Dems Try To Copy Trump's Populism But Are Sucking At It

Obama didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

You're wasting your time, just another anti Trump loon.
These people aren't smart enough to know when to STFU.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you can do smart things when you put all your effort into it.

Aren't you Trump folks always railing at the regressive lefties for stifling free speech? Yet here you are, doing the same thing, just to a lesser extent. Nice.
Was I stifling your ability to post what you want? lol

Why are you idiots always blaming others for your shortcomings?

Blaming others is in the official Democrat Party Charter & By Laws.

Let me see if I can find it......

We saw that with Cankles, she's blamed her loss on everything but the real reason, she's a corrupt unlikeable hag
You're wasting your time, just another anti Trump loon.
These people aren't smart enough to know when to STFU.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you can do smart things when you put all your effort into it.

Aren't you Trump folks always railing at the regressive lefties for stifling free speech? Yet here you are, doing the same thing, just to a lesser extent. Nice.
Was I stifling your ability to post what you want? lol

Why are you idiots always blaming others for your shortcomings?

Blaming others is in the official Democrat Party Charter & By Laws.

Let me see if I can find it......

We saw that with Cankles, she's blamed her loss on everything but the real reason, she's a corrupt unlikeable hag

As with Obama. He went through 8 years of blaming everything and everyone for his own failures. Some of the things he blamed were completely off the hook, like ATM machines and an earthquake in Japan..
Since populism is the worst form of government and the opposite of what the founders intended, nobody should try to copy it.

It seemed to work pretty well for Obama, didn't it?
Obama was liberal on social issues. So not a populist.

Obama is a leftist and a fascist, in every way discernible. Obama used the hatred the left holds for whites and Christians to fuel his base, while securing special privilege for homosexuals in return for their support. I suppose he is more a demagogue than a populist, more Adolf Hitler than Rodrigo Duterte.

The economy was already improving before Trump stepped foot into the oval office. ISIS was already losing massive amounts of territory. The only effect that Trump had was promising corporate tax cuts, which did juice the markets. But ... since nothing has happened since those promises, we can already see the enthusiasm has waned and people are scratching their heads wondering when the republicans are actually going to do something.

For how much Trump apparently hates Obama, he sure stole a lot of good press from his predecessor. I didn't think Obama was a particularly good president, but it's hard to deny we weren't better off when he left than we were when Bush left.

Obama didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

You're wasting your time, just another anti Trump loon.
These people aren't smart enough to know when to STFU.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you can do smart things when you put all your effort into it.

Aren't you Trump folks always railing at the regressive lefties for stifling free speech? Yet here you are, doing the same thing, just to a lesser extent. Nice.
Was I stifling your ability to post what you want? lol

Why are you idiots always blaming others for your shortcomings?

Who are you talking about? What are you crying for?
Since populism is the worst form of government and the opposite of what the founders intended, nobody should try to copy it.

You realize populusm is defined as support for the concerns of the ordinary people, right?

I've not seen that definition.

Populism is the opposite of republicanism, it is the will of the 51% imposed on the 49% with no concerns for minority rights.

What is laughable is the fascist left pretending that they support pluralism, with their speech laws, forced association, racial quotas to punish whites and rule by who is the most violent tactics.
Obama didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

You're wasting your time, just another anti Trump loon.
These people aren't smart enough to know when to STFU.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you can do smart things when you put all your effort into it.

Aren't you Trump folks always railing at the regressive lefties for stifling free speech? Yet here you are, doing the same thing, just to a lesser extent. Nice.
Was I stifling your ability to post what you want? lol

Why are you idiots always blaming others for your shortcomings?

Who are you talking about? What are you crying for?
I was just asking about you 'feeling' like I was stifling you. lol
We all know how sensitive you snowflakes can be.

Since populism is the worst form of government and the opposite of what the founders intended, nobody should try to copy it.

You realize populusm is defined as support for the concerns of the ordinary people, right?

I've not seen that definition.

Populism is the opposite of republicanism, it is the will of the 51% imposed on the 49% with no concerns for minority rights.

What is laughable is the fascist left pretending that they support pluralism, with their speech laws, forced association, racial quotas to punish whites and rule by who is the most violent tactics.

By defintion populism is what I wrote...what an individual or enity does with it is a different matter
These people aren't smart enough to know when to STFU.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you can do smart things when you put all your effort into it.

Aren't you Trump folks always railing at the regressive lefties for stifling free speech? Yet here you are, doing the same thing, just to a lesser extent. Nice.
Was I stifling your ability to post what you want? lol

Why are you idiots always blaming others for your shortcomings?

Blaming others is in the official Democrat Party Charter & By Laws.

Let me see if I can find it......

We saw that with Cankles, she's blamed her loss on everything but the real reason, she's a corrupt unlikeable hag

As with Obama. He went through 8 years of blaming everything and everyone for his own failures. Some of the things he blamed were completely off the hook, like ATM machines and an earthquake in Japan..

