Democwats Are Being Vewwy, Vewwy Qwiet ...


A Republican won a special election by 5 points, that they should have won by 25 points.

What a glorious victory!

I always enjoy a commie saying "but um uh it was closer than it should have been"

...bottom line, comrade? Our Red Wall will put an end to your Blue Wave.

A Republican won a special election by 5 points, that they should have won by 25 points.

What a glorious victory!

I always enjoy a commie saying "but um uh it was closer than it should have been"

...bottom line, comrade? Our Red Wall will put an end to your Blue Wave.

God, let's hope so. The last thing this country needs is more Communists/Democrats in power. Let us pray.

Barely eked out a win in a district that went red by over 30% in 2016.

What you morons don't seem to realize....Trump was the reason Republicans voted in 2016...... he ran against the establishment republicans, not with when these republicans have a close race, that is because they aren't Trump......

The republicans have dragged their heels in supporting Trump, and they are suffering at the polls because of it.....they better get on board the Trump train....
DeMS-13 message of hatred for America falls short in AZ

In a staunchly Republican district that elected Joe Arpaio as Sherriff for a generation, where 90% of the voters are white, and a huge number of them are retired, a district which Republicans traditionally carry by over 20 points, a black Democrat came within 5 points of winning the Congressional seat.


Cause Trump wasn't running..... we still don't like establishment republicans..... and they better get on board the Trump train pretty quick...

Barely eked out a win in a district that went red by over 30% in 2016.

What you morons don't seem to realize....Trump was the reason Republicans voted in 2016...... he ran against the establishment republicans, not with when these republicans have a close race, that is because they aren't Trump......

The republicans have dragged their heels in supporting Trump, and they are suffering at the polls because of it.....they better get on board the Trump train....

Over simplified and from an IL resident at that. Trump and the Rs can try to be a bigger enemy of the Ds than they are to themselves but that ain't possible. How much can tax revenues actually be increased or services costs decreased in IL or any of the other blue basket cases?
.so when these republicans have a close race, that is because they aren't Trump......
As it turns out, dumbass...nobody in Congress or running for Congress is Trump, either. I know, I know, very obscure fact...

Dumb ass......a national level election brings out the base...this was a fill in election.......keep thinking that fake conservative democrats running against bad republicans candidates means a blue wave.....please, keep thinking that......

Barely eked out a win in a district that went red by over 30% in 2016.

What you morons don't seem to realize....Trump was the reason Republicans voted in 2016...... he ran against the establishment republicans, not with when these republicans have a close race, that is because they aren't Trump......

The republicans have dragged their heels in supporting Trump, and they are suffering at the polls because of it.....they better get on board the Trump train....

This is probably the answer. This and the fact it was a special election
in a heavy Red area.

Why bother voting when you know you're gonna win.

FTR...Only 157,000 voted yesterday. 300,000 voted in 2016.
The Dems didn't even have a person on the ballot in 2016.

The Green's candidate got 20,000 more votes than that democratic stiff
got last night. (93K to 73K).

Nothing to see here.
I wouldn't be celebrating a narrow victory in a race that shouldn't have been narrow, all things considered. If Trump wasn't such an idiot with the things he says, the republicans would be in much better shape with a booming economy. As is, they're going to get hit hard in the house in November, which is to be expected.
Dumbass..... Not only do we have to win but we have to win big.

I remember when Democrats had to make up celebrations in 2009. Like OMG..... we only lost 500,000 jobs this month. Last 6 months they had lost 700,000 /mo

This is rubbish that we have to tolerate from liberiods.....compulsive liars.
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A win is a win. What percentage of voters participated?
Its a 19 point swing to democrats.
If there is a 19 swing to democrats everywhere, then democrats will easily have both houses of congress.
The district Lesko won is solidly R+13.

It was just 15 points to democrats in new york.
I think Dems will win the house. It's pretty much a traditional midterm swing. To not expect it would be silly.
The Senate? I doubt it flips.

Ultimately it is far too early for predictions anyway. A lot can happen between now and November
The Senate, which decides any impeachment is 100% a lock for the REPs.
IE there's no chance Trump would be impeached.
What are the DEMs going to impeach Trump for? Picking his nose in public? Getting Kim to give up his nuclear weapons?
Mueller is about to rack up the balls and turn out the lights on his failed witch hunt.
That will 100% guarantee the REPs keep the House.
3 point lead in Tennessee.
Dumbass..... Not only do we have to win but we have to win big.

I remember when Democrats had to make up celebrations in 2009. Like OMG..... we only lost 500,000 jobs this month. Last 6 months they had lost 700,000 /mo

This is rubbish that we have to tolerate from liberiods.....compulsive liars.

If liberals are retards for celebrating only 500,000 job losses in a month, isn't sorta that same thing to celebrate winning an election by 5 points where it would normally be won by 25? You can say that you need to win and win big all you want but that doesn't mean you will. The republicans are going to take a hit in November, it's just a matter of how big of one.

Your threshold for November is going to have to be much like what you described for job loss if you want to claim victory at all. If you lose only X amount of seats in the house then that might be considered a win, all things considered, even though you'll still lose by pure "seats lost" standpoint.

It's partly just the mid-terms normalizing what happened in the last presidential election, and it's partly the passionate hate for Trump.

A Republican won a special election by 5 points, that they should have won by 25 points.

What a glorious victory!
Margin of victory is meaningless. One person will help craft the political future of their district. The other is an unemployed democrat.

how much *crafting* do you think she'll do before she has to run in the general in november?


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