Democrats say they want to "unite the country around our shared values" -- it hadn't occurred to me Democrats have "values" -- what are they?

your also old enough to know that life isn’t fair.

I'm sure it isn't.

But the systems of laws we have should be...

There is a way to achieve that without ramming your way through it like a bull in a china shop....I swear, all you idiots had to do was find any Democrat that could appeal to the middle, and not push something socialist down our throats, and you probably could've won...But alas, once again Democrats will manage to repulse a great swath of the American electorate, thereby snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory...Pathetic.
There is a way to achieve that without ramming your way through it like a bull in a china shop....I swear, all you idiots had to do was find any Democrat that could appeal to the middle, and not push something socialist down our throats, and you probably could've won...But alas, once again Democrats will manage to repulse a great swath of the American electorate, thereby snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory...Pathetic.

Uh, sorry, man, what little Bump the Orange Shitgibbon got from his convention has all but disappeared.

Most of the demonstrators I see at BLM rallies are white. They know we can't go on like this.
There is a way to achieve that without ramming your way through it like a bull in a china shop....I swear, all you idiots had to do was find any Democrat that could appeal to the middle, and not push something socialist down our throats, and you probably could've won...But alas, once again Democrats will manage to repulse a great swath of the American electorate, thereby snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory...Pathetic.

Uh, sorry, man, what little Bump the Orange Shitgibbon got from his convention has all but disappeared.

Most of the demonstrators I see at BLM rallies are white. They know we can't go on like this.

I see you couldn't address the post.....buh bye....

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