Dems Reject Resolution Stating President Cannot Kill Americans At Home W/O Due Proces

The next time so called "liberal" or regressive tells you how much they value civil rights remind them how completely full of shit they are.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Wednesday evening offered to end his filibuster on the nomination of John Brennan to be the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

About seven hours into his talking filibuster, Paul asked unanimous consent that the Senate hold an up-or-down vote on Brennan on Thursday. But he also wanted a vote on a resolution that would have expressed the sense of the Senate that use of drones to target American citizens clearly violates the rights of U.S. citizens. The resolution also asks President Obama to give Congress a report on the drone program.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) objected the Paul’s offer.

“I’m disappointed that the Democrats chose not to vote on this,” Paul said. “This is a nonbinding resolution.”

Durbin said he’s chairing a hearing soon on drones and that the resolution should be considered after that hearing.

“I invite my colleagues to join us if he wants to testify,” Durbin said. “But I believe it’s premature to schedule a vote on this issue now.”

Dems reject Paul's offer to end filibuster - The Hill's Floor Action
Really? It's premature to affirm that the POTUS has no right to order the execution of an American citizen on American soil without their right to Due Process?

This is who is running your country folks. Open your fucking eyes.

Both sides are playing politics. It's doesn't mean anything anyway.

The Dems won't vote on it now because it'd be a win for Rand Paul's ridiculous filibuster.
so, your vote is to allow them [Democrats] to be childish. Good to know.
Reactionary too stupid comments: reactionaries do not realize the only result of their yammering is that this will blow up (hah hah) in their political faces.

Drones are tools, just like guns. Drones don't kill people, people kill people.
I'm amused by all the boot-licking liberals on here making excuses for executing Americans without due process. What a bunch of fucking sheep. Hitler would be proud.

Can you name one example of killing an American without due process that you can confirm the administration desires to do?
Why would he ask for the authorization to do it, if he doesn't intend to?

You obviously have no idea what due process is.
And now, a Fox News flashback:

One day after the very first detainee from Guantanamo Bay was transferred to New York City to stand trial, we are now learning some shocking news thanks to The Weekly Standard.

According to Congressman Mike Rogers — who serves on the House Intelligence Committee — the Obama administration is now requiring FBI agents to read Miranda rights to captured terrorists.

The italics were Fox News' emphasis.



That fucker read them their RIGHTS? And brought them to TRIAL? Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!?!

Yeah, I can see how you guys think Obama is going to start strafing America any day now. :lol::lol::lol:

Truly deranged. Mad that Obama is Mirandizing and trying terrorists as criminals one moment, manufacturing fear he is going to start whacking people without due process the next.

I swear, you people have the memory retention of a goldfish. This is right out of the hate rally scene in Orwell's 1984.

Obama Derangement Syndrome in full bloom.

Yeah, just like the hundreds of other terrorists who have been tried, convicted and jailed in the civilian courts.

What's your problem with that?
And now, a Fox News flashback:

One day after the very first detainee from Guantanamo Bay was transferred to New York City to stand trial, we are now learning some shocking news thanks to The Weekly Standard.

According to Congressman Mike Rogers — who serves on the House Intelligence Committee — the Obama administration is now requiring FBI agents to read Miranda rights to captured terrorists.

The italics were Fox News' emphasis.



That fucker read them their RIGHTS? And brought them to TRIAL? Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!?!

Yeah, I can see how you guys think Obama is going to start strafing America any day now. :lol::lol::lol:

Truly deranged. Mad that Obama is Mirandizing and trying terrorists as criminals one moment, manufacturing fear he is going to start whacking people without due process the next.

I swear, you people have the memory retention of a goldfish. This is right out of the hate rally scene in Orwell's 1984.

Obama Derangement Syndrome in full bloom.

Yeah, just like the hundreds of other terrorists who have been tried, convicted and jailed in the civilian courts.

What's your problem with that?

I thought the reactionaries were concerned with due process in the Rand filibuster but here they aren't? Smells of absolutism too me!
The question revolves around who gets to make the decision that a citizen should be killed, under what circumstance, measured against what standard and whether or not the accused can speak in his own defense.

1 - Those at war against the United States are not "accused". They are combatants and subject to elimination and/or imprisonment according to the laws of war. Ask all the folks that Lincoln had killed in the South whether they got to speak in their own defense before they were massacred.

Do you mean like the dozens of "terrorists" who languished for years in GITMO, only to be found guilty of nothing other than pissing off the person who got paid by us for turning them in?

2- Those attempting to kill the President are also not 'accused' nor do they have the right to speak in their own defense while they are engaged in an attempt to kill the President. Anyone in the act of trying to commit murder has no right to speak in their defense before deadly force is used to stop them.

Would you idiots pass laws stating street level police have no authority under any circumstance to take a life without due process?

