DICK says he would do it all over again

Cheney The report s full of crap - CNN.com

Time for a another heart, DICK.

Ironic that the one member of the GOP that is not trashing this report is the ONLY member who actually suffered some of these "enhance interrogation techniques" during his captivity in a Vietnamese prison.

I watched the interview with Chuck Todd on Meet The Press, Cheney admitted that at least 25% of the people subjected to "enhanced interrogation" later turned out to be completely innocent......he doesn't see the problem. The fact that he doesn't see the problem says a lot about the character of the man.......or lack thereof as the case may be.
And the lack of character of those who agree with and defend Cheney.

Here is what the man of character did. You might check out what Obama and Michelle give to charity if you want to talk about lack of character.

"When Cheney said in September 2003 that he had no interest in Halliburton, Senator Tom Daschle asserted Cheney needed to reconcile his statement with the fact that he continued to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in deferred compensation from his former employer. In response, Cheney’s office said the vice president had taken out a $15,000 insurance policy that would guarantee the deferred payments even if Halliburton went under. Cheney was donating the deferred compensation, after taxes, to charity. Cheney also legally deferred his Halliburton stock options to a charity. Thus, he had no financial interest in Halliburton’s fortunes."

Source:A Matter of Character, by Ronald Kessler, p.230, Aug 5, 2004

"Halliburton Co., the energy services giant once led by Dick Cheney, has called on its employees to write letters to newspapers and lawmakers in defense of the company’s image. Democrats have criticized the government for giving Halliburton contracts in Iraq without a competitive bidding process. So far under the contract, Halliburton has been paid about $1.4 billion of a possible $7 billion total. Cheney and Halliburton have denied that the company enjoyed any favoritism in winning the government job. Cheney still receives about $150,000 a year in deferred payments, and he also holds more than 433,000 stock options, all above Halliburton’s most recently traded price. Cheney insists that the deferred compensation was set up two years before he became a vice presidential candidate and that he assigned all his stock options to a charitable trust just before being sworn in. “I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven’t had, now, for over three years,” he said."

Source: CNN.com , Oct 25, 2003
Bush's mistake wasn't authorizing water boarding. His mistake was asking how we were obtaining intel.
He shouldn't have ever asked, and when he did ask, someone at the CIA should have told him that it was best that he didn't know.

And if you are stupid enough to believe that the CIA is no longer using such techniques well....................

Obama will simply never ask "how did you get this information?"
I saw Dick Cheney on MTP as well as other recent interviews. The man is the epitome of evil.
Cheney is the epitome of neo-con hubris and arrogance, the hubris and arrogance that allowed for torture, the failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the needless deaths of thousands.

The king of arrogance presently occupies the White House. The only reason the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are failures is because Obama thinks he knows how to manage a war better than the military men in the Pentagon. He proved he doesn't. As far as illegal, you might want to take that argument up with the leading Democrats that joined Republicans in calling for and voting for them making them legal. Also, you might ask the UN and our NATO allies who approved and participated in these wars.

Which action do you think has created more jihadists in the last 12 years? The torture of a few high level terrorists or the drone strikes that have killed hundreds of the enemy, sometime including their wife and children?

Bringing this up in the Senate this week bordered on the absurd. Anyone that read the Washington Post 10 years ago already knew about the waterboarding that was being done. Shame of Sen Feinstein.
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So what wouldn't you do, even if it might save American lives?

I wouldn't kill an entire family to get one bad guy with a drone strike. That would really piss off the neighbors.

That's the flawed mindset which Clinton administration officials revealed when asked why they didn't kill Osama bin Laden when they could have...BEFORE 9/11.

Clinton didn't have drones and why would you believe anything the lying fuck says?

Former President Bill Clinton, mere hours before the 9/11 terror attack, openly acknowledged that he turned down a chance to kill Usama bin Laden, according to a newly released recording.

The former president can be heard admitting this in a speech to Australian business leaders on Sept. 10, 2001.

Clinton on Sept. 10 2001 I could have killed bin Laden but I didn t Fox News

Killing Bin Laden would not have prevented 9/11.

Then tell us WHO would have written the check to finance such an audacious act if not bin laden?
The Senate Democrat report is widely dismissed in intelligence circles as a desperation political ploy. The worst part is the claim the CIA lied to congress, obviously to cover Feinstien's ass.

Americans will die because of Feinstein's political move. Deal with it dems.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to take the media coverage away from Gruber, illegal amensty, and obama's failed administration.

But it won't work. Americans are not as stupid as the dems think they are.

Not to mention the distrust now with our allies and the strength is has given to our enemies.

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