Dick Cheney looks awful

* * * *
But when little pussies follow me around asking to "swallow" my load.

* * * *

Swallow Cum is projecting his depraved little fantasies again.

This is a message board, you sissy. Nobody is following you around. :lol:

And noting that you like to suck old queers' dicks and soak your tonsils in syphilis-ridden jism is still not an invitation, no matter how much you like to pretend, your 'moe. :lol:

JokeyFakey is asking for you to give him another rimjob, queer boi.

Please go someplace private, you quiff.
Only a dishonest pussy like JokeyFakey (and Cum Swallow himself, of course) would say something that stupid and baseless.

A dishonest homer like JokeyFakey making that claim, in fact, constitutes proof that Swallow just got his ass kicked.

I didn't realize you were literally Swallow's asshole buddy, JokeyFakey. Did you meet him in the turnpike restroom? :lol:

* * * *

Growing up in that putnam county incest town hasn't done you much good.

* * * *

Once again, the massive homosexually insecure mentally deprived pussy, Swallow Cum, imagines that it has any clue of where I grew up. :lol:

Bad guess, yet again, Swallow Cum, you hapless helpless hopeless homo.

Not a bad guess, piggy..spot on. I was thinking they wrote that scene in Deliverance about you. You know when Ned Beatty gets caught by those Hillbillies? But then I was thinking..that while you probably look like Beatty..it wouldn't have been a rape..it would have been you begging the Hillbillies..for a swalllow of their cum. You know..like you keep begging me, piggy.

So go on..roll in your shit. That might comfort you a bit..Suckability.

Suuuueeeeeiiii..pig pig pig.
* * * *

Growing up in that putnam county incest town hasn't done you much good.

* * * *

Once again, the massive homosexually insecure mentally deprived pussy, Swallow Cum, imagines that it has any clue of where I grew up. :lol:

Bad guess, yet again, Swallow Cum, you hapless helpless hopeless homo.

Not a bad guess, * * * spot on * * * *

"Spot on" only in the sense that you are completely wrong, as always, queer boi.

Now, go brush your teeth, Swallow Cum. The stench of all your boi-friend's private parts on your breath is really getting quite rank.
once again, the massive homosexually insecure mentally deprived pussy, swallow cum, imagines that it has any clue of where i grew up. :lol:

Bad guess, yet again, swallow cum, you hapless helpless hopeless homo.

not a bad guess, * * * spot on * * * *

"spot on" only in the sense that you are completely wrong, as always, queer boi.

Now, go brush your teeth, swallow cum. The stench of all your boi-friend's private parts on your breath is really getting quite rank.

you have really gay fantasies ...dont you
Spot on" only in the sense that you are completely wrong, as always, queer boi.

Now, go brush your teeth, Swallow Cum. The stench of all your boi-friend's private parts on your breath is really getting quite rank.

Sure it is, you inbred fat fuck.

You kinda also remind me of the fat fuck in "Blue Velvet" that got head shot..but kept standing. He didn't know he was dead. Probably because his brain was so full of pig shit.

Much like your own.
not a bad guess, * * * spot on * * * *

"spot on" only in the sense that you are completely wrong, as always, queer boi.

Now, go brush your teeth, swallow cum. The stench of all your boi-friend's private parts on your breath is really getting quite rank.

you have really gay fantasies ...dont you

Nope. I leave that kind of thing to flailing quiffs like Cum Swallow.

But I notice that a homer like you is quite selective in who you choose to focus on, id-eots. You troofer assholes are so totally retarded and dishonest in so many different things in life, it must be hard to keep track of your biases, stupidity and lies. Sucks to be you.
Spot on" only in the sense that you are completely wrong, as always, queer boi.

Now, go brush your teeth, Swallow Cum. The stench of all your boi-friend's private parts on your breath is really getting quite rank.

* * * *

Once again, Swallow Cum, when your imbecilic comments are snipped, there's nothing left.

You've got nothing, ya ineffectual pussy. And you constantly prove it. :clap2:

It's like that time on that other board where you cried to the mods because mean ol conservatives made fun of your faggoty username.

"Waaaaahhhhh! Those meanies called me 'Shallow!' Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Those nasty ol' meanies called me 'Swallow!' Make them stop it! WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"


You puss.
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Spot on" only in the sense that you are completely wrong, as always, queer boi.

