DeVos to make getting away with campus rape easy again

Give me a break. This young man was punished for an accusation that was proved false. AND he won big against the University because of their draconian measures. And if I were him I would currently launch a civil lawsuit and drag her name thru every court and in every publication possible.

Where does it say in the article he 'won' anything. He dropped out and went to another university where hopefully he learned to behave himself.


"Last September, his lawsuit against the university was settled for undisclosed terms."

And all because the lying bitch gave him a blow job and a hand job consensually. She initiated the sexual encounter. She is the one that made the false allegation and should be made to pay in civil court.

"Bonsu’s lawsuit describes the period that followed as one of extreme stress, during which he lost weight, contracted pneumonia, and was forced to drop two courses because the restrictions placed on him precluded him from attending class during his midterm exams.

His hearing was on April 2, 2015. By then he was living back home in Maryland, sick a second time with pneumonia and in a state of emotional collapse. His lawyer asked for the hearing to be rescheduled, but the school refused, so it went on without him.

He was found not responsible for sexual misconduct. But he was found responsible for using R.M.’s name in the email asking for assistance and for sending her the Facebook friend request.

The university listed Bonsu’s offense as “failure to comply with the direction of university officials.” His punishment: suspension until May 31, 2016—by which time R.M. was expected to graduate—and a permanent ban from living on campus. He was also required to get counseling to address his “decision-making.”

Oh and then all he has to do is go to another University? Kiss my ass.

." He applied to universities in other states, but was not accepted. He spent a year studying music at a community college, unable to pursue his engineering degree. Eventually, he was accepted into the engineering program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, for the fall semester of 2016, a year and a half after he had left UMass."

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy
So his problem is having the most natural tendencies on earth :slap:

I bet you blame the skirt too doncha? Fucking idiot

He should have also had the good sense to realize she was drunk and when she sobered up, she was going to be really regretful.

Sorry, this is a wonderful case of someone creating his own problem and w hining about it.
What if he was drunk? Does being drunk, in your mind, make your decisions OK? Leftists dont knwo how to take blame. Its quit pathetic.
Yes, i bet you absolutely blame the skirt.
"Last September, his lawsuit against the university was settled for undisclosed terms."

translation- they paid his legal fees to make him go away.

Oh and then all he has to do is go to another University? Kiss my ass.

." He applied to universities in other states, but was not accepted. He spent a year studying music at a community college, unable to pursue his engineering degree. Eventually, he was accepted into the engineering program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, for the fall semester of 2016, a year and a half after he had left UMass."

Yup, no one else was keen to have that kind of trouble on their campus. Hopefully he learned a lesson.
What if he was drunk? Does being drunk, in your mind, make your decisions OK? Leftists dont knwo how to take blame. Its quit pathetic.
Yes, i bet you absolutely blame the skirt.

No, I put the blame on the guy. He should have known better.

The point is,

He had sex with a drunk girl.
He harrassed her on SOcial Media
He outed her name.

The University gave him more chances than he deserved.
What if he was drunk? Does being drunk, in your mind, make your decisions OK? Leftists dont knwo how to take blame. Its quit pathetic.
Yes, i bet you absolutely blame the skirt.

No, I put the blame on the guy. He should have known better.

The point is,

He had sex with a drunk girl.
He harrassed her on SOcial Media
He outed her name.

The University gave him more chances than he deserved.
So what if he was intoxicated as well?
Why do you think less of females?
She also caused him all sorts of pain and embarrassment for HER putting his dick in her mouth.
So what if he was intoxicated as well?
Why do you think less of females?
She also caused him all sorts of pain and embarrassment for HER putting his dick in her mouth.

No, he caused himself all sorts of pain by not watching where he was putting his dick.

No sympathy. The university gave him more breaks than I would have, and he stilled managed to fuck it up.
So what if he was intoxicated as well?
Why do you think less of females?
She also caused him all sorts of pain and embarrassment for HER putting his dick in her mouth.

No, he caused himself all sorts of pain by not watching where he was putting his dick.

