Dems Reject Resolution Stating President Cannot Kill Americans At Home W/O Due Proces

Real conservatives know that in order to stay alive they need to adapt to modern social policies. I dont want to emualte the democratic party, I want to create a Republican Party that isnt losing elections to a president with th past that he had. Youre obviously a conservative who thinks that just because I have socially progressive ideas, I cant be a Republican. I have a newsflash for you though, I am what the next generation of republicans looks like, not you. Hey dont listen to me and continue the "Conservative" rhetoric that you spew from watching Sean Hannity. Maybe youll get the picture when we lose in 2016 because people like you were unable to adapt. I on the other hand will continue to repair the face of the party and try and win an election because unlike yourself (Im guessing youre older) I have a lot to lose if the GOP suffers another loss.
I don't watch Hannity, and I don't see why anyone would vote for liberal Republicans when they can have the real thing by voting for your socialist Democrats. The last 2 Republican candidates were the kind you say can win. How did they do? And don't try to say Romney is a conservative.

Romney was forced to be something he was not, a conservative. People connected with his ideas on gay marriage, gun laws and Healthcare in Massachusetts. He was a Republican gov. in a state that is mostly liberal. The problem was he couldn’t tote any of his great policies because they were rejected by the base, so he looked like a flip flopper. If he had the support of the base and went up to the podium and stated the success he had in mass. with his moderate conservative philosophies there is no doubt in my mind he would currently be the President. Instead he had to garner support from fundamental conservatives by extending such silly statements that made him look disingenuous. We glorify the image of Regan so much yet we forget he raised taxes, Republicans today have this nostalgic blindness of what a true conservative is when in actuality Mitt was probably one of them.

Romney is a Mormon. He had to crawl into the gutter with old time Christians in order to get them to hold their noses and vote for him.

When there were liberal Republicans the GOP did better. That idiot sock (SJ) equates conservative with Republican. That leaves no room for moderates or liberals in the GOP.

The conservative movement, like the progressive left, is most intolerant of others. They demand a purity of thought.
When there were liberal Republicans the GOP did better. That idiot sock (SJ) equates conservative with Republican. That leaves no room for moderates or liberals in the GOP
I don't think the Republican Party needs (or wants) advice from a liberal idiot like you.
When there were liberal Republicans the GOP did better. That idiot sock (SJ) equates conservative with Republican. That leaves no room for moderates or liberals in the GOP
I don't think the Republican Party needs (or wants) advice from a liberal idiot like you.

yeah, they just want to keep on their losing streak... :rofl:

Hey, Brennan is in like Flynn. :laugh2:

Kerry, Hagel, Brennan...
Rand Paul is asking for an exception to be made just for him.

It isn't like the President has been drone bombing the shit out of America for the past four years and we need this emergency non-binding feel good piece of demagoguery passed immediately or else the Constitution might burst into flames.

It can wait.

That is all Durbin said. It can wait.

So, once again, another lie is manufactured. The Democrats did not reject the resolution. They told Paul to wait until the appropriate time AFTER A HEARING ON DRONES. Gosh! You mean we should wait until we are better informed about drones and their possible uses? How preposterous, sir!

What a whiny little dipshit this guy has turned out to be.

:eek:Only thing is when the left gives a hearing on something it takes months and months sometimes even years...hoping it will go away. Very simialar to Ubama and his Budget.
I can just hear Paul and Cruz now.

"Will you unequivocally state that killing a child eating a lollipop in a canoe with a drone is unconstitutional?"

"Will you tell us if blowing up a circus big top with a drone without due process is unconstitutional?"

"There's a speeder traveling down I-95. Is it constitutional to blow him up with a drone, sir?"

"I demand a resolution be passed immediately banning the use of drones to spy through my bathroom window or I will not shut up!"

His fawning fans will just swoon! Look at that Rand Paul asking the tough questions!

Will you tell us when you took up idiocy? Does it come naturally to you or do you work diligently at it?

:eusa_hand:Actually its called being BRAINWASHED. Remember they don't think for themselves anymore.
When there were liberal Republicans the GOP did better. That idiot sock (SJ) equates conservative with Republican. That leaves no room for moderates or liberals in the GOP
I don't think the Republican Party needs (or wants) advice from a liberal idiot like you.

yeah, they just want to keep on their losing streak... :rofl:

Hey, Brennan is in like Flynn. :laugh2:

Kerry, Hagel, Brennan...
The reason Republicans are on a losing streak is because they keep trying to appeal to the same people who vote for liberals, and the conservatives stay home.
I'm amused by all the boot-licking liberals on here making excuses for executing Americans without due process. What a bunch of fucking sheep. Hitler would be proud.

Can you name one example of killing an American without due process that you can confirm the administration desires to do?

:eusa_drool:How about when they get a false tip. In other words it ok to hit first and ask questions later.

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