Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …
Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …

Great .....another "we must silence the left because they want to silence us!" thread!

Did you ever stop to think that the reason the left want to silence YOU is because YOU want to silence THEM?

Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …

Great .....another "we must silence the left because they want to silence us!" thread!

Did you ever stop to think that the reason the left want to silence YOU is because YOU want to silence THEM?

quote the part where someone is trying to silence the left.

Pointing out the positions of the left is not telling them to shut up. it's pointing out their position. And then asking if it is what one wants. silence? son, you are very confused and drunk on demoloser koolaid.
Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …

Great .....another "we must silence the left because they want to silence us!" thread!

Did you ever stop to think that the reason the left want to silence YOU is because YOU want to silence THEM?


Wow, another "boo-hoo, it's not our fault".
Eventually the title "Democrat" will be a thing of the past. They're now slowly starting to call themselves "Socialist/Democrats" (some even call themselves Socialists). Soon it'll be "Marxist/Democrat", then "Marxist/Socialist", and finally "Communist". They haven't been democrats in decades. They just haven't changed their name yet.
Eventually the title "Democrat" will be a thing of the past. They're now slowly starting to call themselves "Socialist/Democrats" (some even call themselves Socialists). Soon it'll be "Marxist/Democrat", then "Marxist/Socialist", and finally "Communist". They haven't been democrats in decades. Now they're not even close. None of them.


My favorite is when they declare themselves to be the "most educated"...

They're the dumbest mother fuckers on earth.

quote the part where someone is trying to silence the left.

Pointing out the positions of the left is not telling them to shut up. it's pointing out their position. And then asking if it is what one wants. silence? son, you are very confused and drunk on demoloser koolaid.

Too bad it's not the Jim Jones blend.

Eventually the title "Democrat" will be a thing of the past. They're now slowly starting to call themselves "Socialist/Democrats" (some even call themselves Socialists). Soon it'll be "Marxist/Democrat", then "Marxist/Socialist", and finally "Communist". They haven't been democrats in decades. Now they're not even close. None of them.


My favorite is when they declare themselves to be the "most educated"...

They're the dumbest mother fuckers on earth.

Humility is a byproduct of intelligence. Arrogance is a byproduct of ignorance.

Hannity, Levin & Limbaugh have some incredible power.
Levin is a very intelligent man. He has to dumb it down for his radio program, but if you read one of his books it's gonna take focus and time plus going over it more than once to fully grasp what he's saying.
Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …

Great .....another "we must silence the left because they want to silence us!" thread!

Did you ever stop to think that the reason the left want to silence YOU is because YOU want to silence THEM?


I don't think so. I'm open to a dialog with the PSM Democrat Left at anytime. The Left chooses to stop my freedoms not just Free Speech. That is a proven fact.
Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …

Great .....another "we must silence the left because they want to silence us!" thread!

Did you ever stop to think that the reason the left want to silence YOU is because YOU want to silence THEM?


I don't think so. I'm open to a dialog with the PSM Democrat Left at anytime. The Left chooses to stop my freedoms not just Free Speech. That is a proven fact.
The left do not feel they need to answer any question from someone who doesn't agree with them. It happens daily in here. Anyone on my side ever get an answer from a leftist in here? just hit agree.
Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …

Great .....another "we must silence the left because they want to silence us!" thread!

Did you ever stop to think that the reason the left want to silence YOU is because YOU want to silence THEM?

quote the part where someone is trying to silence the left.

Pointing out the positions of the left is not telling them to shut up. it's pointing out their position. And then asking if it is what one wants. silence? son, you are very confused and drunk on demoloser koolaid.