Now, go brush your teeth, Swallow Cum. The stench of all your boi-friend's private parts on your breath is really getting quite rank.

* * * *

Once again, Swallow Cum, when your imbecilic comments are snipped, there's nothing left.

You've got nothing, ya ineffectual pussy. And you constantly prove it. :clap2:

Naw..you keep snipping because you are a pussy..and a closet fag. That's just what you guys do. It's like fighting with a girl.

But heck..here's the deal.

I ain't gay. No way no how you are getting a "cum swallow" from me.

Even if you continue with this pussy faggot "slap fight" you ain't gonna wear me down.

So back to the pen with you. Your shit might still even be warm.
Spot on" only in the sense that you are completely wrong, as always, queer boi.

Now, go brush your teeth, Swallow Cum. The stench of all your boi-friend's private parts on your breath is really getting quite rank.

* * * *

Once again, Swallow Cum, when your imbecilic comments are snipped, there's nothing left.

You've got nothing, ya ineffectual pussy. And you constantly prove it. :clap2:

It's like that time on that other board where you cried to the mods because mean ol conservatives made fun of your faggoty username.

"Waaaaahhhhh! Those meanies called me 'Shallow!' Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Those nasty ol' meanies called me 'Swallow!' Make them stop it! WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"


You puss.


The mods were begging me not to be so mean to you assholes. Then they finally figured it out.

But that didn't help much. You still ran to ol' Lee and got my ass banned..didn't ya..

Ya little pussy.

Once again, Swallow Cum, when your imbecilic comments are snipped, there's nothing left.

You've got nothing, ya ineffectual pussy. And you constantly prove it. :clap2:

It's like that time on that other board where you cried to the mods because mean ol conservatives made fun of your faggoty username.

"Waaaaahhhhh! Those meanies called me 'Shallow!' Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Those nasty ol' meanies called me 'Swallow!' Make them stop it! WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"


You puss.

* * * *

You still ran to ol' Lee and got my ass banned..didn't ya..

* * * *

Nope. Your lies are as ineffectual as your ad hominems, queer boi.

The mods here don't give a shit about your precious username, sissy. So, all your flailing and crying will be of no use. :lol:

So sad for you. You puss.
Once again, Swallow Cum, when your imbecilic comments are snipped, there's nothing left.

You've got nothing, ya ineffectual pussy. And you constantly prove it. :clap2:

It's like that time on that other board where you cried to the mods because mean ol conservatives made fun of your faggoty username.

"Waaaaahhhhh! Those meanies called me 'Shallow!' Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Those nasty ol' meanies called me 'Swallow!' Make them stop it! WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"


You puss.

* * * *

You still ran to ol' Lee and got my ass banned..didn't ya..

* * * *

Nope. Your lies are as ineffectual as your ad hominems, queer boi.

The mods here don't give a shit about your precious username, sissy. So, all your flailing and crying will be of no use. :lol:

So sad for you. You puss.

And you know what, you inbred fat fuck? I could give two shits. Long as they ain't pestering me about what I can post and what I can't post..it's all good, you lame little swine.

So fuck you.

And fuck your closet gayness.
* * * *

You still ran to ol' Lee and got my ass banned..didn't ya..

* * * *

Nope. Your lies are as ineffectual as your ad hominems, queer boi.

The mods here don't give a shit about your precious username, sissy. So, all your flailing and crying will be of no use. :lol:

So sad for you. You puss.

And you know what, you inbred fat fuck? I could give two shits. Long as they ain't pestering me about what I can post and what I can't post..it's all good, you lame little swine.

So fuck you.

And fuck your closet gayness.

I laugh at you self-hating homos.

Personally, I don't care that you're a quiff; but you seem really troubled by your sexual identity.

Swallow Cum, you jism-gargler, you are a pathetic fraud and you are a lightweight in terms of meaningful debate as well as being inadequate in all other realms.

Seriously, you poor pissant puss, it just has to suck to be you.

No pun intended. What you do in the rest rooms on the Turnpike is between you, the old queers you suck off and your doctors.
Nope. Your lies are as ineffectual as your ad hominems, queer boi.

The mods here don't give a shit about your precious username, sissy. So, all your flailing and crying will be of no use. :lol:

So sad for you. You puss.

And you know what, you inbred fat fuck? I could give two shits. Long as they ain't pestering me about what I can post and what I can't post..it's all good, you lame little swine.

