Democrats Refuse To Follow The "Science" on COVID-19


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
I've been listening to the left cry and whine all weekend that Trump isn't following the science so I decided to look at the time line and the professional papers out there to see if that was true. Its Not!

Dr Risch of Yale Epidemiology ( a renowned epidemiologist and public health doctor) did the same and what he found was stunning..

In a nut shell the left has been on a massive disinformation campaign in an effort to keep the pain and death levels high in our nation. Left wing Governors are not allowing doctors to treat people early and with drugs that work. This is unforgivable. What kind of trash does this kind of thing?

Joe Biden, Pelosie, Reid, Cuomo, DeBlasio among many others democrat governors and congress people ridiculed Trump on his early response to the COVID crisis as xenophobic and racist only to have it backfire on them exposing them as the non-science and political whores they are. Now they claim that Trump isn't following the science in direct conflict with the evidence and science.

Most Americans (latest poll shows 82%) see this for what it is and are looking for themselves to see what the truth is...
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Countries that use hydroxychloroquine have a much lower death rate with Covid

But since Trump mentioned the drug and takes it they are demonizing HIM as being a buffoon for taking it, while ignoring the doctors and countries that recognize its benefit.
Countries that use hydroxychloroquine have a much lower death rate with Covid

But since Trump mentioned the drug and takes it they are demonizing HIM as being a buffoon for taking it, while ignoring the doctors and countries that recognize its benefit.
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease. HCL blocks the pathways which cause the cytokine storm (this is what causes the sever inflammation and damage to the heart, lungs and other organs) which ends in death in most cases. They still get the disease but its severity and length are greatly reduced.

Risch even acknowledges this low dose approach in his interview as being wholly appropriate for doctors and nurses dealing with these patients. As president Trump would also qualify for prophylactic use, it would be justified for him and his staff to be using it too.
I have been saying this for months. It is a well known fact among medical professionals that the hydroxychoroquine is effective when used on high risk patients at the onset of the disease. There is a HUGE political component at play here. It is very sad and scary that even our medical community has been infiltrated by filthy, immoral liberals who put politics above all else, including lives.
I saw Dr. Risch's interview on Mark Levin. Fauci and the FDA have caused the deaths of many thousands by blocking the approval of safe drugs for AIDS and COVID treatment.
Fauci also came out originally saying that people should NOT wear masks

He later came out defending the misinformation saying he wanted to conserve them for medical staff.

In other words, he LIED to YOU because he felt that the lives of health care workers were MORE IMPORTANT.

Why is he not in jail?
I saw Dr. Risch's interview on Mark Levin. Fauci and the FDA have caused the deaths of many thousands by blocking the approval of safe drugs for AIDS and COVID treatment.
Fauci also came out originally saying that people should NOT wear masks

He later came out defending the misinformation saying he wanted to conserve them for medical staff.

In other words, he LIED to YOU because he felt that the lives of health care workers were MORE IMPORTANT.

Why is he not in jail?
Unfortunately for us they had to make a determination on who was more important and should get the limited resources that were left from the Obama-Biden Era that depleted our medical stores in the strategic reserve. When these people used these stores why were they not replaced? That is on Obama and Biden as they didn't deem it necessary to deal with it and passed it on to Trump. Sadly, the bureaucrats under Trump didn't see a problem with either.

This is what rationing looks like.. Its a hard decision to make but it had to be made. China, by sucking up the worlds PPE (personal protective equipment), made the problem much worse. This is why manufacturing must come home.. The Chinese were only doing what was in their best interests and a possible attack on the US, given their knowledge of our depleted stores.
"Science" is not a consensus industry- no matter who the players are.

Agreed, but in the case of COVID it has most definitely been politicized
Sadly, Dr Risch exposed the damage they have done and its in the tens of thousands of deaths that could have been prevented.. I am seething and seeing red right now... How can you value life so little? Then I rmember that democrats are ok with killing the unborn and the lack of moral compass becomes clear.
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
Yale University Professors, actual epidemiologists, and reams of subsequent data: All debunk the "Soap Opera News" treatment(?) of the bogus impact of the subject medication.

This can even be reported every night at the Republican National Convention, as a warning to viewers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Throwing out 1/3 of the National Vote into "Outer Darkness:" The RNC at prayer--Matt 25: 14-30!, (aka, No Jews!(?)!))
I saw Dr. Risch's interview on Mark Levin. Fauci and the FDA have caused the deaths of many thousands by blocking the approval of safe drugs for AIDS and COVID treatment.
Fauci also came out originally saying that people should NOT wear masks

He later came out defending the misinformation saying he wanted to conserve them for medical staff.

In other words, he LIED to YOU because he felt that the lives of health care workers were MORE IMPORTANT.

Why is he not in jail?
Unfortunately for us they had to make a determination on who was more important and should get the limited resources that were left from the Obama-Biden Era that depleted our medical stores in the strategic reserve. When these people used these stores why were they not replaced? That is on Obama and Biden as they didn't deem it necessary to deal with it and passed it on to Trump. Sadly, the bureaucrats under Trump didn't see a problem with either.

This is what rationing looks like.. Its a hard decision to make but it had to be made. China, by sucking up the worlds PPE (personal protective equipment), made the problem much worse. This is why manufacturing must come home.. The Chinese were only doing what was in their best interests and a possible attack on the US, given their knowledge of our depleted stores.
Good point about China. That was the secondary attack on the world after knowingly launching infected people at every country while shutting down travel within their own country. Buy up all the PPE to optimize the effects of their initial attack. There is no mystery here, that is exactly what China did.
In other words, he LIED to YOU because he felt that the lives of health care workers were MORE IMPORTANT.
Because health care workers are far more vulnerable and at much higher risk. Plus, if all the health care workers get sick, we are all screwed.

Rationing is scary business but try to be logical about it.
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
There is a lot of evidence that HCL is effective against COVID. It is terrible that the medical community would deny the use of a drug that has very well known and limited side effects. That absolutely added to the death toll.
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
So you too deny that the drug has been used for over 57 years and has very little or no negative effects int he dosages use for COVID patients. You deny the 50+ papers and studies of hundreds of thousnads of people who disprove this?

Tell me again how your rock stops the pathways of response in the human body which create the cytokine storm? I'll wait...
Yale University Professors, actual epidemiologists, and reams of subsequent data: All debunk the "Soap Opera News" treatment(?) of the bogus impact of the subject medication.

This can even be reported every night at the Republican National Convention, as a warning to viewers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Throwing out 1/3 of the National Vote into "Outer Darkness:" The RNC at prayer--Matt 25: 14-30!, (aka, No Jews!(?)!))
So you deny that HCL stops the human bodies over reaction to the covid infection? Your going to have to do much better than that as its actions on the human physiology are well known now..
Interestingly low dose HCL is keeping doctors and nurses from getting this full blown disease.
I keep a shiny rock in my pocket and I’ve never gotten COVID.

Interestingly my rock is as effective as hydroxychloroquine.

Id warn people away from taking HCL. That’s a strong acid.
There is a lot of evidence that HCL is effective against COVID. It is terrible that the medical community would deny the use of a drug that has very well known and limited side effects. That absolutely added to the death toll.
There’s far better evidence it doesn’t work. We tried it. It didn’t work. Time to move on.

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