Democrats say they want to "unite the country around our shared values" -- it hadn't occurred to me Democrats have "values" -- what are they?

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Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

Here are the values

1) Free shit or "paratisism".
2) Envy, bringing productive people who can succeed on their own down.
3) Extreme hedonism, short-sightedness, stress aversion and lazyness.
4) Extreme femininity if not infantilism. Incapability of dealing with the world as it is along with pathological empathy.

And from this we get all the lies and unworkable societies that devolve to death camps. It should be rather obvious why.

These are the exactly opposite values to the American values, which lead to astounding successes.
Would have to disagree on pathological empathy. They do not have real empathy they fake it and more worried about what others think, they have no morals of their own.
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Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

Here are the values

1) Free shit or "paratisism".
2) Envy, bringing productive people who can succeed on their own down.
3) Extreme hedonism, short-sightedness, stress aversion and lazyness.
4) Extreme femininity if not infantilism. Incapability of dealing with the world as it is along with pathological empathy.

And from this we get all the lies and unworkable societies that devolve to death camps. It should be rather obvious why.

These are the exactly opposite values to the American values, which lead to astounding successes.
Would have to disagree on pathological empathy. They do not have real empathy they fake it and more worried about what others think, they have no morals of their own.

Among leftists there are a few different groups of different people. The soccer moms absolutely do have pathological empathy, they actually believe that we must save all invaders.
Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.
I share NO values with democrooks.

I am opposed to a global collectivist government.

I am opposed to disarming the citizens of the country.

I am opposed to punitive tax rates and policies.

I am opposed to thugs telling everyone else what they can and cannot say.

I am opposed to anti-Christian bigotry.

I am opposed to open borders.

I am opposed to keeping people dependent on government and contained in ghettos.

I am opposed to dividing people based on bullshit concepts like race.

I am opposed to the concept America being forced to eat a shit sandwich in every foreign relations policy.

I am opposed to giving Iran billions in cash and allowing them to build nuclear weapons.

I am opposed to pretending gay people are "married" and function like normal families.

I am opposed to pretending a man in a dress is a woman.

I am opposed to destroying the American economy as a solution to MMGW.

I am opposed to the idea that the climate is changing dramatically because of any human endeavor.

I am opposed to racist affirmative action policies.

I am opposed to marxist imbeciles manipulating and indoctrinating children at public expense in schools.

And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

If a libtard is communicating, they're either lying or repeating a lie someone else programmed them to parrot.

If I hear a libturd say the sky is blue, I expect too look up and see dark storm clouds.
Communism,Homosexuality and the extreme hatred of Christianity are the values of the Communist Democrats:puke3:

Who are you talking about that believes these things? And there are millions of Christians in this world. Which brand are you talking about? It sounds like you mean the cults, the graham and falwell types, not Christianity in general. There are lots of Christians who support the Democratic Party. It's standard-bearer is himself a Christian.
You know. Liberty. Equality. Friendship, the Rule of Law. The current GOP apparently has no values. We have had over three years of their garbage. Pig politics and pig "religion." No thank you.

Hillary Clinton talked about "some Trump supporters that fit into a Basket of Deplorables"...a bunch of them are ON THIS THREAD
And Kamala Harris said "Once we win this election you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because we are coming for you next" and I Really really hope she comes to my house.
And Hillary did not say "some trump supporters" She said " you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables"
Just like a Democrat to misquote to make it sound better.
But shows the Democrats are just full of hate and weakness they can not properly debate their opponents so they attack the voters.

Do you think that we should tolerate the likes of trump and pence? They are trash. The lowest among us. As for their supporters, who goes around chanting "lock her up"? Is the entire GOP made up of this sort of crap?
Get Involved
Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

Try reading the DNC plank to find those shared values.
"Democrats believe health care is a right, diversity is a strength, the economy should work for everyone, and facts and truth matter. "
1. Show in the Constitution where it mentions health care.
2. The diversity the Democrats want does not reflect the racial makeup of the US.
3. There is no law in the US that stops someone from being successful. In fact there are laws on the books that give certain groups an advantage based on sex and race.
4. For every so called truth and fact there is always an opposite opinion.
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Democrats across the country are coming together August 17-20 to unite the country around our shared values and launch Joe Biden to victory this fall. Be a part of it.

What are these "values" that Democrats supposedly want to "share" with the American people?

I'd rather have my genitalia waxed.

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