No sympathy. The university gave him more breaks than I would have, and he stilled managed to fuck it up.
so him being intoxicated as well doesnt matter. He should have known better but not her.
I guess we can only have sex while sober now. Right Stalin?
so him being intoxicated as well doesnt matter. He should have known better but not her.
I guess we can only have sex while sober now. Right Stalin?

Um, yeah, when he did the stuff like harrass her on Social Media, and expose her name to the public, he was stone cold sober.

He was actually going to get a pass on the Beej. But never mind. The thing about White Male Victimhood is that it never says it's sorry.
so him being intoxicated as well doesnt matter. He should have known better but not her.
I guess we can only have sex while sober now. Right Stalin?

Um, yeah, when he did the stuff like harrass her on Social Media, and expose her name to the public, he was stone cold sober.

He was actually going to get a pass on the Beej. But never mind. The thing about White Male Victimhood is that it never says it's sorry.
She said he fucking RAPED her
Betsy DeVos Plans to Weaken Obama’s Campus Sexual Assault Rules

I predict that testimony from experts in sexual assault investigation and prosecution, you know, police and prosecutors… will be ignored. Don't bother bringing stats or data…that's elitist.

She "believes" in her gut that 90% of allegations are false… so it must be. Because we trust the gut over any thorough and thoughtful analysis and research any day of the week and twice on Sundays… That's the alternative fact America we live in. It doesn't matter what any so-called "expert" tells her… I mean, she's never been raped, so it probably never happens…

I know a woman who was raped by a fellow high school student. During the investigation it turned out that the criminal had raped another girl two years earlier at the school and the school knew about it. The criminal told the earlier victim, "I'm a rich white kid. I'll hurt you if you report it. " So the earlier victim reported it only to the school which did not call police. So the later victim suffered due to this egregious lack of ethics by the criminal and the school.

Anything that empowers criminal society like this is wrong morally.

Sorry to say but the idiots here who want rape covered up more are actually helping there daughters or nieces get raped... The figures are astonishing...

"Rape prevalence among women in the U.S. (the percentage of women who experienced rape at least once in their lifetime so far) is in the range of 15–20%, "

A 2014 report by the Department of Justice estimated that 34.8% cases of sexual assaults are reported to the authorities.

View attachment 148816

These are the actual stats... Think about this if it was one of your family... And if you think it doesn't happen here, Red states generally have the highest Rape crimes...
Change the List: States where rape is most common - CNN
It looks to me, based on your statistics, that 98% of accusations are false.

No, 98% didn't get convictions... Only 2% were proven to be false...

Why are you protecting Rapists.. It is a very under reported crime..

No one is protecting rapists. That's ridiculous.

Kind of looks like you are... You are dredging up one story and using it as an example to refuse make universities responsible...

You want University and Military treatment the same...
So his problem is having the most natural tendencies on earth :slap:

I bet you blame the skirt too doncha? Fucking idiot

He should have also had the good sense to realize she was drunk and when she sobered up, she was going to be really regretful.

Sorry, this is a wonderful case of someone creating his own problem and w hining about it.

Another good reason to make it more difficult for these very young people to get each other drunk and naked. Yet I see no one but me even talking about doing that. All we're arguing about is what to do after the fact.

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"Last September, his lawsuit against the university was settled for undisclosed terms."

translation- they paid his legal fees to make him go away.

Oh and then all he has to do is go to another University? Kiss my ass.

." He applied to universities in other states, but was not accepted. He spent a year studying music at a community college, unable to pursue his engineering degree. Eventually, he was accepted into the engineering program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, for the fall semester of 2016, a year and a half after he had left UMass."

Yup, no one else was keen to have that kind of trouble on their campus. Hopefully he learned a lesson.
I'm certain they paid a hell of a lot more than just his legal fees. Good lawyers wouldn't allow them off that easy. It was probably at least a 7 figure settlement.

You outlined exactly why such university policies shouldn't be allowed.
The blame the victim mentality is filthy and disgusting.

Must be people with sons, not daughters.

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