Excuse Me? Did This Democratic Congressman Say He Would …
Excuse Me? Did This Democratic Congressman Say He Would Love To Regulate Content Of Speech?
23 hours ago · On CNN today, Lieu said that he would like to regulate the “content of speech,” but that pesky First Amendment of the Constitution prevents him from doing that.
Democrats File Bill to Repeal the First Amendment ...
Democratic Sen. Tom Udall's S.J.Res 19 is clearly intended to undo the freedom of speech guarantees found in the First Amendment and the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.
The Democrats’ Assault on Free Speech - POLITICO Magazine
But Senate Democrats prefer to spend their time on bizarre sideshows like trying to take an eraser to the First Amendment.
I wonder what the composition of the SCOTUS would be today if Hilary Clinton were President and the Democrats controlled the Senate. Someday, the Dems will control both the WH and Congress, and when that happens the 1st and 2nd Amendments will be eviscerated. That's when we wlll begin to turn into France.
The author of this incredibly stupid post does not understand that yes you can go out on the internet and find any conspiracy theories to back up your mistaken politics. Let's take a real look. I think that the republican party is in severe trouble. If crybaby trump is not impeached which I doubt he will be he will be seriously defeated in 2020. Then what happens to his base. They will discontinue voting and democrats will have three of the power units in DC. You hero crybaby trump is in serious legal problems. Crybaby trump will not get the same support he did the first time. He was something new. I on anther board repeatedly pointed out that trump would figure out someway to destroy the economy. I said it would be his idiotic tariff ideas that would likely destroy the economy of the world and US. It is looking like I was right more and more every day.
Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …

Great .....another "we must silence the left because they want to silence us!" thread!

Did you ever stop to think that the reason the left want to silence YOU is because YOU want to silence THEM?


I don't think so. I'm open to a dialog with the PSM Democrat Left at anytime. The Left chooses to stop my freedoms not just Free Speech. That is a proven fact.
The left do not feel they need to answer any question from someone who doesn't agree with them. It happens daily in here. Anyone on my side ever get an answer from a leftist in here? just hit agree.
That's their ignorant arrogance on full display. It's sad.
Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists – All the Same

Democrats Socialists Communists Marxists – All the Same
How can we even consider making a huge statement such as the title suggests in the most politically correct time in the history of what may be the last of the free United States? Actually it becomes a very simple task when anyone without a journalism background can find this truth just by doing a little digging into the Internet. In today's world we can become journalist by just doing some very basic research. Now if we can come up with what we are about to show, why is it that none of those so-called reporters out in the mostly lame stream media cannot find even more damaging documents and words? The answer to that is very simple; most of the media today is bought and paid for by the Socialist/Communist/Marxist groups out there! By the way, if any news media had been associated with, let's say the Ku Klux Klan, just how long would it be before the entire nation and the entire world had learned of it? You see, even though the Socialist/Communist/Marxist are far worse than any other group in the world, they will not state that because if the lame stream media does, then they lose all their money and their high "Elite" lifestyle.... Should a real reporter dig even deeper into this mess, he would not have a job nor a place to live because he would be labeled a racist, a trouble maker, and all sorts of things except the one thing that a real reporter should get for disclosing this. He should get a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding reporting about a number of groups not representing the true spirit of the United States! … If what we have shown you here gets you mad, makes you sick, or makes you wonder how this happened, think back to the election of 2012 and remember just who you voted for or if you voted at all! If you do not wish to see your nation, the United States of America become a Socialist/Communist/Marxist country, vote against those who are part of any of these groups shown in this article. If you do not get rid of these people and elect more of the same, the United States will be no more and your freedom will vanish one Article of the Constitution at a time.

Indeed, I've posted similar Op-Ed articles related to the above subject. All you have to do is peruse the daily news and TV media to find that the author is writing the truth. All the Democrats that oppose our duly elected president, the wall, our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights appear to be card carrying members of Democrat Socialists of America that is directly linked to the Communist Party of the USA. When I refer to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats that is the party to whom I refer.
Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of …
20 hours ago · Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said he would "love to be able to regulate the content of speech" during an interview Wednesday, noting he was prevented from doing that by the First Amendment.
Democratic Congressman Says It's Time To "Rethink" Free … Despite the fact that there's zero evidence that the Arizona tragedy is somehow related to …
They are alll....fucking....commies!!!! All of them!!!

Don't let them lie to you.


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