When liberals fail its never their fault. /sarcasm
Since populism is the worst form of government and the opposite of what the founders intended, nobody should try to copy it.

You realize populusm is defined as support for the concerns of the ordinary people, right?

I've not seen that definition.

Populism is the opposite of republicanism, it is the will of the 51% imposed on the 49% with no concerns for minority rights.

What is laughable is the fascist left pretending that they support pluralism, with their speech laws, forced association, racial quotas to punish whites and rule by who is the most violent tactics.

By defintion populism is what I wrote...what an individual or enity does with it is a different matter

{In general, ideology or political movement that mobilizes the population (often, but not always, the lower classes) against an institution or government, usually in the defense of the underdog or the wronged. Whether of left, right, or middle political persuasion, it seeks to unite the uncorrupt and the unsophisticated (the 'little man') against the corrupt dominant elites (usually the orthodox politicians) and their camp followers (usually the rich and the intellectuals). It is guided by the belief that political and social goals are best achieved by the direct actions of the masses. Although it comes into being where mainstream political institutions fail to deliver, there is no identifiable economic or social set of conditions that give rise to it, and it is not confined to any particular social class.

Read more: What is populism? definition and meaning}
Since populism is the worst form of government and the opposite of what the founders intended, nobody should try to copy it.

You realize populusm is defined as support for the concerns of the ordinary people, right?

I've not seen that definition.

Populism is the opposite of republicanism, it is the will of the 51% imposed on the 49% with no concerns for minority rights.

What is laughable is the fascist left pretending that they support pluralism, with their speech laws, forced association, racial quotas to punish whites and rule by who is the most violent tactics.

By defintion populism is what I wrote...what an individual or enity does with it is a different matter

{In general, ideology or political movement that mobilizes the population (often, but not always, the lower classes) against an institution or government, usually in the defense of the underdog or the wronged. Whether of left, right, or middle political persuasion, it seeks to unite the uncorrupt and the unsophisticated (the 'little man') against the corrupt dominant elites (usually the orthodox politicians) and their camp followers (usually the rich and the intellectuals). It is guided by the belief that political and social goals are best achieved by the direct actions of the masses. Although it comes into being where mainstream political institutions fail to deliver, there is no identifiable economic or social set of conditions that give rise to it, and it is not confined to any particular social class.

Read more: What is populism? definition and meaning}

I'd agree with that. Regardless the dems using it is laughable

Look at the state of blacks who they supposedly champion
You're wasting your time, just another anti Trump loon.
These people aren't smart enough to know when to STFU.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you can do smart things when you put all your effort into it.

Aren't you Trump folks always railing at the regressive lefties for stifling free speech? Yet here you are, doing the same thing, just to a lesser extent. Nice.
Was I stifling your ability to post what you want? lol

Why are you idiots always blaming others for your shortcomings?

Who are you talking about? What are you crying for?
I was just asking about you 'feeling' like I was stifling you. lol
We all know how sensitive you snowflakes can be.


Snowflake ... overused to the point of losing all meaning. Almost as bad as fake news.
These people aren't smart enough to know when to STFU.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you can do smart things when you put all your effort into it.

Aren't you Trump folks always railing at the regressive lefties for stifling free speech? Yet here you are, doing the same thing, just to a lesser extent. Nice.
Was I stifling your ability to post what you want? lol

Why are you idiots always blaming others for your shortcomings?

Who are you talking about? What are you crying for?
I was just asking about you 'feeling' like I was stifling you. lol
We all know how sensitive you snowflakes can be.


Snowflake ... overused to the point of losing all meaning. Almost as bad as fake news.

And racist, homophobe, bigot Islamaphobe...who overused those to death?
It looks like they're having a hard time right now. Nobody seems to be contributing to their coffers after their failed 2016 campaign. Now they think by copying Trump, they might have a chance in 2020.

But you know what they say, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." :laugh:

Promising 'A Better Deal,' Democrats try to rebrand party

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic leaders believe they lost to President Donald Trump partly because voters don't know what the party stands for. So they're trying to rebrand themselves with a new slogan and a populist new agenda as they look ahead to the 2018 midterms.

It's called "A Better Deal" and House and Senate Democratic leaders are rolling it out Monday afternoon in Berryville, Virginia.
Dems have been sucking at everything they do.
These people aren't smart enough to know when to STFU.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you can do smart things when you put all your effort into it.

Aren't you Trump folks always railing at the regressive lefties for stifling free speech? Yet here you are, doing the same thing, just to a lesser extent. Nice.
Was I stifling your ability to post what you want? lol

Why are you idiots always blaming others for your shortcomings?

Who are you talking about? What are you crying for?
I was just asking about you 'feeling' like I was stifling you. lol
We all know how sensitive you snowflakes can be.


Snowflake ... overused to the point of losing all meaning. Almost as bad as fake news.

You mean like Racist, Green Energy, Sustainability, Fascist, Fair Trade, Homophobe, Gun-Nut, Xenophobe, Collusion, Transsexual, or Islamophobic?

None of those words even have any meaning to me any more.

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