Democrats lie about recession



Politifraud only lies about, well - everything.


ā€œI donā€™t think thereā€™s any doubt Bidenā€™s senile, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s going to show up tonight ā€¦ And now that the expectations for him have been set so low, you know if he comes out and doesnā€™t drool and gets through everything pretty well, it could end up being quite a boost for him,ā€™ Hume said. PolitFact labeled Humeā€™s statement as ā€˜false,ā€™ citing ā€˜geriatric expertsā€™ before acknowledging that ā€˜enility is not a precise medical term but is often used in place of the more precise and accepted medical term of ā€˜dementia,ā€™ of which the experts said Biden ā€˜does not exhibit signs.ā€™ On Wednesday, Hume offered a ā€œfact checkā€ of his own.ā€

ā€œNote the sleight of hand in this typically dishonest [fact] check from Politifact,ā€ Hume tweeted. ā€œIt notes that ā€˜senileā€™ is not a precise term, but then treats my use of it as meaning dementia, and then brings on experts to say Biden doesnā€™t have dementia.ā€

ā€œIn fact,ā€ Hume said in a subsequent tweet. ā€œI was using the word in its normal meaning, as per Merriam-Webster: ā€˜1. : of, relating to, exhibiting, or characteristic of old age senile weakness especially: exhibiting a loss of cognitive abilities (such as memory) associated with old age.'ā€



Third-Party Accusations of Bias​

In July 2018, 18% of Politifact's "fact" checks were actually checks of opinions, reports Investor's Business Daily, citing RealClearPolitics' Fact Check Review (a site that fact checks fact checkers).

A Capital Research Center piece about "Dishonest Fact Checkers" claims, "A Media Research Center analysis in June found that Trump received the ā€œFalseā€/ā€œMostly Falseā€/ ā€œPants on Fireā€ label from PolitiFactā€™s Truth-O-Meter 77 percent of the time. Clinton received just ā€œFalseā€/ā€œMostly Falseā€ for 26 percent of her statements (Investors Business Daily, June 30, 2016)." AllSides has not independently examined Politifact's Truth-O-Meter labels.}

Politifraud - biggest liars in the business.
A much better analysis than the hot garbage OP:

"Some economists call two consecutive quarters of contraction a technical recession. And with good reason: 10 out of the last 10 times the US economy shrank for two consecutive quarters, the US economy was declared to be in a recession. But massive job losses occurred during seven out of the past seven recessions, and that's not happening now"

"Instead the official designation is determined by eight economists who serve together on the Business Cycle Dating Committee. The group works under the umbrella of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a private nonprofit organization. It has yet to use the "recession" label."

A much better analysis than the hot garbage OP:

"Some economists call two consecutive quarters of contraction a technical recession. And with good reason: 10 out of the last 10 times the US economy shrank for two consecutive quarters, the US economy was declared to be in a recession. But massive job losses occurred during seven out of the past seven recessions, and that's not happening now"

"Instead the official designation is determined by eight economists who serve together on the Business Cycle Dating Committee. The group works under the umbrella of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a private nonprofit organization. It has yet to use the "recession" label."

Oh, well if the democrat propagandists at CNN are redefining reality to serve the Reich, we should all just ignore facts. 2+2=5, so declares big brother.

Heil Soros.
The source of the facts is not CNN.

I quoted the relevant facts.

Your lame excuse isn't going to fly.

You of the Reich demand that 2+2=5, because reality impugns your agenda.

Your attempt to redefine reality has already failed. Even the Reich faithful in the press are backing off the attempt to lie about the fact that we are in the textbook definition of a recession.
You of the Reich demand that 2+2=5, because reality impugns your agenda.

Your attempt to redefine reality has already failed. Even the Reich faithful in the press are backing off the attempt to lie about the fact that we are in the textbook definition of a recession.
Come election time, it wonā€™t matter what the Democrats call it, it will hurt them in the elections, they just try to spin because they know what is coming in November. Nothing good for them.
And don't you ever forget it! :laugh:

Come election time, it wonā€™t matter what the Democrats call it, it will hurt them in the elections, they just try to spin because they know what is coming in November. Nothing good for them.

NewSpeak put out some propaganda earlier today claiming democrats are "well ahead" of the Americans in the mid-terms.


Reality has no meaning to them.
You of the Reich demand that 2+2=5, because reality impugns your agenda.

Your attempt to redefine reality has already failed. Even the Reich faithful in the press are backing off the attempt to lie about the fact that we are in the textbook definition of a recession.
Well that's a cute pile of useless whining. In reality, I showed you the group that determines whether or not we are in a recession, and showed you that they have not said we are in a recession. I even gave you an explanation as to why. But you would rather sit there and play with your balls and yell at strangers on the internet then then know anything about the topic of your own thread
Come election time, it wonā€™t matter what the Democrats call it, it will hurt them in the elections, they just try to spin because they know what is coming in November. Nothing good for them.
Having a hard time, are you? Have you thought about getting a better job?
Looks like the Democrats need to show up at some foodbank lines and edumacate the people about how good Biden's economy is.
And you should do the same with someone who is unemployed. Good luck, you'll have a lot harder time finding one of those now than you would have while Trump was president.
Well that's a cute pile of useless whining. In reality, I showed you the group that determines whether or not we are in a recession, and showed you that they have not said we are in a recession. I even gave you an explanation as to why. But you would rather sit there and play with your balls and yell at strangers on the internet then then know anything about the topic of your own thread

You of the Reich demand that 2+2=5

Rational people will not acquis to your lie.

Recession - Two Consecutive Quarters of negative growth - Every fucking economics text written before June 2022

You assclowns have already lost - your lie has failed - you lack the resources to go back and rewrite all of history.

Having the NY Times lie doesn't erase what they said two years ago - nor EVERY FUCKING ECONOMICS TEXT in existence.

Only complete retards like you started chanting the lies of the Reich - now you've lost it on the web - because you're fucking stupid in thinking you can rewrite reality. You don't have the resources to change THOUSANDS of publications.

Weā€™re about to see the confrontation between economic reality and postmodern political theory, in which anything the state imagines to be true is automatically true merely because the state says it is. Weā€™ve already seen signs of this with the presidential spokesperson routinely rattling off obviously false claims that this is the greatest economy weā€™ve ever had.

The first estimate of second quarter GDP comes out at 8:30 a.m. EDT on July 28. The pressure is on. Maybe the White House will get a reprieve and the initial numbers wonā€™t be so bad. In that case, the champagne will flow on Pennsylvania Avenue, but they should be careful. Americans today are scared and furious, with full knowledge that the standard of living they once knew only a few years ago is rapidly draining away.

Indeed, the economic health of the U.S. economy isnā€™t much different from the job approval numbers of Biden himself, which are now drifting toward the low of 30 percent. It doesnā€™t matter how many op-eds appear in The New York Times that say otherwise. People know the truth because they see it in their bank accounts and feel it in their lost hopes and dreams for a bright future.}

Does the economist count? Don't worry they try selling it as a silver lining

The left is slow of wit.

The retreat from the lie started yesterday and gained steam

By Monday Fort Fun Indiana will scream that he NEVER said we were not in a recession.

But he needs to be reprogrammed by the Reich, first.

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