Would you give the President, or law enforcement for that matter, the right to kill anyone they SUSPECTED of planning to kill the President?

You obviously don't understand the full import of due process.
Oldguy, just like any mad dog reactionary or liberal, is misframing questions in order to come up with stupid conclusions.
The next time so called "liberal" or regressive tells you how much they value civil rights remind them how completely full of shit they are.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Wednesday evening offered to end his filibuster on the nomination of John Brennan to be the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

About seven hours into his talking filibuster, Paul asked unanimous consent that the Senate hold an up-or-down vote on Brennan on Thursday. But he also wanted a vote on a resolution that would have expressed the sense of the Senate that use of drones to target American citizens clearly violates the rights of U.S. citizens. The resolution also asks President Obama to give Congress a report on the drone program.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) objected the Paul’s offer.

“I’m disappointed that the Democrats chose not to vote on this,” Paul said. “This is a nonbinding resolution.”

Durbin said he’s chairing a hearing soon on drones and that the resolution should be considered after that hearing.

“I invite my colleagues to join us if he wants to testify,” Durbin said. “But I believe it’s premature to schedule a vote on this issue now.”

Dems reject Paul's offer to end filibuster - The Hill's Floor Action

Really? It's premature to affirm that the POTUS has no right to order the execution of an American citizen on American soil without their right to Due Process?

This is who is running your country folks. Open your fucking eyes.

Would a law making it illegal for the President to kill an American citizen without due process - without exception - make it illegal for the President to kill an American citizen - or to have killed an American citizen - in his own self-defense?

Yes, it would.

You fucking right-wingers are horrible horrible law writers.

Can you kill someone without due process?


Can you defend yourself?


Give yourself an F for the day.
The next time so called "liberal" or regressive tells you how much they value civil rights remind them how completely full of shit they are.

Really? It's premature to affirm that the POTUS has no right to order the execution of an American citizen on American soil without their right to Due Process?

This is who is running your country folks. Open your fucking eyes.

Would a law making it illegal for the President to kill an American citizen without due process - without exception - make it illegal for the President to kill an American citizen - or to have killed an American citizen - in his own self-defense?

Yes, it would.

You fucking right-wingers are horrible horrible law writers.

Can you kill someone without due process?


Can you defend yourself?


Give yourself an F for the day.

You are a reactionary fool telling falsehoods. Move back to the line with new immigrants.
The next time so called "liberal" or regressive tells you how much they value civil rights remind them how completely full of shit they are.

Really? It's premature to affirm that the POTUS has no right to order the execution of an American citizen on American soil without their right to Due Process?

This is who is running your country folks. Open your fucking eyes.

Would a law making it illegal for the President to kill an American citizen without due process - without exception - make it illegal for the President to kill an American citizen - or to have killed an American citizen - in his own self-defense?

Yes, it would.

You fucking right-wingers are horrible horrible law writers.

Can you kill someone without due process?


Can you defend yourself?


Give yourself an F for the day.
Did Amadou Diallo get due process when the police pumped 19 of 41 shots into his body?
Same liberals that cried like babies if Bush tracked terrorists library books are now turning a blind eye if OBAMA KILLS AMERICANS ON AMERICAN SOIL if he claims they are terrorists.

Anyone else see the hypocrisy?

Maybe that's why none of them have the balls to answer back on my thread.

Typical liberal lying hypocrisy.

It's beyond hypocrisy.

No. It's

1. a false analogy, and, even setting that aside,

2. a claim that is so far unsupported by any substantive evidence.

Name enough liberals who fall into that category, and prove that they do.
Same liberals that cried like babies if Bush tracked terrorists library books are now turning a blind eye if OBAMA KILLS AMERICANS ON AMERICAN SOIL if he claims they are terrorists.

Anyone else see the hypocrisy?

Maybe that's why none of them have the balls to answer back on my thread.

Typical liberal lying hypocrisy.

It's beyond hypocrisy.

No. It's

1. a false analogy, and, even setting that aside,

2. a claim that is so far unsupported by any substantive evidence.

Name enough liberals who fall into that category, and prove that they do.

The user is right, Liberals who disagree with the Presidents foreign policy do turn a blind eye to it. But and this is a big but, if this action was taken under Bush, Repubs would be loving it. Telling us all that he is doing what he needs to do. This is my favorite part of our president. The GOP needs to hate everything he does though because thats our new platform, didnt you know that? I dont feel endanger of a predator missle flying through my window because I said the ACA was a bad idea lol. The sad part is some conservatives like Mr.Paul believe that the President is going to go off killing American citizens for nothing. My theory, If youre not spilling terroristic drivel, asking for a revolt of the US government you probably have nothing to worry about.
You deliberately misframed a question to get the answer you wanted to jump on him.

And you whine about being caught out?

Step off.

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