was transformed into one that could elect as many as 11 Republicans and just 3 Democrats. (North Carolina’s governor does not have the power to veto election maps.)

In other words, the Repub controlled NC SC followed the lead of the Repub controlled SCOTUS.

Supreme Court Rules Partisan Gerrymandering Is Beyond The Reach Of Federal Courts

The Supreme Court rules in favor of South Carolina Republicans in voting map case

If I were a person with a kind of orange hue, who wanted to play the role of the victim, I suppose I might claim the system is rigged against me. Even when it is so clearly not.

The Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Ruling Undermines Democracy

The dems would be the house maj if NY hadn't decided gerrymandering was not something upon which they did not wish to dirty their hands
I hear you, man, but Democrats need to find ways to appeal to these rural folks
The best way to do that is to begin by not alienating them with policies that cater to a small minority of those in the party. If they could talk Obama in to being the DNC chair the party would take a quantum leap forward in broadening the party's appeal from a policy standpoint.

Anatomy of a North Carolina Gerrymander​

After Republican candidates won two seats on the North Carolina Supreme Court in the 2022 midterms, giving the court a conservative majority, Republican lawmakers wasted no time in asking the court to reverse earlier rulings that partisan gerrymandering violated the state constitution.

The court’s new majority obliged, handing down a controversial opinion in late spring that abruptly abandoned any role for state courts in policing gerrymandering, declaring that gerrymandering claims were non-justiciable “political questions” off limits to the judiciary.

With overtly partisan line drawing no longer illegal, Republicans began preparing to undo the balance that had been established in the maps. The question wasn’t whether the maps would get worse — it was by how much.

The answer came this week: much worse. Under the new congressional map rushed through the legislature on a party-line vote, a balanced, 50–50 map that reflected North Carolina’s purple state politics was transformed into one that could elect as many as 11 Republicans and just 3 Democrats. (North Carolina’s governor does not have the power to veto election maps.)

In other words, the Repub controlled NC SC followed the lead of the Repub controlled SCOTUS.

Supreme Court Rules Partisan Gerrymandering Is Beyond The Reach Of Federal Courts

The Supreme Court rules in favor of South Carolina Republicans in voting map case

If I were a person with a kind of orange hue, who wanted to play the role of the victim, I suppose I might claim the system is rigged against me. Even when it is so clearly not.

The Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Ruling Undermines Democracy

Actually, NC's state constitution prevents the kind of partisan gerrymandering that occurred. Or at least it did until Repubs got enough judges on their SC to ignore the state constitution.
A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away I worked for a PAC that was contracted to come up with three proposed redistricting maps in North Carolina. They were all rejected by the state supreme court. They definitely were not drawn based on GOP wants since the PAC I worked for took its marching orders from the DCCC. Both sides do it. It is purely a political issue.

As for the NC Constitition "All Elections shall be free" is open for interpretation. They are only specific when it comes to state legislature seats.

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