So fuck you.

And fuck your closet gayness.

I laugh at you self-hating homos.

Personally, I don't care that you're a quiff; but you seem really troubled by your sexual identity.

Swallow Cum, you jism-gargler, you are a pathetic fraud and you are a lightweight in terms of meaningful debate as well as being inadequate in all other realms.

Seriously, you poor pissant puss, it just has to suck to be you.

No pun intended. What you do in the rest rooms on the Turnpike is between you, the old queers you suck off and your doctors.

You laugh like a pig. You eat like a pig and you stink like a pig.

You're the one chasing me around asking for a "cum swallow", you miserable waste of sperm.

And..no..it doesn't suck to me. I ain't a fat pig infatuated with lawyers and posters on boards. In fact..it's rather good to me. I don't live in fear..much like yourself.

I would say..hit a gym or something. But it wouldn't help ya. You'd still be fat..and you'd probably stink up the place.

Yet again, it may be plainly observed that when your flaming imbecility gets snipped out of one of your quoted posts, Swallow Cum, there's NOTHING whatsoever left.

You are an abject failure at everything and the mods here will not stop anybody from noting that about you, you puss.

Now, go have yourself another good cry, you sissy, and get yourself a fresh tampon. :thup:

Yet again, it may be plainly observed that when your flaming imbecility gets snipped out of one of your quoted posts, Swallow Cum, there's NOTHING whatsoever left.

You are an abject failure at everything and the mods here will not stop anybody from noting that about you, you puss.

Now, go have yourself another good cry, you sissy, and get yourself a fresh tampon. :thup:

Again..like a wounded little girl you have to snip comments..and make changes. That's fine.

That's something I don't need to do. That's what happens when you can take a blow. And give one back. I don't need to change a thing. I don't need to lie about being a little pussy, like you when you got me banned. You should fill in the audience in on why you did that. It's fucking hilarious..you little fat pussy girl. And you really should be more careful who you share your personal life with..:lol:

There's no Lee here. That suits me fine...schmuck.

I won't make the same mistake twice...

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Yet again, it may be plainly observed that when your flaming imbecility gets snipped out of one of your quoted posts, Swallow Cum, there's NOTHING whatsoever left.

You are an abject failure at everything and the mods here will not stop anybody from noting that about you, you puss.

Now, go have yourself another good cry, you sissy, and get yourself a fresh tampon. :thup:

Again..like a wounded little girl you have to snip comments..and make changes. That's fine.

That's something I don't need to do. That's what happens when you can take a blow. And give one back. I don't need to change a thing. I don't need to lie about being a little pussy, like you when you got me banned. You should fill in the audience in on why you did that. It's fucking hilarious..you little fat pussy girl. And you really should be more careful who you share your personal life with..:lol:

There's no Lee here. That suits me fine...schmuck.

I won't make the same mistake twice...


You project very well. Good form! :lol:
Yet again, it may be plainly observed that when your flaming imbecility gets snipped out of one of your quoted posts, Swallow Cum, there's NOTHING whatsoever left.

You are an abject failure at everything and the mods here will not stop anybody from noting that about you, you puss.

Now, go have yourself another good cry, you sissy, and get yourself a fresh tampon. :thup:

Again..like a wounded little girl you have to snip comments..and make changes. That's fine.

That's something I don't need to do. That's what happens when you can take a blow. And give one back. I don't need to change a thing. I don't need to lie about being a little pussy, like you when you got me banned. You should fill in the audience in on why you did that. It's fucking hilarious..you little fat pussy girl. And you really should be more careful who you share your personal life with..:lol:

There's no Lee here. That suits me fine...schmuck.

I won't make the same mistake twice...


You project very well. Good form! :lol:


Tommy that tanker picks up the flag.

Again..like a wounded little girl you have to snip comments..and make changes. That's fine.

That's something I don't need to do. That's what happens when you can take a blow. And give one back. I don't need to change a thing. I don't need to lie about being a little pussy, like you when you got me banned. You should fill in the audience in on why you did that. It's fucking hilarious..you little fat pussy girl. And you really should be more careful who you share your personal life with..:lol:

There's no Lee here. That suits me fine...schmuck.

I won't make the same mistake twice...


You project very well. Good form! :lol:


Tommy that tanker picks up the flag.


You don't rate boy.

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