Democrats Should Be Very Nervous About Their Terrible Turnout Numbers Low turnout equals President T


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Regardless of color, who's excited about this old white lady called Hillary Clinton? No fuckin body. Most of us could care less about this pander white bitch!!
Please run again, sir!!!
Many of the national polls show Hillary with a slight edge over Trump. However, Trumps supporters are more more excited than Hillary's. In order to get the votes, the voters have to show up.
The Blacks showed up to vote for her in South Carolina. Blacks make up 25% of Democrat voter base. She will promise whatever she has to promise to get their vote.
Regardless of color, who's excited about this old white lady called Hillary Clinton? No fuckin body. Most of us could care less about this pander white bitch!!
Please run again, sir!!!

I agree. Fuck her. Yall definitely shouldn't vote for her in November. Just sit it out.
The other dangerous part is.....liberals are so gullible and stupid that if Trump is the GOP nominee....they'll assume he has no chance and Hillary is a guaranteed win. So that already low turnout....will be even lower.

Folks....Trump will be our next president. Thank God....the only candidate who can turn America back on the right track.
Regardless of color, who's excited about this old white lady called Hillary Clinton? No fuckin body. Most of us could care less about this pander white bitch!!
Please run again, sir!!!
Didn't you relate to her "I don't feel no ways tired..." speech?
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Hillary just released a rap song with auto tune and everything just for the special black super predators who need to heel (her words not mine)

Regardless of color, who's excited about this old white lady called Hillary Clinton? No fuckin body. Most of us could care less about this pander white bitch!!
Please run again, sir!!!

I agree. Fuck her. Yall definitely shouldn't vote for her in November. Just sit it out.
Sanders is getting screwed. The deck is stacked against him. How can you get majority votes in New Hampshire, but Hillarty gets the most delegates. Young people, don't vote. Sit it out.

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