Dick Durbin Now Blames His Victims


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
WTF???...now Dick Durbin (D-IL) is on the floor of Congress telling the people of America to not bank at the Bank of America.....telling you where to not do your business....is this part of his rhetorical attack on the banks or just a way to cover up his stupid Statist-style legislation....?

Where the hell do these Lefty Liberals get the right to step in and set price caps on charges already agreed upon between two separate companies anyway....?

So how does the architect of this debacle react to the banks attempting to cover their losses? He stands up on his bully pulpit, the floor of the United States Senate and tells the American People to vote with their feet and leave the bank. Why would an US Senator tell the people to conduct a run on a bank. Does Dick not have a sense of history? Does he know what happens when banks get a rapid run of withdrawals? That being said Dick was the cause of this. In true progressive fashion Dick blames big business for something the Government (he) caused. Dick should be ashamed of himself and the people of Illinois should wake up and give Dick his walking papers.


One more really important point. The people who use the debit card the most are those that can not get a credit card. They are the folks living paycheck to paycheck, Up until the passage of the Dick Durbin Amendment they were using their cards to make purchases at the supermarket, Wal-Mart and anywhere else they could use it. It was a functioning system. Who do you think this rule will affect most? The rich? The banks? We have already seen it will not. It is once again the poor who suffer due to government intervention in their lives.

Dick Durbin now Blames his Victims | The Working Class Conservative!
Durbin Dodd and Frank

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yn8dxCa4Mw]Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole - YouTube[/ame]
Dick Durbin (D-IL) brought home the goodies.......can we say "crony capitalism"......?

The home of BO....Chicago....should be thanking all of America for the Walmart "gifts".....

On the eve of a key vote in the Senate on an issue in which Wal-Mart is deeply invested, the company announced it is donating $20 million to charities and opening scores of new stores in the Chicago area, in the home state of Sen. Dick Durbin, Illinois Democrat, the retail giant’s top ally in its push to cap credit card fees.

The plan includes opening “several dozen” new stores in Chicago and donating $20 million over five years to Chicago area charities “that work to eradicate hunger, curb youth violence and help all Chicago residents live better.”

At issue on Capitol Hill are so-called “interchange fees” charged by credit card companies to process purchases in stores.

Wal-Mart is a key player, lobbying for government price controls on the amount of the fees, which typically comprise about two percent of the purchase value. Retailers argue they do not have enough leverage to negotiate reasonable rates.

Read more: On eve of key vote, Wal-Mart donates $20 million to Durbin

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