Democrats say they want to "unite the country around our shared values" -- it hadn't occurred to me Democrats have "values" -- what are they?

Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?

President Trump the best president in history. We should embrace Trump, embrace America.

You are trash.
Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?
There are people who are trash and a border wall will keep them out of the USA.

What to do about trash who are already here, like trump and pence? Fat little white boys in MAGA hats?
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Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
Well, they value aborting babies VERY late term, to the point of AFTER the babies are born. They value ANY illegal aliens infecting our great country. This includes rapists and murderers. They value destroying the basic family unit of father, mother, and children. They value belittling and mocking those of Christian faith, and support murderous Muslims. They value anti-American sentiment and value hating our country. It appears they have their values totally wrong in pretty much every aspect of life. They endanger the lifeblood of America.

Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured. We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment. We condemn and will combat any acts of violence, harassment, and intimidation of reproductive health providers, patients, and staff. We will defend the ACA, which extends affordable preventive health care to women, including no-cost contraception, and prohibits discrimination in health care based on gender.

We will address the discrimination and barriers that inhibit meaningful access to reproductive health care services, including those based on gender, sexuality, race, income, disability, and other factors. We recognize that quality, affordable comprehensive health care, evidence-based sex education and a full range of family planning services help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.

And we strongly and unequivocally support a woman’s decision to have a child, including by ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth, and by providing services during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, including adoption and social support services, as well as protections for women against pregnancy discrimination. We are committed to creating a society where children are safe and can thrive physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. We recognize and support the importance of civil structures that are essential to creating this for every child.

Democrats want abortion and the government pays for it.

No. They want access to abortion, so that the woman can decide whether or not she wants one. The government hasn't paid for elective abortions since the Hyde Amendment.

" We recognize that quality, affordable comprehensive health care, evidence-based sex education and a full range of family planning services help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions." This is just common sense.
So long as the Democratic Party platform favors killing children it has no right to ask decent people to vote for them.

One Democrats is not in favour of killing children...

They believe in not stopping people having abortions.

As for paying for it, there is many people who highly objected to the Iraq war and they ended up paying for it.

By the way when do you define a child?
What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
You're on "the internet". You could easily find any number of answers to your question with just a few clicks.

But instead of getting the answers to your question from Trumpster websites who you must know are going to distort reality, you could just stop by left-leaning sites who might give you a better view of the life experiences and perspectives of others. You could then sincerely try to understand their point of view. But you have to be intellectually curious to do that. I can't make you do that.

But there's a lot of noise on the internet, a lot of crazies. So, better yet, you could make the effort to engage people in real life and talk to them. Ask them questions. Listen to their answers. Watch their faces and see how sincere they are. Challenge them a bit, let them challenge you. Be curious. Curiosity can be a good thing. That's IF you really want to know. From your post, my guess is that you really don't want to know, other than what you've been told.

There are many decent people in the world who have different opinions than you. The country is a big place. Maybe be curious and learn that.
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Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
They have the values of a pedophiles pimp. They can be very persuasive but they're selling pure evil. Clinton, Obama and Jeff Epstein are prime examples of Democrats with absolutely no morals.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

Unite the Country? For starters, don’t tell Blacks that if they don’t vote for Biden that they aren’t Black.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

You don't get out much, do you?

give the best example of the value you think you share with the rest of America.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?
/——/ DemocRATs value everything we own as theirs. Now hand it over.
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

Try reading the DNC plank to find those shared values.
/——/ Anything in that DemocRAT platform about murdering unborn babies and selling their body parts for fun and profit?
again the party of repression and hate is claiming some moral ground

are the gop values one that supports men that have porn stars without condoms as their wife is in the hospital giving birth to his child

or grabbing them by the pussy values

or mocking the disable.....

or mocking the pow's ..

or the list goes on and on but yall claim some moral high ground....

jokes on you

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